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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The twilek obesity problem?


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Why do people always make there twileks fat why can't people make their cyborgs fat instead. Seriously since this game came out the number of fat twileks must of have grown by 15%. Even a lot of the NPC twileks are fat this is setting a bad example for the environment and twileks need to go to the gym and stop eating doughnuts I hope more people realize this horrible game issue. The fat twilek plague most stop now say no to fat twileks.
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Haha, I think it has to do with trying to be as "exotic" as possible. Twileks are the most "alien" race, and body type 4 is seen as the least common body type, so it makes sense that people who want to stand out as "different" would pick it. I almost went type 4 on my twilek for that reason. Edited by Stenrik
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There is a scientific explanation.

Some ethnic group, like a Mexican Indian ethnic group (can't remember the name), are more inclined to be obese. This is because they used to starve a lot in the past, and their bodies allow them to store body fat more easily than others ethnic group, for survival purpose. Probably some change in the genetic code, from hundreds years evolution. Today, they don't starve anymore, and have access to far more energetic food, and a sedentary way of life. But their bodies are not adapted yet to those new conditions.

I don't remember the name of those Indians, but they have a very high obesity rate. And that's not because they eat more junk food than others.


Twileks are probably the most common slaves in the galaxy. Most of them are probably left with barely enough food to survive, with very difficult working condition. Which mean they probably adapted to such conditions, to survive. The twileks we meet ingame are not slave (at least the obeses), but their body is made to survive food shortage, and thus, are more inclined to obesity than others.


I think it's proven, but not 100% sure. Seen it years ago while I was studying.

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