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What to do when in queues?


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Soooo, Im a bit tired of this whole 'We want transfers' then 'oh god its too full now' threads.

Especially the ones that moan about 5-20 minute queues.


So lets give them suggestions of what they can actually do whilst waiting instead of clustering the forums.


Soooo. To get the ball rolling.

The normal take a piss and grab some food/drink.


You could also have a fumble. Mainly because Im allergic to cat hair so you would be doing me a favour.

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Good idea!

I agree on get a drink/snack and pee but what is a fumble?


In additon you can (I have)

Walk outside and chat with friends.

Open junk mail I have been avoiding.

Partially load or unload the dishwasher.

Brush my cat, he is shedding like crazy right now.

Read my guilds website.

Read my personal email.

Look up new manicure ideas.

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Yeah not all of us gave a crap about transfers, I wasa plenty happy on my server ( low pop ) which is why I stayed there... now I have a 20 minute queues because everybody and they're brother moved here, so yeah I'm gonna piss and moan cause I chose this server just so I would never have to wait in a que...what a joke. Get ur stuff together SWTOR or I'll go back to fps where I don't have to pay to play Edited by Greyhorse
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Fumble is a polite British word for having a ****. I wasn't sure whether it would get starred or not.


And yes... i hate opening my mail. Seems to be bills or overdraft notifications atm.

I mean... i dont know why people don't go do something as effortless as watching tv for 20 minutes?

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Yeah not all of us gave a crap about transfers, I wasa plenty happy on my server ( low pop ) which is why I stayed there... now I have a 20 minute queues because everybody and they're brother moved here, so yeah I'm gonna piss and moan cause I chose this server just so I would never have to wait in a que...what a joke. Get ur stuff together SWTOR or I'll go back to fps where I don't have to pay to play


Not wanting to get offtopic about what is actually supposed to be the point of the thread BUT.

How did a basically dead server by your words get chosen as a destination server?

Every other server I've seen chosen has been heavy at prime time mostly.


Unless they merged 8 servers into your destination one which makes sense...

Which brings me to another question.

Why are you playing an MMO if you don't like populated servers?

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Troll the forums.


Yep, and up comes the dozen threads about people sharing their queue placement with the rest of us. Wish they would stop spamming the forums with these nonsense threads. At least they could try to be a bit constructive, but no, ZOMG I AM IN A QUEUE I AM NERD FURIOUSNESS HEAR ME ROAR. Meh, I wish there was a British forum :(

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Re-roll on a low level server? Just kidding, wait no I am not. I play on two servers. I started this way back when we first met que's. When you can't get on one. Play on another.


As much time as people put into complaining about things, they could have another 50 on a second server.


But then there is read a book

take a bath

watch some tv

talk to some live humans.

go to the zoo

eat popcorn in a movie theater

Play free WOW

take time to post something helpful on the forums. (I highly recommend this one)

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Yep, and up comes the dozen threads about people sharing their queue placement with the rest of us. Wish they would stop spamming the forums with these nonsense threads. At least they could try to be a bit constructive, but no, ZOMG I AM IN A QUEUE I AM NERD FURIOUSNESS HEAR ME ROAR. Meh, I wish there was a British forum :(


This is the thing, when i was on forums on EU primetime earlier, there was love spare for everyone on the forums...

Now Im at work and its American primetime its trolling time.

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Fumble is a polite British word for having a ****. I wasn't sure whether it would get starred or not.


And yes... i hate opening my mail. Seems to be bills or overdraft notifications atm.

I mean... i dont know why people don't go do something as effortless as watching tv for 20 minutes?

:o haha, oops!

Agree 100%, in fact we were discussing this last night. I would much rather have 900 other people to play with than 0 Q time.

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well aside from taking 20 minutes to troll a forum(s) 20 miniutes is more then enough for a workout or some happy time

get food/drinks


sleep (someone was thinking it)

use the internet


I preffer having the ques then barely anyone on with no q time, its rather lonely :(

Besides you know how much one can do in 20 freaking minutes? The possibilites are endless :cool:


Ooooh dunno if you've played SW:EAW but 1 game is litterally 15-20 minutes:D

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I mentioned this in another thread, but I'll state it here again. I pr0n surf. Not only does that pass the time quite well, but it gets me fired up for my wife after finishing my gametime.


So not only are the queues a good sign for healthy servers, but you might say they are helping my marriage as well.

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