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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

swtor has less servers than rift!


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Basically, you were saying that the only person on the panel who was positive about the game wasn't a trustworthy source based on some trumped up charges of "not understanding MMOs," a skill itself based upon trumped up charges that an MMO is all about raiding or PvP and getting fat lewtz and pwning n00bs.


Thank you for clarifying, I was a bit confused as well.


This past weekend...253 WoW servers in the Western World...which excludes EU and Asia..of those 38 were listed as high. 156 as med and 59 as low. How does TOR compare to that only in the Western World?


I have no Idea because I was not the one drawing the comparisons...


And yes...I am sure every MMO leads do pay attention to what esle is happening in the rest of thier competitor's worlds. This is normal behavior for any company.


I highly doubt they are reading this thread, also, the head honchos of both EA, Bioware, Activision and Blizzard are all laughing because they are filthy rich anyway.

Edited by ChazDoit
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Thank you for clarifying, I was a bit confused as well.




I have no Idea because I was not the one drawing the comparisons...




I highly doubt they are reading this thread, also, the head honchos of both EA, Bioware, Activision and Blizzard are all laughing because they are filthy rich anyway.



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TOR will be bigger than WoW in 3 years. Mark my words.


Will take BioWare less time than it did Blizzard to realize their mistakes. You can see it. Bring it WoW


Dude I really hope so. We'll see, but I hope so.

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two weeks ago The Fatman would have 200 people on fleet during prime time and be full with a wait to get on the server.


On Saturday they had 450+ people on fleet with NO wait to get on the server.


Sorry but they have increased the server caps


Did you check the rest of the worlds? Maybe they were on other planets and in operations and on their ships. Did you check the other faction and see how many were on that side?


Nope you just happen to check it and see 200 people on fleet and kept it to yourself. Any proof whatsoever for this? Even a post asking why the server is full with only 200 people on fleet?

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How do you know no game will ever get wow's numbers? This game is just starting out and already doing fine and getting lots of changes that people want and getting people back.


When TOR first started they said if they make 500k subs they would be happy. Nobody knows the future. Not even the wow guys did. Did they think their game would be huge? No. What if in the future SWTOR has over 200 planets with cap of 150 and tons of races, classes, and sandbox worlds? It will just keep growing and that stuff IS coming. It just takes time.


Rome wasn't built in a day. Nor was WoW. Was built over precise measurements over almost a decade.


This game is not doing fine.


If the game started out with 500k and after 6 months was at 600k or at 1.3 million it would be doing fine. That would mean they are getting new players and not losing many players.


SWTOR started out with 2 millions subs and has steadily lost subs each month. They lost more than 700k subs in less than 5 months. Also from the looks its going to be even more at the next call that they have to mention subs. Thats not doing fine at all. Thats alot of people buying the game because they thought or expected it to be good and quit because it wasnt.


You cant grow when people quit. To grow you need to keep the people you have and get more people. Something SWTOR hasnt done.


SWTOR should have over 3 million game sales now and 2 million subs to be considered doing fine.

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Is English not your first language? I'm not trying to be mean - I'm just wondering.


"The only person..." - The role player of the panel.


"...who didn't assume the game would offer something it never advertised..." - Who knew the game was story driven and didn't expect a hardcore raid game or a hardcore PvP game, like the other panel members.


"...doesn't count." - Was dismissed by you because he "doesn't have any deep understanding of MMOs," by your account, because you don't understand what the RPG in MMORPG means.


Basically, you were saying that the only person on the panel who was positive about the game wasn't a trustworthy source based on some trumped up charges of "not understanding MMOs," a skill itself based upon trumped up charges that an MMO is all about raiding or PvP and getting fat lewtz and pwning n00bs.


Well, that explains your meaning clearly. I did sound dismissive of the RP guy, but not because that perspective isn't valuable or his opinion is different from the other guests. He's just as critical about chat bubbles and emotes and chairs and other things each episode I've seen, and none of the guests were as critical as he was about the server transfers: I think he said they did it in "the worst possible way", which to me is ridiculous: the worst possible way would have been to delay them further and charge people for the privilege, eg.


I was responding to another poster who called all 3 guests trolls - and I thought it worthwhile to point out that Justin does have a certain amount of access to BW people and a site with a vested interest in the game, and Ed brings a lot of experience and hard numbers to the table, so it wasn't fair to say they just want to beat on SWTOR for ratings. All I know about the RP guy is that he works for Massively and complains a lot about the lack of RP features in the game, particularly chat bubbles. Over and over with the chat bubbles - so I wasn't sure I could defend him, but I'm sure he's a great guy and not at all rooting for the game to fail :)

Edited by jgelling
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skip to 3:00 to skip the stupid intro..




ouch. they aren't holding back any punches.


I can play only on one server at once anyway. The existance or non existance of other servers doesn't in any way impact my enjoyment of the game. As long as the games has one well populated server, I couldn't care less how few or many other servers that I've never visited there are.

Edited by Gradivus
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They're just going to say "After we instituted the server transfer system, the amount of surpluss servers was completely unnecessary. Therefore we decided to remove some of them to give more power to the servers with the highest populations". Instead of saying "We merged the servers, but we didn't call it a server merge to avoid pissing off our investors and EA who has us grabbed by the balls so lolz cya l8r gaize".


Actually, they won't call it a server merge, because it won't be a server merge. Servers will most likely be closed. Transfers are not mergers. Closing servers is not merging them. You clearly do not understand what a merger is.


But, since nothing has been said what is going to be done about those dead servers, you know exactly as much as I do about the whole situation: Nothing.

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Did you check the rest of the worlds? Maybe they were on other planets and in operations and on their ships. Did you check the other faction and see how many were on that side?


Nope you just happen to check it and see 200 people on fleet and kept it to yourself. Any proof whatsoever for this? Even a post asking why the server is full with only 200 people on fleet?

yes I did and I never found another planet with more then 30 people on it.


This weekeend though with the 400+ people on the station there were more then 80 people on Hoth at the same time and like wise more then 60 people on Tatooine.


Try as you might the fact is server caps HAVE been increased.

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yes I did and I never found another planet with more then 30 people on it.


This weekeend though with the 400+ people on the station there were more then 80 people on Hoth at the same time and like wise more then 60 people on Tatooine.


Try as you might the fact is server caps HAVE been increased.


Your trying to say that the fleet only had 200 people and no other planet had over 30 people and it was listed as full?


Remember the cap is around 3000 so to reach full you would need on average 1500 on each side.


You listed 540 people on fleet and 2 planets, you would need about 1000 more people just on your side to register full.

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wow you people sure do love to argue over guesstimits, baseless assumptions and equations done with opinions as variables


They are not baseless. Its not opinion its taking the data that is available and looking at the entire picture to come to a conclusion.


Just because you dont like the data that has been figured out you still cant say its just opinion.


Just looking at population of servers there were a ton more people playing the game back in jan than there are now. There were more full servers back then than there are now and back then they had alot of very heavy,heavy and standard servers.

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They are not baseless. Its not opinion its taking the data that is available and looking at the entire picture to come to a conclusion.


Just because you dont like the data that has been figured out you still cant say its just opinion.


Just looking at population of servers there were a ton more people playing the game back in jan than there are now. There were more full servers back then than there are now and back then they had alot of very heavy,heavy and standard servers.


Yes they went onto the servers and went 1,2,3,4 oye stand still im counting 5,6,7

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They are not baseless. Its not opinion its taking the data that is available and looking at the entire picture to come to a conclusion.


Just because you dont like the data that has been figured out you still cant say its just opinion.


Just looking at population of servers there were a ton more people playing the game back in jan than there are now. There were more full servers back then than there are now and back then they had alot of very heavy,heavy and standard servers.


I never said I liked it or didn't... just that your variables are so *********** biased and limited or just flat out guesses they are worth no more than a random guess in reality...


it would be like me buying a pair of binoculars and using what I can see to figure out the number of stars in the entire universe... may as well just place a random guess it will be just as off


you are not arguing over facts your arguing over guesses and bad math

Edited by Liquidacid
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They are not baseless. Its not opinion its taking the data that is available and looking at the entire picture to come to a conclusion.


Just because you dont like the data that has been figured out you still cant say its just opinion.


Just looking at population of servers there were a ton more people playing the game back in jan than there are now. There were more full servers back then than there are now and back then they had alot of very heavy,heavy and standard servers.


The data that has "been figured out" doesn't allow for more then guesses.

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Yes they went onto the servers and went 1,2,3,4 oye stand still im counting 5,6,7


No they say the people without having to count. Back then any planet I went to had at least 20 people on it with many having more. These last few month if someone else was on the planet besides me it was rare.


That doesnt tell you exactly how many people there are but when 150+ of the servers were like that then that shows that there are alot less people in the game now than there was back then.


But if you dont like the numbers its easy for you to make up reasons that have no backing.


How about you do some numbers and show everyone where the error was made instead of trying to discredit it with nothing.

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TOR will be bigger than WoW in 3 years. Mark my words.


Will take BioWare less time than it did Blizzard to realize their mistakes. You can see it. Bring it WoW


LMAO!!!! Your comment has made my day.


But I know your serious, that's why it made my day.

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I never said I liked it or didn't... just that your variables are so *********** biased and limited or just flat out guesses they are worth no more than a random guess in reality...


it would be like me buying a pair of binoculars and using what I can see to figure out the number of stars in the entire universe... may as well just place a random guess it will be just as off


you are not arguing over facts your arguing over guesses and bad math


How are they guesses? Someone (dont remember the name) spent the time to monitor the serve status and record the population when it changed its status and using that data from a number of samples came up with the values of each listing on the servers. Its not just guessing.


Are you trying to say her data is wrong? Many people have accepted it as being valid.


The problem is when you take that data and use it it doesnt come back with good numbers, so since it doesnt come back with numbers you dont like its just guessing.

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No they say the people without having to count. Back then any planet I went to had at least 20 people on it with many having more. These last few month if someone else was on the planet besides me it was rare.


That doesnt tell you exactly how many people there are but when 150+ of the servers were like that then that shows that there are alot less people in the game now than there was back then.


But if you dont like the numbers its easy for you to make up reasons that have no backing.


How about you do some numbers and show everyone where the error was made instead of trying to discredit it with nothing.


im assuming you mean saw and not say, so these numbers are all done by what exactly if not counting ? if this is done by server status its laughable.

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