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What is basic rotation of Annihilation spec?


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I've never used this spec before and thought I'd try it out. From looking at the tree the basic rotation looks like this (assuming ravage is on CD):

Force Charge > Deadly Saber > Battering Assault > Rupture > Annihilate > Assault x2 > Vicious Slash > (Repeat)


Is this correct?

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I've never used this spec before and thought I'd try it out. From looking at the tree the basic rotation looks like this (assuming ravage is on CD):

Force Charge > Deadly Saber > Battering Assault > Rupture > Annihilate > Assault x2 > Vicious Slash > (Repeat)


Is this correct?


You're on the right track there. When it comes to pvp though, don't think so much rotation. You want to get your dots on your target, but then you want to build enough rage to have the burst to take someone down with Annihilate > VS until 30% > VT. Keep in mind you have to Deadly Throw at some point or Crippling Slash.


You can also Charge > DS > Battering > Rupture> Ravage. That's a good burst combo, especially because you'll probably have 5 rage at the end and you can finish with an annihilate.


PVE...focus on keeping your dots up and keeping Annihilator at 3 stacks and having enough rage to keep this up. VS when you have a couple extra rage.


Good luck.

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I often open with deadly saber, rupture, battering, annihilate, ravage, force scream if I got rage to spare (smash is my least used ability). charge is fine in pve, but don't use it as an opener in pvp or you'll get knocked back immediately and have no way to gain melee range. Edited by Sookster
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There is no rotation, just a priority list based on current rage and CDs.


There is a "standard" PVE opener, which is Charge > Deadly Sabers > Battering > Rupture > Annihilate > Ravage, but after that, it's all a matter of rage and CDs.


In PVP, the above poster is right... you usually hold Charge for after the inevitable knockback, unless you need to cover ground quickly to help with an objective (e.g. interrupt someone interacting with an objective, root a player in a hazard, interrupt a cast ability from range, etc.).


The normal, sustained DPS priority looks something like this:

1) Berserk

2) Annihilate, if Annihilator buff is ~2s from ending or less (to account for latency)

3) Vicious Throw

4) Ravage

5) Rupture, but only if DOT is not on target currently (do not refresh DOT while still active)

6) Deadly Saber

7) Annihilate

8) Vicious Slash, if >= 7 rage

9) Battering Assault, if <= 6 rage

11) Assault


Special) Force Charge. Often paired with Deadly Saber due to aligned CDs in Annihilation tree, and to ensure rage availability to use DS on CD. Other times, saved for use to recover from knockbacks mid-fight or to recover from mechanics forcing you out of melee range. Other times, saved for use as an additional interrupt. Usage depends heavily on current conditions and current target (PVP or PVE).


Basically just start at the top and go down the list. If you don't meet the criteria (available resource, ability on CD), go to the next item.


You end up in a groove in a sustained PVE fight where you're pretty much just trying to keep everything on CD, including your rage generators, with as little use of Vicious Slash and Assault as feasible.


You don't end up in a groove in PVP or very bursty PVE fights purely because the Annihilation spec is built around sustained DPS, and neither situation tends to permit mindless hacking away at a target. You learn, in both cases, to tweak priority towards heavy-hitters to maximize damage per GCD, even if it would cause rage starvation or CD issues in an extended fight.


None of this accounts for "utility" skills like Crippling Slash, Deadly Throw, Smash, Force Scream, etc. which are not a normal part of the priority system, but may, at times, be useful. That's where experience comes in.

Edited by Omophorus
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