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swtor has less servers than rift!


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It's not about how many servers, but how many customers.


yap, QQ kids don't have logic sense,

if swtor make into ONE cloud computing server at launch,

let 2mil subs play in ONE single mega server,

it may be more successful then it is today.

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two weeks ago The Fatman would have 200 people on fleet during prime time and be full with a wait to get on the server.


On Saturday they had 450+ people on fleet with NO wait to get on the server.


Sorry but they have increased the server caps


thats a good point, red eclipse is about the same.

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I can't WAIT for the mega servers!! Transfers are just the first step! Cloud gaming is the future! EVERYONE ON ONE SERVER! ONE GALAXY!


Do you guys know how AMAZING this game would be if there was ONE server?

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Eq peaked at 700k before wow was even released

When wow was released blizzard Stated they will be happy if they make 200k subs

Swtor population is fine no game will get wow numbers ever

Again it's a fluke/freak anomaly

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Eq peaked at 700k before wow was even released

When wow was released blizzard Stated they will be happy if they make 200k subs

Swtor population is fine no game will get wow numbers ever

Again it's a fluke/freak anomaly


farmville peaked at over 80 million... lol

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Eq peaked at 700k before wow was even released

When wow was released blizzard Stated they will be happy if they make 200k subs

Swtor population is fine no game will get wow numbers ever

Again it's a fluke/freak anomaly


How do you know no game will ever get wow's numbers? This game is just starting out and already doing fine and getting lots of changes that people want and getting people back.


When TOR first started they said if they make 500k subs they would be happy. Nobody knows the future. Not even the wow guys did. Did they think their game would be huge? No. What if in the future SWTOR has over 200 planets with cap of 150 and tons of races, classes, and sandbox worlds? It will just keep growing and that stuff IS coming. It just takes time.


Rome wasn't built in a day. Nor was WoW. Was built over precise measurements over almost a decade.

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How do you know no game will ever get wow's numbers? This game is just starting out and already doing fine and getting lots of changes that people want and getting people back.


When TOR first started they said if they make 500k subs they would be happy. Nobody knows the future. Not even the wow guys did. Did they think their game would be huge? No. What if in the future SWTOR has over 200 planets with cap of 150 and tons of races, classes, and sandbox worlds? It will just keep growing and that stuff IS coming. It just takes time.


Rome wasn't built in a day. Nor was WoW. Was built over precise measurements over almost a decade.


When I played Grand Ages: Rome I built Rome in 3 hours !

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I wish EA could do that for Bioware, maybe they will in the future.


remember the vast majority of subs for WoW come from China. The US and Europe at WoWs peak was only around 3.5-4 million. Now its probably around 2 million. If fact if you look at the WoW forums people are screaming for Server mergers.


So if SWTOR can hold on to 1 million subs that will be amazing then all it needs to do is release the game in China.

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Eq peaked at 700k before wow was even released

When wow was released blizzard Stated they will be happy if they make 200k subs

Swtor population is fine no game will get wow numbers ever

Again it's a fluke/freak anomaly


I always laugh when i see people say wow is a fluke and it will never happen again. They also said an mmo would never break 1m subs back in eq1 days.


Its just a rediculous statement to make based on no facts. I think just a way for people to discount wow as the high water mark all mmos are held to after their "wow killer" releases and fails to kill or even compete with wow.

Edited by Mallorik
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I always laugh when i see people say wow is a fluke and it will never happen again. They also said an mmo would never break 1m subs back in eq1 days.


Its just a rediculous statement to make based on no facts. I think just a way for people to discount wow as the high water mark all mmos are held to after their "wow killer" releases and fails to kill or even compete with wow.


There's a lot More games out there today and other platforms consoles have improved 10 fold

Which is why you see every release after wow not even comming close to a quarter of it's peak numbers


Swtors population is fine

Edited by denpic
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Ya, EA has the opposite effect when they take over a company. I personally think most activision games are crappy.




Yes and no... Westwood pretty much died, but in the other hand, Maxis is super succesful.



remember the vast majority of subs for WoW come from China. The US and Europe at WoWs peak was only around 3.5-4 million. Now its probably around 2 million. If fact if you look at the WoW forums people are screaming for Server mergers.


So if SWTOR can hold on to 1 million subs that will be amazing then all it needs to do is release the game in China.


Yeah, if you take at step back and look at WoW subs, most of them come from asia where they dont even need to buy the box and pay by the hour, but dont expect to see that kind of insight in Gamebreaker... they just say "derp 14 million subs!"

Edited by ChazDoit
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I see this has turned into a WoW hatred thread rather than posts about how well the article thought the transfers went. lol! No matter. I am sure the lead hunchos at Blizzard are having a good chuckle right now.


I thought the show was pretty good. Not that I agreed with all the commentators said, but they made some good observations also. They felt the transfers were handeled very well , super fast in fact, better than the ones WoW has done as far as speed...but as a rule...created some other issues of name conflicts and some servers being overcrowded, etc.


I thought it was interesting that some servers had a decent pop but, where set as Origin for example with Ebon Hawk as the destination. They have left many servers in even worse shape pop wise. And like the one commendator said, why don'nt they just come out and say this is the prequel to server merges and those left on the really low ones will be eventually forced to move? Are they serously going to keep close to 100 low/dead pop servers? And how is it good for the game if you allow a new player to roll a char on those low pop servers? :rolleyes:

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I see this has turned into a WoW hatred thread


WoW hatred thread? because some posts were comparing ammount of subscribirs? yeah... riiiiiiiight.


I am sure the lead hunchos at Blizzard are having a good chuckle right now.


Oh yes, Im sure they are excitedly reading this thread right now. :rolleyes:

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I literally have no idea what that sentence means, at all. There are 3 negatives (didn't, never, doesn't), 1 conditional (assume), an absolute (only), and language about advertising, which is always fuzzy. What is it you're trying to say, and are you quoting someone?


Can someone help me parse this sentence? I'm really not trying to be mean - I have no idea what you're saying at all.

Is English not your first language? I'm not trying to be mean - I'm just wondering.


"The only person..." - The role player of the panel.


"...who didn't assume the game would offer something it never advertised..." - Who knew the game was story driven and didn't expect a hardcore raid game or a hardcore PvP game, like the other panel members.


"...doesn't count." - Was dismissed by you because he "doesn't have any deep understanding of MMOs," by your account, because you don't understand what the RPG in MMORPG means.


Basically, you were saying that the only person on the panel who was positive about the game wasn't a trustworthy source based on some trumped up charges of "not understanding MMOs," a skill itself based upon trumped up charges that an MMO is all about raiding or PvP and getting fat lewtz and pwning n00bs.

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WoW hatred thread? because some posts were comparing ammount of subscribirs? yeah... riiiiiiiight.




Oh yes, Im sure they are excitedly reading this thread right now. :rolleyes:


This past weekend...253 WoW servers in the Western World...which excludes EU and Asia..of those 38 were listed as high. 156 as med and 59 as low. How does TOR compare to that only in the Western World? :cool:


And yes...I am sure every MMO leads do pay attention to what esle is happening in the rest of thier competitor's worlds. This is normal behavior for any company.

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