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chapter 4 ideas


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I want to know what you guys would think would be a good idea for each characters chapter 4 story. Personally these are the best ideas for some of the classes.


JK-following the legacy of revan ultimateley leading to the death of satele shan in a clash with a highly charismatic and dangerous revanite who claims they are the heir of revan.


JC- a series of quests that leads the Consular to becoming grand master of the jedi order in the place of satele


BH-challanging mandalore for his seat of power


SI-uniting the empire under 1 ruler, themselves. this is in direct competition with Darth Marr who is making a subtle bid for power after discovering the body of lord vitiate


trooper- taking out the newest threat to the republic a millitary division of entirely sith


smuggler-dealing with the choices they have to make in their new position as admiral (granted they diddnt decide to throw the fleet away


IA- tracking a rouge element of star cabal that survived the end of chapter 3


SW-carrying out the will of the emperors hand as they try to revive lord vitiate before 1 of the two upstart council members assumes the thrown of the empire.

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SW: Kills those who are a threat to the emperors new, uh, "body?"


IA: While helping Lokin in some kinda companion like quests, you find a threat to the republic and empire.


JK: Trying to defeat the emperors hand.


Sorry i dont have much of an imagination and ive only played 3 classes.

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You have some good ideas. I am less than crazy about the SI one though. I don't know why people make the leap from the SI getting a seat on the DC to them possibly becoming the new Emperor in future content.


First off, the current Emperor wouldn't stand for it and would have his Wrath take the SI off the chessboard,now we could sit here and argue all day about who is more powerful the SI or SW but the fact remains the SW is the Wrath and could roll in with Imperial Guards and other military units if he was less than confident. If the Wrath for some reason failed,well the Emperor would swat the SI like he/she was a gnat.


Secondly,there are more powerful DC members who would pose a challenge to the SI.Thirdly, I just don't see BW putting that kind of importance and power in one player class,let alone all the voice work, quest integration and script headaches from having a player Emperor.


If you mean the SI becomes the Emperor after the current Emperor is killed, I still don't see it because of all the possible DC members,military leaders,Sith Lords and splinter factions all vying for the throne;the SI has a powerbase,but it's nothing compared to others.

Edited by Temeluchus
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You have some good ideas. I am less than crazy about the SI one though. I don't know why people make the leap from the SI getting a seat on the DC to them possibly becoming the new Emperor in future content.


First off, the current Emperor wouldn't stand for it and would have his Wrath take the SI off the chessboard,now we could sit here and argue all day about who is more powerful the SI or SW but the fact remains the SW is the Wrath and could roll in with Imperial Guards and other military units if he was less than confident. If the Wrath for some reason failed,well the Emperor would swat the SI like he/she was a gnat.


Secondly,there are more powerful DC members who would pose a challenge to the SI.Thirdly, I just don't see BW putting that kind of importance and power in one player class,let alone all the voice work, quest integration and script headaches from having a player Emperor.


If you mean the SI becomes the Emperor after the current Emperor is killed, I still don't see it because of all the possible DC members,military leaders,Sith Lords and splinter factions all vying for the throne;the SI has a powerbase,but it's nothing compared to others.


actually depending on the scenario i put forth and the choices the IA makes around the end of chapter 1 it could be a 1 on 1 on 1 on 2 fight with the fighters being lord kallig darth marr, the emperors wrath and the emperor, and darth jadus. there are conditions where jadus isnt included but it would still be 2 of the DC members against the emperor and his personal executioner. anyway it would be an outstanding fight to be involved in.

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actually depending on the scenario i put forth and the choices the IA makes around the end of chapter 1 it could be a 1 on 1 on 1 on 2 fight with the fighters being lord kallig darth marr, the emperors wrath and the emperor, and darth jadus. there are conditions where jadus isnt included but it would still be 2 of the DC members against the emperor and his personal executioner. anyway it would be an outstanding fight to be involved in.


You're forgetting Malgus,who is likely still alive and kicking,and his splinter faction would enter the fray and that The Wrath seemingly has an alliance of sorts and the backing of another Dark Council member,Darth Vowrawn.

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I'm going to go with everyone's chapter 4 is going to be them squaring off against one of the Children of the Emperor who has managed to develop a power base, while the Emperor recovers, by stealing assets that the Emperor had hidden from the rest of the galaxy. The emergence of these Children will basically throw the entire war into chaos. The end result of Chapter 4 for all classes(and probably a few flashpoints) will be one of the Children ascending to become the new Emperor....only to get pimp slapped out of power in Chapter 5 or 6 when the Emperor returns from his slumber.
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  • 3 weeks later...

A player becoming a faction/council leader story-wise will probably just cause too many headaches from a design standpoint and will likely not happen.


The synopsis of the Annhilation book makes it seem like the Empire is attempting to regroup after taking several blows. Marr seems like the ideal choice for this and will likely become the new Emperor.

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As a personal fan and critic of the Sith Inquisitor story, (for all its pros and cons), it will be hard for me to imagine how to proceed from the ending. I like your idea but feel it is too soon. Assuming Chapter 4 will encompass a decent 10 levels more-or-less, here is my idea:


The Sith Inquisitor, whatever his/her name, is recalled for a meeting with the Dark Council. The Dark Council convenes to discuss (and make a plethora of references) to the recent and radical changes to the Sith power structure and the Empire's policies.


With the deaths/disappearances/arrests of various Dark Council members in the past 3 chapters, the Council must now (either with or without its replacements) make decisions on how to proceed with the Emperor's rumored death. Obviously, the most up-to-date nuisances to the Sith (such as the Dread Masters if the storyline involving them is not finished when this chapter released) will also be a cause for concern. However, [insert planet(s) added to game here] hold secrets of the Dark Side and have untapped resources that could benefit the Council.


Darth Marr, shrewd and decisive as ever, purposely mentions it to goad the Sith Inquisitor to answer the call either under the terms of being "within his Pyramid", as an honest volunteer, or out of greed for his growing power base. Obviously, this will mean the Dark Council (and particularly Marr) want to use the Sith Inquisitor as their representative and messenger for the rest of the Dark Council as well as keep him/her away from them and their power plays and machinations.


With at least one ghost left due to Force Walking, the Sith Inquisitor still has his/her lifeline to protect him from anything he/she encounters. However, his/her companions obviously are prepared to defend and protect him/her in the coming battle. With his/her new position and power (a way to help turn the story structure that plagues the Sith Inquisitor), the Sith Inquisitor contacts Moff Pyron and joins his fleet (with their superweapon) and travel together to the [planet added to game here]. In full command of the Moff's fleet and with full support, The Sith Inquisitor is to join Pyron's forces on the planet and prepare for a power struggle as the Sith Inquisitor maneuvers and beats the best power players on the Dark Council (and who aspire to join it) and force them into subordination, beginning his quest to curry enough influence to rule the Empire (albeit indirectly) while the Emperor remains silent.


Edit: I believe for one chapter, the story needs to take steps to improve the set up for the class and start a new three chapter (or more) story arc. IE, I don't want it to be 1 chapter to go from new DC member to Emperor. If the climax is a big set up for a much brighter (or darker :3) future, then I can live with it.


The SI's next story chapter needs to focus on three things:


-Embodying the Palpatine archetype

-Drive the character to make the choices, not follow them

-Show the character capability to fight all sides and come out on top


What does the first one mean?


While I like the Sith Inquisitor's story for what it is, it is not a Palpatine story, nor the archetype. What could have been manipulations and power plays gets drowned out with how the options and questlines were given and structured. Where is the turning some one to the dark side? Why is everyone telling me what to do? Why are conversations not expanding on manipulating words and information thrown at me to turn them to my advantage?


I plan on writing a review of the story (as well as the SW and BH story) to elaborate on this as I could go on and on.


What does the second one mean?


Like the first, many of the options can be summed up as:


1-Damn, this is bad. He got me.

2-What do you guys think? I got nothing.

3-I am so mad right now at what he did to me and yet I can do nothing about it.


With a reply of companions solving your problems and telling you what to do, instead of the options being more like:


1-I will need to stack my deck then.

2-Perhaps I should explore alternatives

3-He looked at the battle; I am looking at the war.


Obviously, the options should reflect different aspects of the Sith Inquisitor and be broad enough as to not pigeon hole the character. However, since the character did not perfectly fulfill the first focus, he cannot possibly follow a broader term of it and be on an accurate basis of the inspiration.


The character should be the one with the lightbulb and be the problem solver with the companions and supporting characters being the hands that supply his theories/ideas with water. They should not be the ones that guide him around to the Emperor's seat.


What does the third mean?


The character is in a position where he now has, his equals/superiors on the Dark Council, the Republic, the Jedi, his inferiors in the Sith and his own Pyramid, and countless other potential rivals/allies to contend with. How the character reacts under this kind of pressure for his life and is able to beat the odds is how the story needs to proceed. Darth Mortis attempts to lead bread crumbs for the Republic to find and kill the SI? He slaughters them, follows the breaccrumbs back, and discovers the assassins/apprentices/ any character that can be the critical ace Mortis needs. The moment a DC member takes the risk, the character needs to capitalize on it and make that crux be the blackmail that will keep Mortis in line. The game of cat and mouse and manipulating the traps is something like the Agent story but with the added twist of throwing out the cards.


Say Ravage has a cadre of elite guards (which make him untouchable) he personally trained and taught, these body guards guards are sent out to help construe events that cause the character burden. When you finally meet these guards (or at least the best and most influential of them) you can begin breaking their resolve and concentration and begin peering into their mind. DS options of letting them be killed and having the inferior members swear loyalty to you in awe of your power of their best or have them be turned to your cause and lead the others under your (secret) banner and have a LS option of sparing them and promising them a chance to have freedom from their master's oppressive and paranoid control. Suddenly, Ravage's shield becomes a cage and you can contact him as he is helplessly caught by the small army that knows all his strengths and weaknesses.


Concepts like that would really strengthen the SI story imo.

Edited by Forgon
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With at least one ghost left due to Force Walking, the Sith Inquisitor still has his/her lifeline to protect him from anything he/she encounters.


Just thought I should point out that:



LS SI can end up purifying all the ghosts at the end of the storyline leaving them with no ghosts left, so the immortality bit from the force walking can't be assumed for all SI's.



IA should track out who was the one that gave the brainwash code to the republic, and meet Jadus again.

Hunter was probably the one who got it, or I suppose it could have just been a member of the Star Cabal using the Black Codex. Either way they are probably dead. If it was a spy in the Empire, then that would be a serious step down in scope and awesomeness from Chapter 3 as you would be going from hunting the illuminati to hunting a random mook.

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Jedi Knight:


In the interlude after killing Vitiate, it says that the Empire, however demoralized and weakened, is still trying to eliminate the Republic. It also says the courageous Hero of Tython is travelling from world to world, thwarting the Sith. This is supposed to lead to why the heck we're still participating in battles for gun emplacements and datacores, and why we continue to have to gain advantages for our side and capture planets such as Denova. In chapter 4, we are introduced to Darth Malreus, the new Genereal of the Imperial Armies after the demise of darth Malgus. He coordinates an assault on the planet Mustafar after learning it holds the plans of a deadly superweapon called the Thundercannon, a massive, Capital Ship-mounted cannon that fires an electric torpedo at the planet below. On contact, it can create a ravaging maelstrom that tears apart everything on the world's surface. You must find Malreus and kill him. But the holorecording of him the SIS procured only reveals that he is a male human. But who? A Dark Jedi? A Sith Master? The chapter culminates in an exhausting duel on Mustafar, in the plant that conceals the weapon.


Edited by bionamaster
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Well i think for act 4 it should be called in the footsteps of reavan basicly the ancient rakata left an armada in the middle deep of space and boath the sith and republic forces try to find this ancient fleet as it would tip the scales of the war.

basicly the jedi knight would follow clues to different star maps hidden long ago when the rakata empire was in its last days the story line would culminate with a huge fight between the jedi and a powerfull sith lord.

The consulair class would feel the presence of an evil ancient rakata looking to use the conflict to weaken boath factions so that he could bring his ancient rakata brothers out of stasis and start conquering the empire and the republic and the only way he can do this is get hold of that ancient fleet basicly the consulair class would need to stop this rakata getting hold of the information.

the trooper class start taking heavy casualties and send in their elite team in to find out whats happening and find an ancient rakata army killing sith and republic alike basicly the trooper has to stop this army befor it over runs there positions and puts the republic in peril.

The smuggler hears of an ancient relic that has been found and has been paid to transport it to the republic only to cought up in a battle it turns out the object is a exsperimental rakata transportation device that alows them to travel light years in an instant basicly the sith want this weapon and the smuggler has to stop them from getting it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
actually depending on the scenario i put forth and the choices the IA makes around the end of chapter 1 it could be a 1 on 1 on 1 on 2 fight with the fighters being lord kallig darth marr, the emperors wrath and the emperor, and darth jadus. there are conditions where jadus isnt included but it would still be 2 of the DC members against the emperor and his personal executioner. anyway it would be an outstanding fight to be involved in.


yeah you keep forgetting that Darth Marr supports the emperors wrath. you also forget the hand of the emperor so its highly unlikely that their will be a fight for the emperors seat and u also forgot about the dread masters who also report to the emperor and the hands of five. their are more forces who support the emperor instead of opposing him.


DREAD MASTERS>>>> just remember that................

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I think they should do more content where you have to be in a group of 4.


Kind of flashpoint type but more story as in the class quests.


You would have to venture with your group on the new planets and could have very interesting cut scenes with the 4 characters together.


Maybe have an option that would allow the players to use their pets as well?


Just seems like it would be more stimulating - fight against armies, have instances were you are not just running into groups of NPCs.


For example, you could enter a story instance and then alarm sounds, armies rush in to fight you instead of waiting for you in group.

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IA should track out who was the one that gave the brainwash code to the republic, and meet Jadus again.




Wasn't that Hunter? At least in theory, Hunter is now dead. I do suspect that you're going to be tracking Star Cabal members, though, as that's the one commonality between each of the three endings.



Jadus definitely needs to come up. I was most displeased by how he just sort of vanished. It's like, "I will get you sooner or later, agent! Mwah hah hah!" ~*vanish*~

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I like the idea of JK following the foot steps of Revan.

JK -

  • Either finding purpose since the Emperor was killed
  • found a chance to reclaim an Jedi artifacts to help the Jedi Order
  • have a choice to become a teacher to teach Padawans and lead their path to the dark or light side
  • Become more a military leader if you took the combat missions on Tython to qualify to become a leader for Republic Troops

Trooper -

  • Start organizing a giant military force for a campaign of your own that you bring to Garza and backed up by her and the Supreme Chancellor since the war is far from over and get help from some former Havoc Squad members if you decided to let them live or not.
  • Assault on a giant fortress controlled by a war criminal officer
  • Try to liberate a planet

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The Jedi Knight definetly needs the option to turn completly to the dark side and maybe even become the new emperor.

I was so excited by the end of chapter 2 and felt like I was back at Korriban in Kotor 1. I remembered that Lord Scourge sad, that he see´s the darkness in me and I will hold the power the power of the emprah (the guy from tatooine also mentioned he saw you torturing your crew on Korriban) and I decided to give up on this annyoing light side thing and become the apprentice of the emperor, but then Master ****** appeared and told me, that I was beeing controlled....

Why can´t I decide this for myself? Why, can the IA mak a choice in his class story, which change hiss story and give excess to exclusive dialog and mission and all the ohter classes don´t have this feature?

The JK would be some kind of double agent, getting 1 or 2 exra scenes with the emperor, where he would give you a special mission but the rest would be the same and you would gladly agree to kill this evil guy, because you want to be the evil guy and take his power.


Edited by WE_Belisarius
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Has anyone else noticed the escape pod on their ship that when clicked is "currently unavailable"? In many bioware games there is often a scenario where the player character temporarily loses all his/her gear and/or powers. I speculate that the escape pod will come into play leading characters to a short phase where they must get out of a scenario with minimal gear and no companions. Much like playing a level one character. It will of corse be temporary and once the character succeeds he will be restored with al his former advantages.
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Here are some ideas. It's a long post and I also tried to include some of the other suggestions here. I doubt anything of this will ever come, but it was fun to think about.


General Backstory


The Republic has repelled the Empire's attack and is now in the offensive. They try to push forward deep into enemy territory. But in the end it is all a trap. The Empire anihillates a large republic Force.


I have no specific planets, only some basic information.


Planet A: A republic outpost close to the Empire. Here the republic assambles it's troops. The Empire is present on the planet, but with a much weaker force, busy with spying and manipulating etc.


Planet B: A neutral world, either in Hutt territory or the unknown region. It's support is needed for the republic offensive and the Empire's trap.


Planet C: A world imporatant for the Empire and deep in Empire territory. Massive warzone. The Empire wins, they planned it all ahead.



Most parts of this story are conveyed over Flashpoints/Heroics. Imagine a planetary questline which spans three planets and requires a group. (Of course members can be changed on the way. Groups can dissolve and new groups build, like it is now.)


Each planet also has a planetary solo questline, but this is a secundary planetary questline. With this I hope we can get rid of countless sidequests which aren't connected to each other.


And of course there is the class story which ties to the general story.


Class Stories


In general it would be nice if this chapter tests your allignment. When you are light side, the game tries to manipulate you towards the dark side and vica versa.


Since I'm a Jedi Consular, the Consular story will be more in detail. but first my ideas for the other stories.




SI: Is now a Dark Council member. The trap for the Republic is his idea. And on the first planets he sets up a hidden ally among the enemy. Someone with a high rank, a general or an admiral. (He's a little like Palpatine in the clone wars.) He plays both sides and in the end, so that in the end the republic forces get defeated and take a rival DC member with them. (The empty seat will be filled by one of the SI's allies.) DS/LS: I'd say there are several: Will you go this far (light or dark) moments where you really should question your course of action.


SW: The Emperor's Wrath is set out to kill the Jedi Knight who killed the Emperor. He hunts him from planet to planet. But in the end, it was another Jedi. A Jedi Master (similar to Master Timmns in character) who tries a plot to redeem him. There is contact before, maybe through his friends or padawan or holo with hidden face. The new companion on the other hand (one of the Servants) is pure dark side and will try to lead an LS warrior down this path.


BH: I'm not sure. Maybe something with conflicting bounties between Hutts and Mandalorians. (Bounty on the same target, later on each other.) Mandalorians are the more LS path, Hutts the DS path in this case.


IA: I have no idea. Something on the borderline between Republic and Empire, so it is easy to make it also suitable for a double agent.






JK: In the middle of his forces. He is crucial for the attack. But from time to time the Emperor appears in his mind. Orgus and the Emperor work against each other and the JK will have to decide whom to follow in the end. (He can become a child of the Emperor, or throw the Emperor out of his mind.) Depending on your allignment one voice or the other is more dominant.


Trooper: Special Forces for the Republic Advance. He has to do critical strikes when the enemy is vulnerable. Here LS/DS is again: How far would you go? And the choices should really have consequences. When you spare the wife of a general you murdered, she will attack you later. When you go fully dark side, you will have to stand trial for war crimes.


Smuggler: He does what he is supposed to do. But during his smuggling operation he finds out about the traitor the SI set up. Now he carefully has to try to stop him, without getting too much attention, because the traitor has means to let him killed.




New companions


Every new companion is heavily tied into the storyline. All should appear on the first planet, but some join you on the second. We need a second healer companion. Here my ideas:



SI - Imperial Guard combat medic, just like a combat medic commando (Trooper)

SW - Emperor's Hand, one of the servants. A Sorcerer with corruption spec.

BH - I don't know.

IA - I don't know again.


JK - some kind of stealth healer, maybe an SIS Operative

JC - see later

Tr - I'm not sure what the troopers would think about a Jedi companion. I imagine it quite nice and it would be interesting, because he/she comes from totally different world.

SM - a Hutt. No, just kidding. The smuggler steals..., I mean aquires a GOTO like healing droid with an interesting personality.



Now the probably most interesting point: You loose one companion during the final mission. He doesn't die, but he goes away, get's captured, falls to the dark side, leaves you or something similar. Who it is is determined by your choices during the chapter. (Afterwards you still haven't lost a companion for crafting because the new one fills the role.)



Jedi Consular class story



The Jedi Consular is member of the Jedi Council (or adviser, if DS). He comes to a council meeting. The Council talks about the Sith and the light side. They decide they want to try redeeming the Sith and healing the Sith Order. The Jedi Consular is sent to look for ways, which means exploring the Dark Jedi who later became Sith.


So he searches on the different planets and finds information. The whole research starts to revolve around Ajunta Pall and Sorzus Syn, and later even their ghosts get involved. Ajunta's ghost turned light side in Kotor I, while Sorzus' ghost is still dark side.


Your research will lead in the direction of the force you are not. So either you resist or you give in. I'd like it if it's not that easy to notice anymore: There are conversation routes where you take a neutral option and it leads to three DS options because you were not careful enough.


On your way you contact a Sith (Apprentice?/Lord?) you want to lead to the light. He is similar to Jaesa in the Warrior story: Your actions decide if he will be light side or dark side at the end of the chapter or when he joins you. He's also a healer, Sorcerer/Sage type.


In the end your journey will lead you to Korriban, into the academy and into the Tomb of Ajunta Pall. YOu plant the seed for redemtion for some of the Sith. The final confrontation will be with one of the ghosts and someone/something he possesses.

And Spindrall has to appear, he is awesome.


On Korriban, you will loose one of your companions:

-Zenith is captured by imperial Operatives because of his Resistance past on Balmorra or

-Lt. Iresso ends up in the hands of a Sith Lord who wants to access the Sith library in his head or

-Nadia falls to the dark side (is corrupted by a Sith) or

-Qyzen starts to think you are not the herald of Scorekeeper anymore because of what you do and leaves you or

-Tharan has a traumatic experience and doesn't want advatures anymore, going back to Nar Shadda


You will get your companion back sometime during chapter 5, but for the moment, the ending is very "Empire strikes back" like. For all characters.


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Has anyone else noticed the escape pod on their ship that when clicked is "currently unavailable"? In many bioware games there is often a scenario where the player character temporarily loses all his/her gear and/or powers. I speculate that the escape pod will come into play leading characters to a short phase where they must get out of a scenario with minimal gear and no companions. Much like playing a level one character. It will of corse be temporary and once the character succeeds he will be restored with al his former advantages.


No, the Escape pod can be used by guests when you are doing space missions. They escape from your ship and land in front of their own. ;)

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Sith Warrior:


The Sith Warrior continues to follow the instructions from the Emperor. Starting with assassinating a Sith Lord who is plotting against the Emperor. Then another Sith Lord who is likewise the same. This repeats a couple of times. Eventually, however, one of the Sith Warrior's companions picks up on a pattern... All the Sith assassinated were the rivals of another Sith Lord. Investigation leads to a horrible truth... The Sith Warrior has been doing the bidding, not of the Emperor, but of a usurper who is masquerading as the Emperor.


It is revealed that the Sith Emperor truly is dead and this pretender has been taking his name in vain. The Sith Warrior doesn't like being used and is now ready to unleash the Emperor's wrath one final time as he takes on this would-be Emperor. Following the destruction of the pretender the Sith Warrior is visited by the spirits of powerful Sith past... Including the Sith Emperor's...


The Sith Warrior is told that there are Sith who are undeserving of the name and they have wormed their way into positions of power. In the name of the true Sith the Warrior is tasked to do what he must to assume the position of Emperor and crush the Republic once and for all.


Jedi Knight:


Rumors persist of the Emperor's continued existence. The Jedi Knight is tasked with learning the truth, and if the Emperor is found alive to bring him before the Jedi Council. The Jedi Knight goes planet to planet following leads. The Emperor is indeed found alive, but weakened, and is rebuilding strength to retake control of the Empire.


The Jedi Council informs the Knight that he is to remain away from the Emperor for now. They inform him that there will be a time for him to strike, but that time is not yet. Instead they order him to instead track down the Emperor's true body while they make plans.


Finally the Jedi Order gives the word to move once the Emperor's true body is found. On a hidden cloaked station the Jedi Knight confronts the Emperor's body. The Emperor's spirit resettles in the body and a terrible battle is waged. Just as the Jedi Knight is about to strike down the Emperor the Emperor boasts about how he will survive in another body, how he is immortal... He closes his eyes but then opens them wide with terror... Something has gone wrong, he looks up with his mouth agape as the Jedi Knight ends the Emperor's threat once and for all.


The Jedi Counselor:


The threat of the still living Emperor is too great to ignore. The Jedi Council has learned that the Sith Emperor is still alive. The Jedi Counselor has been given a mission of high importance.


The Jedi Counselor must travel and find the last descendent of the Sunrider bloodline and learn the secret to the Wall of Light. Once they learn the secret the Jedi Counselor will have to travel to the Emperor's secret hidden base and be prepared to act. The Jedi Council informs the Counselor that the Emperor will return to his body soon... When he does the Counselor must trap the Sith Emperor's spirit within the Wall of Light and prevent it from ever leaving its body again... Only then can the Jedi Knight, who is destined to destroy the Emperor, truly succeed.


Once at the base the Counselor must fight through the Emperor's most powerful Sith Sorcerers and then be prepared to use the Wall of Light. Once this is done the Emperor becomes trapped within his own body and can finally be defeated once and for all.



Basically the JK and JC story lines take place before the SW does in my examples.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Expansion Pack: The Empire Strikes Back

Background: For centuries the ancient Sith have disapproved of Emperor Vitiate's rule. From the netherworld of the Dark Side they attempted to undermine him to no avail. Now the Sith Emperor; the must seek out these ancient Sith if he is to achieve his ultimate purpose...



Sith Warrior Act IV- The Emperor's Wrath must travel across the Galaxy and assist his ultimate master in enslaving these ancient Sith Lords' spirits. Eventually with Malgus' return he betrays his master in favor of living as a member of the Dark Council.


Sith Inquisitor- The Dark Council uncover the Emperor's true objective Darth Malgus returns with his vision of a new Empire, to counter the Emperor they (The Dark Council and Malgus) secretly construct new weapons with the Foundry. Their class quests will involve fighting the Emperor's hands and Jedi who get in the way of their advances.


Imperial Agent- The Dark Council needs the assistance of their greatest operative to steal from the leader of the Empire itself. His primary antagonist will be General Hesker; leader of the Imperial Guard.


Bounty Hunter- The Dark Council has marked out targets to be taken out to keep the Republic at bay while they dispose of the Emperor.


3 FPs


Operation: The Ancients

Combined with the Emperor's power, these Sith Lords have become even more powerful than ever, if the Emperor is to be stopped these Sith and their ancient army must be defeated first.


Naga Sadow

Ludo Kresh

Marka Ragnos


Operation: The Emperor

The time is now! The Emperor has consumed the life energy of the planet Dathomir, and is preparing to enact his galactic Emperor, rally with the allies of the Empire, and stop him.


The Extermination Droid

The Voice of the Emperor

The First Son

Lord Vitiate


Republic Side:


JK- The Emperor’s return is felt by Lord Scourge, who informs him that his power is growing, they have to investigate the massive areas of Dark Side energy (tracing the footstepts of the SW). They have to find the one member of the Jedi Order who knows the Emperor better than even Scourge; Revan.


JC- Master Syo vanishes, many believe the First Son has returned. The Jedi Council congregates to decide on what to do. Satele Shan assigns the Jedi Consular to investigate ways to counter the Emperor’s mind control and force consumption. He must investigate the holocrons of the Jedi Exile, and Revan. (This leads him to find Revan).


Smuggler- While smuggling Sith Artifacts character is captured by the Sith Empire, and during his escape gets some valuable details about the Emperor from the Dark Council databases.


Trooper- The Dark Council’s constructing weapons of mass destruction, and they are conquering world after world. The Trooper leads Republic forces to halt the Sith on a few key worlds. Blow up weapons and all that jazz.


Flashpoint: Revan

Jedi, Sith, Hero, Conqueror, Jedi Revan was killed during the Battle of the Foundry according to reports. Or was he? Track down this ancient Master to Yavin IV, free him from his madness, he and only he knows the way to stop the Emperor


2 other Flashpoints:

Operation: The Ancients

Combined with the Emperor's power, these Sith Lords have become even more powerful than ever, if the Emperor is to be stopped these Sith and their ancient army must be defeated first.


Naga Sadow

Ludo Kresh

Marka Ragnos


Operation: The Ancients

Combined with the Emperor's power, these Sith Lords have become even more powerful than ever, if the Emperor is to be stopped these Sith and their ancient army must be defeated first.


Naga Sadow

Ludo Kresh

Marka Ragnos

Operation: The Emperor

The time is now! The Emperor has consumed the life energy of the planet Dathomir, and is preparing to enact his galactic ritual, Revan left us the way to beat him, let’s not let his sacrifice be in vain.



The Extermination Droid

The Voice of the Emperor

The First Son

Lord Vitiate

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The Jedi Knight definetly needs the option to turn completly to the dark side and maybe even become the new emperor.

I was so excited by the end of chapter 2 and felt like I was back at Korriban in Kotor 1. I remembered that Lord Scourge sad, that he see´s the darkness in me and I will hold the power the power of the emprah (the guy from tatooine also mentioned he saw you torturing your crew on Korriban) and I decided to give up on this annyoing light side thing and become the apprentice of the emperor, but then Master ****** appeared and told me, that I was beeing controlled....

Why can´t I decide this for myself? Why, can the IA mak a choice in his class story, which change hiss story and give excess to exclusive dialog and mission and all the ohter classes don´t have this feature?

The JK would be some kind of double agent, getting 1 or 2 exra scenes with the emperor, where he would give you a special mission but the rest would be the same and you would gladly agree to kill this evil guy, because you want to be the evil guy and take his power.


First, the JK

didn't kill the Emperor, he/she killed the Voice of the Emperor. Second, the Sith would never allow a Jedi or Dark Jedi on the throne, the JK would be killed in a heartbeat by numerous factions gunning for him/her. Being a Dark Jedi does not make someone a Sith, just ask Starkiller, Asajj Ventress, Mara Jade and many more.


I do agree with you that choices made should have more of an impact in the overall story, which we may see in the new story chapters.


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