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Ok, Bioware. Now what? Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?


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It would probably be in BW's best interest to (within the immediate near future) open an extra fresh and brand new destination or two for the sole purpose of being the catchall bin for everyone that didn't end up taking advantage of the current round of transfers. This would solve the OP's issue as well as allow those folks that didn't transfer due to concerns about keeping their character names/legacy/etc.


Perhaps even allowing small windows of time in which folks on the current destination servers may choose to move out (so they can reclaim their preferred character/legacy names, avoid login queues, rejoin characters from multiple servers, etc.)


The real problem is that even if BW did do this to accommodate folks, there'd still be the moaners and groaners that would complain about it.

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I have 32 alts in the game now. I LOVE this game and start out characters all the time. I understand where you are coming from with the altaholic. I say hi btw as a fellow altaholic! :) What I would recommend is to transfer your characters over. Not all at once. But just do the one you play least, move it over, start playing with him on that server and get used to playing with people on a heavy server. Then keep doing that for your characters. The next least one you play, then the next, then the next etc, until all you have left is your main. Ahh..the main, the bread and butter of everything that is beautiful for altaholics. The one that started it all. Sorry....rambling. Just get done with the transfers. I know you like being on a light server probably but just do it :) You won't regret it. I was on Sanctum of the Exalted and thought I was having fun. That is..until everyone went to Ebon Hawk! now it's OMG YEEEEAAHH!!


I wish you luck in your search for "your place" in the galaxy of servers. You'll get used to it. As a fellow altaholic..I understand. And to those who tell him to delete anyone of his characters. Who are you to say that? Maybe he likes all his characters. I know I do :)

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... What I would recommend is to transfer your characters over. Not all at once. But just do the one you play least, move it over, start playing with him on that server and get used to playing with people on a heavy server. Then keep doing that for your characters...


Love the enthusiasm, but you see, for every transfer he would have to delete one toon.... different light then?

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Answers like this are not helpful. If you don't play alts, and or are not an Altoholic you will never understand. But your answer is just rude and heartless.

Altoholic or not, really, 17 characters? Wow, I'm already glad I can find the time to play 4!

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The GAME encourages ALTS, the transfer system did not take that into account when it was "designed". BW messed it up for a lot of folks. Would be nice if they fixed it for those folks. Forcing peeps to delete toons is not a "nice" thing.


Yes the game encourages ALTS. But it does not encourage ALTS on different servers.

Don't get me wrong, I kind of feel for the people that have to delete or play on dead servers. I just don't see an alternative to this exept character slot increase. Think of the alternative to this xfer system, forced mergers. You would be in an even bigger predicament and really forced to delete characters.

Edited by Lugosi
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If I said what I wanted in response, I'd get a nastygram from the CSR....


You, sir, are the special-snowflake, who got what you wanted, except maybe some names(unless you were on a destination server).


The GAME encourages ALTS, the transfer system did not take that into account when it was "designed". BW messed it up for a lot of folks. Would be nice if they fixed it for those folks. Forcing peeps to delete toons is not a "nice" thing.


And NO: the option to stay on a dead, soon to be deleted server is NOT an option/choice/whatever.


Now if BW actually communicated to the troops, something they recently promised to do, and told us the servers will stay up until this problem is corrected, by either pay-to-transfer, or a second phase with more choices of server, or what ever the h-ll they have in mind, then we wouldn't have to come on-line and beg for help....


Or they could tell us to "suck it up" and delete the toons.. either way we would know what to do...


BW didn't mess it up for a lot of folks. People with > 8 alts that ended up going to the same destination server is probably a trivial portion of the player base.


Did they say they were deleting the old servers? No. Did they mention that later on they would probably do pay-to-transfer? Yes. So, are those answers good enough to keep the tears from flooding the forums? Seriously, people who are complaining about this have to be in some ridiculously small minority, but they're making so much noise that it makes this subject seem relevant...

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The good of the many will always out weigh the good the few. The transfers had to happen ASAP. People that actively play more than 8 toons are not just the few, but very very few. Eventually the OP will be able to have his 17 toons across three servers just like before. The OP can play his favorite 8 for a bit, and then a more open transfer will be in place. Its not like the toons will be deleted. Its was either, lets get 100s of thousands people off of dead servers this week, or, lets wait until we implement 20 toons per sub per server. I dont know man, only being able to play 8 of his toons on a populated server, sounds like the OP has a real first world problem lol.
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BW does allow 50 characters to be created, so there seems to be some evidence that they intended for people to create that many if they chose to do so. Also, the standard community response to the "I need more slots" cries months ago was "just roll imp on one server and rep on the other"...which in fact, many folks did. Thus the OP's dilemma perhaps.


It seems like we'll have to wait until the paid transfers/additional rounds of transfers to sort things out, so do the best you can for now. Look on the bright side...some folks got told last week some of their origin/destination pairs and moved 5+ toons to the new server, only to find out yesterday their other server now points to the same one, and now can't go back and move the 4/4 toon approach suggested earlier in this thread.

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I think all of you people trying to impose your will on how someone else should play the game should go into politics.


We all have a right to play the characters we've developed. I, for one, had two servers from launch that I played on. Harbinger and Jekk Jekk Tarr. Now the JJT is being forced to the Harbinger. Do you know how many toons I had room for? None.... but I deleted ONE of them to move my favorite one of the JJT here.... now the other 4 from JJT need a home.


Honestly, Bioware should have had backup destination servers for each origin server in mind.

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Altoholic or not, really, 17 characters? Wow, I'm already glad I can find the time to play 4!


I have 6 per server on 6 servers... and yes I have the time, and no I don't rush to game end, I know there is minimal to do there and will be for 1-2 years. So I know I have at least 1 year to 2 years to level ALL my toons to 50.


Different stokes...

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The good of the many will always out weigh the good the few. The transfers had to happen ASAP. People that actively play more than 8 toons are not just the few, but very very few. Eventually the OP will be able to have his 17 toons across three servers just like before. The OP can play his favorite 8 for a bit, and then a more open transfer will be in place. Its not like the toons will be deleted. Its was either, lets get 100s of thousands people off of dead servers this week, or, lets wait until we implement 20 toons per sub per server. I dont know man, only being able to play 8 of his toons on a populated server, sounds like the OP has a real first world problem lol.




IF what you say is true... the pay to transfer comes, and comes before the server closing.... then no problem.


IF BW said it would happen in that sequence, then the "moaning" on the forums would end....


Communication is the key....

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No, what's fair is that he's given 8 characters that can land on a single server, just like everyone else. Giving him special treatment because he's a special case is not fair.




While I agree that more character slots would be awesome, you aren't entitled to any special treatment just because you think you are amazing for rolling so many characters.


Bioware has not said anything about closing any servers. If you think they will close servers before they open up paid transfers, you are crazy.

Edited by Icebergy
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I have 6 per server on 6 servers... and yes I have the time, and no I don't rush to game end, I know there is minimal to do there and will be for 1-2 years. So I know I have at least 1 year to 2 years to level ALL my toons to 50.


Different stokes...

I am in awe :D


I guess it's a diffferent playstyle as well, as I usually like to finish what i started before I start on something new. I only rolled a republic char before my latest imperial char had hit lvl 50 due to the potential requirements for a HK-51 Companion.

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I have 32 alts in the game now. I LOVE this game and start out characters all the time. I understand where you are coming from with the altaholic. I say hi btw as a fellow altaholic! :) What I would recommend is to transfer your characters over. Not all at once. But just do the one you play least, move it over, start playing with him on that server and get used to playing with people on a heavy server. Then keep doing that for your characters. The next least one you play, then the next, then the next etc, until all you have left is your main. Ahh..the main, the bread and butter of everything that is beautiful for altaholics. The one that started it all. Sorry....rambling. Just get done with the transfers. I know you like being on a light server probably but just do it :) You won't regret it. I was on Sanctum of the Exalted and thought I was having fun. That is..until everyone went to Ebon Hawk! now it's OMG YEEEEAAHH!!


I wish you luck in your search for "your place" in the galaxy of servers. You'll get used to it. As a fellow altaholic..I understand. And to those who tell him to delete anyone of his characters. Who are you to say that? Maybe he likes all his characters. I know I do :)


Actually rather than transfer the one he's plays the least, instead transfer the one(s) that are in most need of groups. If that's leveling alts and your destination server has many folks in those level ranges, then do that. If you have lots of 50s that are pining for FPs, Ops, PvP, whatever, then transfer those.


I've found that for some folks, alt'ism can sometimes be attributed to the difficulty in finding groups. It may or may not be true for the OP, but perhaps it is. And if the higher pops help him find groups, then perhaps the issue resolves itself.


I was an altoholic, until I transferred. At which I found myself with no time left to play alts due to the constant HM:FP, PvP groups, Ops I'm doing. And yes, I'm a cup half full type of guy.

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Ok, Bioware. Now what?


Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?

I have 8 on Peragus, another 8 on Bacca's Blade, and one more on Sithari.


They all are on the list for free transfer to Nightmare Lands.

So - what am I supposed to do? Delete them? Stop playing?


Both Peragus and Bacca's were a little thin but not dramatically in trouble. By introducing free transfers, though, you have basically pulled the plug on both my srvers.


So, now, I think I'm due a solution.

I'm listening.


Little over dramatic arn't you?


You are not forced to do anything. Transfers are not mandatory. Stay on your servers if your characters are that important to you.


Worse case scenario if you must transfer, delete your lowest level ones and re roll them on another server. Again, you are not being forced to do anything.

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When they set up this game they encouraged everybody to make lots of alts and play them. The devs touted this as a Story based game that you'll want to play over and over. Create lots of alts and fill out your Legacy they said. There goal was to get people to play lots of alternative characters and they succeeded. I do, and have created many alts. As a reward for following they're suggestion I also am in the exact same situation. While I don't have 17 alts, I do have more then 8, and I play them all.


They're all being routed to one server.


For the moment I've moved one of my servers over, but I'm holding off on the other hoping that there will be some expansion of transfers or character slots in the future.

Edited by split_light
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Little over dramatic arn't you?


You are not forced to do anything. Transfers are not mandatory. Stay on your servers if your characters are that important to you.


Worse case scenario if you must transfer, delete your lowest level ones and re roll them on another server. Again, you are not being forced to do anything.


People keep using the flawed argument that "you aren't forced to transfer." While technically true, it's not really valid. True you can stay where you are and play your MMO all by yourself. No trade market, no PvP, no flashpoints, no guild. None of those things that require a group.

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The good of the many will always out weigh the good the few. The transfers had to happen ASAP.

No argument here. It was overdue.

People that actively play more than 8 toons are not just the few, but very very few. Eventually the OP will be able to have his 17 toons across three servers just like before.

I somewhat doubt that. It is my impression that Bioware's plan for growth does not include more servers. The have folded 20 European PVE servers into 2 (!). They could have easily done 3 or maybe even 4.

The OP can play his favorite 8 for a bit, and then a more open transfer will be in place.

It doesn't really work that way. Its probably what I'll do right now, but both cluster of characters were designed so I could have some efficiency in crafting, too. That is now not possible , unless I concentrate entirely on one faction.

The same goes for stories and play styles. The idea of many alts is to experience the game in all possible ways. 8 class stories, 16 advanced classes (though mirrored). etc.

Its not like the toons will be deleted. Its was either, lets get 100s of thousands people off of dead servers this week, or, lets wait until we implement 20 toons per sub per server.

Technically - if Bioware's programmers have brains more advanced than a retarded chimpanse (which we all assume), then the chars/server cap is just a number in a config file somewhere.


Someone there should be able to use vi (or notepad.exe)

I dont know man, only being able to play 8 of his toons on a populated server, sounds like the OP has a real first world problem lol.

I have a problem as a paying customer of an MMO company that put me in a situation where I am not happy and where I loose what I could expect not to loose by their own rules and proclamations.


They caused this mess, it would be awfully nice if they at least pointed out how and when they are to provide a solution.


As I said in the thread-starting post - I am listening.

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There is an easy solution to the problem: More character slots of course :D


If bioware adds a way to increase the number of character slots per server (via legacy system as an unlock maybe) then OP can just unlock more slots and transfer all his characters to the new server.

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Answers like this are not helpful. If you don't play alts, and or are not an Altoholic you will never understand. But your answer is just rude and heartless.

But it is the only answer there is.

You can only move 8 characters to the new server. So, pick 8 (or less) and move them. It is not rocket science.

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But it is the only answer there is.

You can only move 8 characters to the new server. So, pick 8 (or less) and move them. It is not rocket science.

As much as he wouldn't like to lose his characters. You nailed it sir :)

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There is an easy solution to the problem: More character slots of course :D


If bioware adds a way to increase the number of character slots per server (via legacy system as an unlock maybe) then OP can just unlock more slots and transfer all his characters to the new server.


Wgat tf there were 16 character slots? This thread would be named either "Are you really forcing me to delete 17 chars?"(if it was increased before transfers) or "Are you really forcing me to delete my one char?"(if it was done now).


People are never happy. Any change made to MMO will have people whinning about it. It's as certain as death and taxes.

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But it is the only answer there is.

You can only move 8 characters to the new server. So, pick 8 (or less) and move them. It is not rocket science.


the "rocket science" remark implies stupidity on my side for not sharing your opinion. I take offense at that - I am perfectly aware what my technical options are right now, and the original post made that clear.


But I seek a dialog with Bioware about if and how those options are appropriate. Not acknowledging that is fanboish.

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Thanks for the support.


As for the "wait for paid transfer" suggestion - i would be STILL one char short (actually 3), since there is only one other PVE server left in Europe - Red Eclipse.


well, then move them to PvP or RP-PvE, it doesn't effect your experience much,

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