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Honest opinion- do you think the game is in trouble?


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Nope, your reaction is answering it perfectly, like i said i refuse to have a flamewar because you just found out that you can buy ingame currency for real money on gw2.


Try to reason based on facts it works better, Also check the definition of P2W which started this 'debate'

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until we know what the baseline population of the game will be ie what the average number of subs is we have no idea if the game is in trouble.


If subs are less then 500k then yes its in trouble as thats the number they said the game needed to be profitable.


But seeing as they are still deveolpoing a lot of content I would say no its not.


If the game goes into maintece mode then yes its in trouble

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until we know what the baseline population of the game will be ie what the average number of subs is we have no idea if the game is in trouble.


If subs are less then 500k then yes its in trouble as thats the number they said the game needed to be profitable.


But seeing as they are still deveolpoing a lot of content I would say no its not.


If the game goes into maintece mode then yes its in trouble


Wasnt 500k breaking even and 1 million a slight profit?

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I don't think the game is in trouble, I think the MMO community is in trouble. I can't wait for GW2 and The Secret World to launch so I can see the same exact crying over nothing on their forums. After that it will be The Elder Scrolls Online and Archage. Hell, even Diablo 3, the Chosen One, couldn't escape the tidal wave of negativity and immaturity that is the current MMO market.


People say "this game would be great...in 2004!" like it's a slam against the game. It's not. It's a slam against the MMO players who have grown impatient and unrealistic since WoW's release.

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Can you be boosted, yes, do you even know what all the micro trans are gonna be no, is there gonna be an ah system for trading. And if you cant have better as you put it what is the point of getting new gear. the ability to buy the prime credit in the game for real money from the games creators is quite frankly insane, and i noticed you dodged my question.


thats a direct quite from the magazine. and me buying a char slot for £2 is not the same as me being able to purchase 300 million credits in swtor for £120.




You're completely wrong. You CANNOT "buy the prime credit in the game for real money".


What you can buy is gems, which are only usable at the shop to purchase asthetical non-tradable goods like dyes, or extra character slots. There is no gold buying in GW2, and there is no gear buying either.

Edited by Taurusaud
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not to far wrong.


GW2 fanboys arent the most pressing issue for negative comments. IMO that dishonor would belong to SWG fans that refuse to let go of the PRECioUs.


You see them carry on about SWG this n that all over the net, and also here on the TOR forums. Dont get me wrong....folks that played SWG(which I did for a very short span) arent part of the bunch I speak of....it is the ones determined to see this game NGEed, or worse fail outright because of something that happened over 6 yrs ago.


This game was never to be about the Owen experience. It was never to be an economic sim, nor to involve barren planets just waiting to be future ghost towns. Yet some of the biggest complaints on these forums involve just that. Rather than accepting this game wasnt intended for a sandbox MMO crowd, they are determined BW will either change it, or they will fold.


After having their game radically altered, I have no clue why they would try to do the same to others. Which is why they suggestions need to be shot down very loudly. They dont have the numbers, but they do have the dedication. It is evidenced by the 6 plus yrs of holding the game up as some kind of MMO nirvana. SWG didnt cut it then, and destroying TOR to make SWG 2 wont cut it now. Even if they refuse to accept it.



I am very happy with the game. BW needs to keep filling in things, and adding content. Not putting TOR thru a radical game revamp.

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I don't think the game is in trouble, I think the MMO community is in trouble. I can't wait for GW2 and The Secret World to launch so I can see the same exact crying over nothing on their forums. After that it will be The Elder Scrolls Online and Archage. Hell, even Diablo 3, the Chosen One, couldn't escape the tidal wave of negativity and immaturity that is the current MMO market.


People say "this game would be great...in 2004!" like it's a slam against the game. It's not. It's a slam against the MMO players who have grown impatient and unrealistic since WoW's release.


It's funny cause it's true...people always praise the next big mmo to be released saying it's going to be awesome and kill wow....and so far every single new mmo has failed. People's expectations are so high that they will almost always be disappointed.

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You're completely wrong. You CANNOT "buy the prime credit in the game for real money".


What you can buy is gems, which are only usable at the shop to purchase asthetical non-tradable goods like dyes, or extra character slots. There is no gold buying in GW2, and there is no gear buying either.


whatever you have to tell yourself. discussion over. I shall not have a flamewar about another mmo on these forums.


do i need to say this again ?

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I found a group for Chasing the Shadow (H4 Black Hole) in 20 seconds after posting it on my trooper this morning (4am server time) and last night I found a group for the H4 Fall of the Locust on my smuggler in less than 15 seconds after posting in general. My heart was not broken from this. If it's a questions of people stealing your mobs, try grouping with them. You may be surprised when they accept and it makes your questing go faster. :eek:


BUT..... I do not want to be forced into pugs because there is a lack of spawn vs the population. I do not want to pug. If I wanted to pug, I wouldn't have a guild that is active like ours is. I do not want to be forced into a play style. I can solo the content just fine and actually enjoy that solo experience.


The fact you can get pugs faster is nice for those who could not get groups before. I have a group, I don't want to be forced to group with people just because there are not enough spawns to go around. That is unreasonable.


So your argument is that, I should be happy to be forced into pugs I don't want to be in so that I can finally quest although I don't need a group to quest?


no, just no

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It's very hard to ignore the various harbingers of doom that have popped up over the months. Since my own rp server (Lord Kalypho) has turned into a ghost fleet, i abandoned my IA and went to a better populated server. This is within 6 months of playing. Something I never thought that I would have been doing in the first year.


I have defended swtor tooth and nail since day one, but even i had a bit of "oh dear...maybe I have been wrong" as I was re-rolling another character last night.


So being honest, are any of the die hard defenders of the game starting to feel the same way?


Yes and No.


I play since pre rerelease, and I was a bit sad about the missing graphic sliders like grass rendering distance, the lack of solo ranked pvp (which has now been confirmed finally) or also the introduction of dps meters and LFG but still I was always defending the game here at the forum if someone did complain about performance, no groups, or queue´s and bugs. After all SWTOR is a damn good MMO and this since day 1!



But yes, the whole "if you dont transfer your server is dead, but you lose all names if you transfer" has also made me change my mind. I will still not post whine threads here or insult BW employee´s but I cancelled a few days ago to show BW that transfers were more bad than good in my case.


I have a "pre story" here so I do react a bit heavy on that topic, as I had the same at Warhammer and AoC once when they closed my servers for weird reasons and I lost all chars there too. I did love both games, even tho they had major bugs at release but when I lost my chars I also quit and never came back.


At Tor the same thing happened now and again I cant do anything and I am tired of always starting from 0 again. If Blizz did 1 thing right, then it is their server management. I have my chars and nothing can happen to them, no matter how long I dont play or how many people complain about not finding a group.



In the end its just very sad and as much as I understand their reason, as much I dont understand why it had to be my server and why they cant find a better solution for names.



The game is great, the people that maintain the forum do well and also their support is great, they do know how important solo q is and did confirm it now. Keep this up and please find a solution for multiple names :)

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It appears you misread that article because what you said is factually wrong. You cannot buy gold in GW2.


Guildwars 2's microtransactions system, where players will be able to trade real money for in-game currency, has been controversial since its announcment in march. Source pc gamer july issue 241 page 60 interview with mike o'brien

whatever you have to tell yourself. discussion over. I shall not have a flamewar about another mmo on these forums.


nuff said.

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cancelled a few days ago to show BW that transfers were more bad than good in my case.
This is a bit childish. Cancel your account because a change that you disagree with has made the service less valuable than the asking price (in your opinion), not to spite the developers. This is even more true in a case when there's no way that you don't realize just how much of a minority you are as an anti-transfer supporter.
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nuff said.


Yes, the ingame currency that article is referring to is gems, which are only useable in the cash-shop and which isn't the "prime credit ingame" that you stated it is.


Gold is the prime currency, gems are a secondary currency only useable in the cash-shop to purchase asthetical non-tradeable goods like dyes, sunglasses, etc. There's no PvP/PvE gear in there, and all this is contrary to what you said.


In addition, you're the one who brought all this up, so it's rather silly that upon being corrected you don't want to discuss the matter.

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This is a bit childish. Cancel your account because a change that you disagree with has made the service less valuable than the asking price (in your opinion), not to spite the developers. This is even more true in a case when there's no way that you don't realize just how much of a minority you are as an anti-transfer supporter.


Its childish?


Why is leaving a game if you lose all of your chars childish? We play that game with our chars, if they are gone or are left alone on a dead server with 23 others where you had 1000 before then this is a serious issue.


I do know that names, server community are not important for everyone but for me these things are a key element in an MMO. And as I said, i had the same situation at AoC and Warhammer - you may laugh but I seem to be very unlucky there, its like a repeating nightmare that occured the 3rd time now. ;)


And I doubt I am alone with that issue, this thread and others do prove that the whole transfer move of BW was not very well done, necessary at some servers yes - but at all? I doubt that, especially if I look at my server which had pvp action all day, planets with enough players for multiple hero quest´s etc.

You might have been lucky regarding the transfers but not everyone was. Even if 70% were happy and 30% unhappy then those 30% are too many allready.


I quit because I dont have the time to start from 0 and playing with only 23 others is pretty much pointless in an MMO, something you should also understand. :D


I wasnt happy when they added dps meters, announced LFG, cancelled solo rated or lowered the graphics for those with bad pc´s, did I quit? No I didnt, so calling me a child is just :rolleyes:

Edited by RachelAnne
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Yes, the ingame currency that article is referring to is gems, which are only useable in the cash-shop and which isn't the "prime credit ingame" that you stated it is.


Gold is the prime currency, gems are a secondary currency only useable in the cash-shop to purchase asthetical non-tradeable goods like dyes, sunglasses, etc. There's no PvP/PvE gear in there, and all this is contrary to what you said.


In addition, you're the one who brought all this up, so it's rather silly that upon being corrected you don't want to discuss the matter.


Actualy i was discussing it with someone else and i mention the article about GW2, if ingame currency can be bought then thats not good, and if it were only what you suggest it would not be 'controversial' would it now. Either way its not my problem as i shall not be purchasing that game.

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Actualy i was discussing it with someone else and i mention the article about GW2, if ingame currency can be bought then thats not good, and if it were only what you suggest it would not be 'controversial' would it now. Either way its not my problem as i shall not be purchasing that game.


You're welcome to your opinion, but the conclusions you made regarding gold-buying and gear-buying were flat-out wrong and I'm correcting you.


Additionally, as a fan of TOR I think you'd do yourself a service to learn more about cash-shops and the various ways they can be implemented in MMOs. Since recent rumors about TOR going f2p have surfaced, I think that, if this becomes the case, gamers would prefer a cash-shop more in line with how GW and LOTRO do things and less like how Runescape/MapleStory does it... There is a big difference.

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I loved SWTOR, but after server transfer lost me my 2 main toons names and our Guild name (after we jumped through all the pre order hoops just to get them) The magic is gone. I log in now and the only thing I can think of while lagging through the fleet is when will GW2 be released.
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I am new to the game and loving it. However I have noticed to me what is killing the game is the combat is broken in places and works strange in other places. Auto target nearest enemy does not work. Why do all my skills time every time I hit one. Each skill needs it own cool down timer. With the way it is now there almost seems to be 2 cool downs. first when you hit a skill all cool down at once and then some skills have their own cooldown. This make the combat feel diliberate and slow. They also need to make an enable auto attack, so it can be switched on and off for different playstyles. Bioware needs to fix the game instead of giving us trinkets and new content to appease us.
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You're welcome to your opinion, but the conclusions you made regarding gold-buying and gear-buying were flat-out wrong and I'm correcting you.


Additionally, as a fan of TOR I think you'd do yourself a service to learn more about cash-shops and the various ways they can be implemented in MMOs. Since recent rumors about TOR going f2p have surfaced, I think that, if this becomes the case, gamers would prefer a cash-shop more in line with how GW and LOTRO do things and less like how Runescape/MapleStory does it... There is a big difference.


did you say gems yes ?


"Because gems can be traded for gold and vice versa, we don't need two different trading systems, one for gold and one for gems. In Guild Wars 2, everything on the Trading Post is traded for gold, but of course, somebody who wants to earn gems can just sell items for gold, and then convert the gold to gems."




also the rumors were quashed by the article saying f2p by it being retracted for being taken out of context, all it was refering to is free access to lvl 15 trial and they would look at f2p in the future over the next decade. And i didnt want to burst your bubble but hey you forced me.

Edited by Shingara
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