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Ajunta Pall Alternative Transfer Location


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I am thrilled they finally did this but a still bummed it took almost 3 weeks and the canceling of subs to get here. That said i had today off so it's nice to see so many people on the fleet I don't know what to do with myself!


Thank you to everyone that assisted in getting us to this point.

Edited by Avicii
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Hi folks,


We just wanted to let you know that we have been monitoring the current server situation between the West Coast RP-PvP origin server, Ajunta Pall, and its East Coast RP-PvP destination server, Jung Ma.


We understand that a healthy population and group coordination are important for players, and in order to facilitate this for our West Coast RP-PvP players, we will be allowing the remaining population on Ajunta Pall to transfer to Begeren Colony (the West Coast RP-PvE server) or the Bastion (the West Coast PvP server), in addition to Jung Ma (the East Coast RP-PvP server).


The following options will be available for players on Ajunta Pall:


Ajunta Pall

----> Jung Ma (East Coast RP-PvP)

----> Begeren Colony (West Coast RP-PvE)

----> The Bastion (West Coast PvP)


If you have already transferred to Jung Ma from Ajunta Pall and would like to transfer to the newly offered RP-PvE or PvP destination servers instead, please contact Customer Service and they’ll be more than happy to work with you on this process.


Thank you for your patience on this, and we hope that all of you enjoy your new destination servers, wherever that may be.


Good Job!

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Thank you BW. The ping did get to the point where PvP was unplayable at a competitive level..


ps And on behalf of all the ******* and *****|-|0|_e$ from above, I duly apologize for their rude comments, kids these days, sheesh!

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An incredible thanks Bioware! I know a lot of people get on your *** about things, but its because of times like these that your player base continues to support you and play this game. Thank you so much for listening to our pleas.



:rak_grin: :rak_grin: :rak_grin:

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Hi folks,


We just wanted to let you know that we have been monitoring the current server situation between the West Coast RP-PvP origin server, Ajunta Pall, and its East Coast RP-PvP destination server, Jung Ma.


We understand that a healthy population and group coordination are important for players, and in order to facilitate this for our West Coast RP-PvP players, we will be allowing the remaining population on Ajunta Pall to transfer to Begeren Colony (the West Coast RP-PvE server) or the Bastion (the West Coast PvP server), in addition to Jung Ma (the East Coast RP-PvP server).


The following options will be available for players on Ajunta Pall:


Ajunta Pall

----> Jung Ma (East Coast RP-PvP)

----> Begeren Colony (West Coast RP-PvE)

----> The Bastion (West Coast PvP)


If you have already transferred to Jung Ma from Ajunta Pall and would like to transfer to the newly offered RP-PvE or PvP destination servers instead, please contact Customer Service and they’ll be more than happy to work with you on this process.


Thank you for your patience on this, and we hope that all of you enjoy your new destination servers, wherever that may be.


Wooo! Thank you!

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Do keep in mind that The Bastion is a pretty heavily populated server (was FULL yesterday) and transferring a large number of chars may result in the same problems that other servers are having w/ long wait times to get in (1hr+) and connectivity issues due to server load.


Also, what's promised here in the forums is often not communicated at all to the actual CS reps that are handling things. I myself have 8 chars on Ajunta pall and have been reluctant to move them anywhere for fear of screw ups and naming issues.


Anyone done the move from AP to one of those new servers - I'd be happy to hear about your experience ... good or bad.

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Why the hell does Customer Service keep telling me I can't transfer to The Bastion? I've even linked this thread to them and they keep saying it isn't a destination server from Jung Ma to The Bastion.


So damn ANNOYING!!!


:Edit: Is anyone else having this problem? I'm on the phone with CS and they're acting like everything AllisonBerryman said is BS and isn't possible. They're telling me that I cannot transfer my Ajunta Pall characters from Jung Ma to The Bastion.


I just asked them to escalate it to the next CS tier so I'll see what happens...


Got in touch with a higher tier CS rep named Johnathan. He knew about the situation already and said that my transfer will be completed in the next 30mins - 1 hour.


Anyone having issues transferring via CS tickets should do what I did and contact them via phone and ask to escalate the ticket.


West Coast here I come!

Edited by Mikeni
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