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Where is my credits?!?!


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8,000 credits is the adverage cost of my abilities, which is quickly becoming 12,000. On top of abilities and repairs, which is also 8,000, i dont dont have anymore credits.


Not only that, but removing mods also cost credits. If i buy modded gear for 11,000 credits, i own those mods. I didnt spend 11,000 credits on unmodded peice of ****, i bought the gear and the mods with it. So why do i have to spend more to remove them?

Edited by Tycoon
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Have a go at PvP for a bit. A few matches pads the bank account nicely. There are ways to get creds, if you try. No-one is going to dump answers in your lap for free. Go get to work.


What!?!?! That is what forums are for, answers and advice....

Edited by Tycoon
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Apparently so. Let me break this down my post.


[1.]Have a go at PvP for a bit. A few matches pads the bank account nicely. [2.] There are ways to get creds, if you try. No-one is going to dump answers in your lap for free. Go get to work.


1. My advice to go PvP.

2. Me chiding you for being lazy and not earning your keep.

Edited by BuddyLight
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I had that exact same problem in beta I did not know about the speeder purchase at level 25 and I sent my guys out on all sorts of missions plus I even expanded my inventory (a complete waste of 5k at early levels) and I bought a few to many med packs and stims.


Then all of a sudden I needed a speeder on Tatooine and no credits to get one, and it was only through the kindness of a weekend beta tester I met that allowed me through his donation of 9k to get my speeder before beta ended.


So if you fall behind by wasting credits on silly things it can be difficult to get back to where you should be in terms of credits to spend on things you need like training.

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If it makes you feel better, it's not as bad as it was in the beta. A lot of the training costs have been reduced. But it is still rough. I think once the economy on the servers get going you'll start earning ore from the GTN. Though they did make it easy to be a junk collector, if your inventory gets full you just send you companion to sell the junk and you get credits.
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Slicing is a good skill to take mostly because it doesn't cost anything to level, and it nets you some credits. So you aren't persuaded to dump 1000s of credits into a third mission skill that will cause you to go bankrupt. Most of your credit intake will come not from crew skills, but from quests.
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Apparently so. Let me break this down my post.


[1.]Have a go at PvP for a bit. A few matches pads the bank account nicely. [2.] There are ways to get creds, if you try. No-one is going to dump answers in your lap for free. Go get to work.


1. My advice to go PvP.

2. Me chiding you for being lazy and not earning your keep.


I think you have some serious issues. Nothing in my thread attacks you personally. Why you trying to do the same to me? You really have no idea who i am or what im like.


Also, i dont play video games to "work". If the game begins to feel like work, it might be time to move on..

Edited by Tycoon
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