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Republic-side, are all Force-sensitives made to join the Jedi? If there is a known recruitment policy regarding Force-sensitives, what is it?

I'm asking because

I want to play a JK who decides to take up the Nautolan dude at the Forge on his offer, but I need her to have a motivation for doing so.


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No, there are force sensitives who don't train to become Jedi. Most of the ones you run into in the game are either too weak to become Jedi or weren't found till later on in life. I'm trying to recall if there are any that rejected becoming Jedi if they were offered the chance, not coming up with any, but that doesn't mean they're not out there.
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It is very much encouraged that Force sensitive children be brought to the Order. Otherwise the parents have to deal with any and all problems and get no real help. There are many reasons why parents give up their children, but I expect persistence is a major factor in most cases. The Jedi just sound so reasonable. And if a few unscrupulous ones use mind tricks... Their are likely financial incentives... Jedi are just good at getting their way.
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