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Oh, I think its a misunderstanding, I have over 2k AIM and I don't see my tracer missles hitting over 2200 very often, your stats are good, 75% surge is the recommend, 30-35% crit, 103% acc.


Keep going with it, how much augmented gear do you have?


2X aug blasters, aug chest and aug pants. I have really been debating about the set bonus being worth it though, since it does not seem to transfer with the armoring, which is what others have been saying.

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Its because of people like you, who come on here and tell me my character is built improperly, when you don't even play the same skill tree that i do. You make the community a bad place. Its people like you that make me not want to bother with this game. Instead of helping people you just criticize and say "oh your bad, start over or don't play." Well guess what? I'm not playing. And i don't understand how the moderators of this forum let you get away with talking to people like that, its like they don't even care.


PS: if you did parse a 1350 in that gear, id be surprised.


ya know, every PM i've received, i've responded with advice, tips, rotations, and anything else i can think of...to help.


while you may have a point, my post really did nothing to assist your "thread", you should've expected much worse with your opening whine.


lastly, my point was, i played the class for a COUPLE HOURS and did this:




and you wrote tickets to CS complaining...LOL.

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ya know, every PM i've received, i've responded with advice, tips, rotations, and anything else i can think of...to help.


while you may have a point, my post really did nothing to assist your "thread", you should've expected much worse with your opening whine.


lastly, my point was, i played the class for a COUPLE HOURS and did this:




and you wrote tickets to CS complaining...LOL.


Typing 4.8K heatseeker hit in guild chat proves nothing. stop trolling.

Edited by MisterWiseGuy
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Typing 4.8K heatseeker hit in guild chat proves nothing. stop trolling.


He's not trolling... That's how DPS Meters work. They put your crits/highest/DPS in your chatbar, in whatever place you choose.


But seeing as you believe that it's the Game's issue, you're the only one on the entire forums having this issue. Possibly the entire Server or even Game.


Unless other people experience the same thing, we have no choice but to believe it's you.


Have you considered that the people you are attacking in PvP might have a higher damage mitigation that you believe?

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Typing 4.8K heatseeker hit in guild chat proves nothing. stop trolling.




it's a basic "export to clipboard" feature from ACT. ACT is advanced combat tracker, a parser i've been using since EQ2. a format i am very familiar and comfortable with.


i use this parser to test my class and spec...even other specs i try for a day. this testing helps me improve on my rotation and damage output by using trial and error, and learning the class.


i can maximize my performance by testing crits, tracking damages, basic dps stuff.


this keeps me on top of my class and prevents me from submitting useless tickets to CS because i fail to understand how to play my toon.


it takes minutes to download...you should give it a...


oh, NM...


you're quitting.

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My typical rotation of 3x tracer missle, heatseeker, unload, 2x tracer, and a railshot. parse in full rakata and stock black hole pants. I have a black hole ear and black hole implants. I also have augmented blasters with rakata mods.



25 seconds for a fight does not a parse make.


on a 5 minute training dummy fight I can get around 1400 dps ...


On bosses like Karagga (nightmare, not sure if DR changes on difficulty), etc I can get around 1100-1200 dps.

On raid bosses i MAX crit roughly:

Tracer 2700-3000

Heatseeker 4900-5400

Unload (mainhand) 2400-2700

Rail Shot 3500

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Yea I did a test today, and I did hit around 2900 crit on my tracer missle. And about a 5200 on my HSM


I suggest dropping the 4pc set bonus and getting a couple more augmented pieces. I only use the 2 pc bonus as it adds that 15%. Most importantly once you have your 30% crit and 75% surge and roughly 102% acc.

Start stacking power as much as possible, you may have to exchange some mods or even keep lesser mods to get your stats but it will maximize your damage.

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Yea I did a test today, and I did hit around 2900 crit on my tracer missle. And about a 5200 on my HSM


I suggest dropping the 4pc set bonus and getting a couple more augmented pieces. I only use the 2 pc bonus as it adds that 15%. Most importantly once you have your 30% crit and 75% surge and roughly 102% acc.

Start stacking power as much as possible, you may have to exchange some mods or even keep lesser mods to get your stats but it will maximize your damage.


^^^ excellent advice!!

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