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Everything posted by Jedi_Nemis

  1. I have about 6 items but the mission log says i have about 3 and i don't have the other three thats weird. I'm wondering if i get the last item from False Emperor will it update and i finish the mission. I don't want to reset cause i think i might lose some items cause of that
  2. looking to find chestguard, gloves, belt and braces does anyone know where to get like which planet is possibly mostly to be dropped or what crew skill is possible to get it i heard treasure hunting can do this but not getting much results even though its on 400
  3. I like the idea of JK following the foot steps of Revan. JK - Either finding purpose since the Emperor was killed found a chance to reclaim an Jedi artifacts to help the Jedi Order have a choice to become a teacher to teach Padawans and lead their path to the dark or light side Become more a military leader if you took the combat missions on Tython to qualify to become a leader for Republic Troops Trooper - Start organizing a giant military force for a campaign of your own that you bring to Garza and backed up by her and the Supreme Chancellor since the war is far from over and get help from some former Havoc Squad members if you decided to let them live or not. Assault on a giant fortress controlled by a war criminal officer Try to liberate a planet
  4. Does anyone know where on Hoth the astromech droid for the Republic side is that starts the mission to get Hk-51 (B6-31) it says it here http://db.darthhater.com/quests/1067/point_of_interest/
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