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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remaining PVE East Coast NA Servers not selected for Transfers as of 6/17


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I believe I have this right: (13 servers left on East Coast PVE)


Anturi Reach

Thana Vesh

Ice Breaker

Colonel Tobin

Firaxan Shark

Crevasse City

Mind Trick

Darth Bandon

Shadow Hand

Corellian Run

Sith Wyrm


Tarro Blood


I'm a current resident of the Pre-Launch server Tarro Blood. Curious how many of the others were pre-launch. For those on these servers would you want to be thrown onto other now Heavy destination servers? Or would you rather get a new destination today?


IMO take 2 of these servers above and make them new destinations... then split up the origins 6/5 and move them all onto the 2 and call it a day. We'd then all likely be heavy to full at peak on east coast PVE this week :D :D :D


Oh and make Tarro Blood a destination server k thx bye.

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My BH i made during EA is stuck on Shadowlands, no transfer has been made available yet for that server.


It's listed as a destination server.... I was including destinations as apart of the program for obvious reasons. 95% of the player base wouldn't want to leave if selected as a destination server. Unless you re-rolled and don't want to leave the re-rolled server now.

Edited by Chesty_Jake
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Darth Bandon was a pre-launch server. I'd like to see us become a destination server, but of course most players on all of these servers would probably want theirs to be a destination at this point.


Yep, I do wonder how many were pre-launch though. I'd be a sad panda to find we get Xfer'd to a non pre-launch. If you pick a destination server out of this list it should be PL imo. Reward players that were here first!


Of course I don't want to move, but will embrace whatever comes our way.

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Only Canderous Ordo reached very heavy status that I saw over the weekend. They need to move these remaining servers onto Jedi Covenant and Shadowlands. I think a lot of rerollers that were on Jedi Covenant ended up having their mains go to Canderous, because it's more populated than Covenant now. Same with P5 for Fatman. Edited by Galbatorrix
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I believe I have this right: (13 servers left on East Coast PVE)


Anturi Reach

Thana Vesh

Ice Breaker

Colonel Tobin

Firaxan Shark

Crevasse City

Mind Trick

Darth Bandon

Shadow Hand

Corellian Run

Sith Wyrm


Tarro Blood


I'm a current resident of the Pre-Launch server Tarro Blood. Curious how many of the others were pre-launch. For those on these servers would you want to be thrown onto other now Heavy destination servers? Or would you rather get a new destination today?


IMO take 2 of these servers above and make them new destinations... then split up the origins 6/5 and move them all onto the 2 and call it a day. We'd then all likely be heavy to full at peak on east coast PVE this week :D :D :D


Oh and make Tarro Blood a destination server k thx bye.


Pre launch tarro here as well

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i think on tarro i only ever got 1 cue to wait and it was for i think 15 minutes, but it didnt take 15 to pop


We had a few nights of 45 minute que listings... but it never took that long to log in. And yah i'd rather have a 30 minute que than sit for 30 minutes on fleet for a pvp match to pop.

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I believe I have this right: (13 servers left on East Coast PVE)


Anturi Reach

Thana Vesh

Ice Breaker

Colonel Tobin

Firaxan Shark

Crevasse City

Mind Trick

Darth Bandon

Shadow Hand

Corellian Run

Sith Wyrm


Tarro Blood


I'm a current resident of the Pre-Launch server Tarro Blood. Curious how many of the others were pre-launch. For those on these servers would you want to be thrown onto other now Heavy destination servers? Or would you rather get a new destination today?


IMO take 2 of these servers above and make them new destinations... then split up the origins 6/5 and move them all onto the 2 and call it a day. We'd then all likely be heavy to full at peak on east coast PVE this week :D :D :D


Oh and make Tarro Blood a destination server k thx bye.


Those are too few to be merged into a new destination server. Most of those are among the lowest populated too. Opening up a new destination server would leave it at a much lower pooulation than the others. That and Shadowlands still needs some love compared to the others.

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I'm on the west coast The Jekk Jekk Tarr server and haven't been selected yet either! We were placed there for the early access guild program along with a bunch of other guilds. When the Aussie servers transfers happened we got hit real hard. Hope our transfer comes today! Having to wait all weekend when most others are already there was complete ********!
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Here's the list of destination server transfers as of 10 minutes ago (12:14 pm 6/18/2012):


Shadow Hand is the only server without a transfer option that is likely to get one.



  • Dalborra PvE No change likely
  • Master Dar'Nala PvP No change likely
  • Gav Daragon RP PvE No change likely



EUR English

  • Nightmare Lands PvE Destination for: Bacca's Blade, Bao-Dur, Dune Bantha, Frostclaw, Hidden Beks, Hydian Way, Peragus Mining Facility, Sith'ari
  • The Red Eclipse PvE Destination for: Dxun Battle Circle, Eye of Ashlanae, Flames of the Crucible, Goluud Corridor, Kellian Jarro, Ludo Kressh, Rogue Moon, Sluis Shipyards, The Arkanian Legacy, Luka Sene
  • Tomb of Freedon Nadd PvP Destination for: Ahto City, Chuundar, Hex Droid, Kai-kan, Niman,Scepter of Ragnos, Senator Contispex, Starstorm One, Tassaa Bareesh, The Exile's Crystal, The Kumumgah, The Ravager, The Shadow Runner, Tott Doneeta, Trayus Academy, Ula Vii, Uthar Wynn, Basilisk Droid, Bloodworthy, Legions of Lettow
  • The Progenitor RP PvE Destination for: Shaltin Tunnels, Trask Ulgo
  • Lord Calypho RP PvP No change likely


EUR French

  • Mantle of the Force PvE Destination for: Hssiss, Kissai Caste, Phateem Halls of Knowledge, Vodo-Siosk Baas,
  • Darth Nihilus PvP Destination for: Atris, Baron Deathmark, Dol Grenn, Hrakert Rift, Mecrosa Order, Princess Galia, Star Map
  • Battle Meditation RP PvE Destination for: Kessel Run
  • Huntmaster RP PvP No change likely


EUR German

  • T3-M4 PvE Destination for: Darth Andeddu, Exar Kun, Force Harvester, Lenico Gargantuan, Odacer-Faustin Academy, Sith Triumvirate, Supreme Commander Stantorrs
  • The Jedi Tower PvE Destination for: Dreypa's Oubliette, Handmaidens of Atris, Murakami Orchid, Opila Crystal, Stereb Cities, The Cinzia
  • Jar'Kai Sword PvP Destination for: The Restoration Zone, Blotus the Hutt, Brianna, Darth Revan's Mask, Darth Traya, Exis Station, Gnawer's Roost, Loramarr, Pius Dea, The Krath Enchanter
  • Vanjervalis Chain RP PvE Destination for: Cassus Fett, Zayne Carrick
  • Jen'jidai RP PvP No change likely


US East

  • Canderous Ordo PvE Destination for: Assassins of Sion, Juyo, Kaas City, Kathol Rift, Krayiss Obelisk, Master Dorak, The Constant, The Corsair, The Courageous, Whitebeam Run, Zez-Kai Ell
  • Corellian Run PvE Destination for: Anturi Reach, Colonel Tobin, Crevasse City, Darth Bandon, Firaxan Shark, ICE Breaker, Mind Trick, Sith Wyrm, Tarro Blood, Thana Vesh
  • Jedi Covenant PvE Destination for: Axial Park, Eidolon Security, Fort Garnik, Hanharr, Keetael, Keller's Void, Khoonda Militia, Ki-Ta Kren, Nathema, Sedyn Kyne, Telos Restoration Project, The Defenestrator, Shii-Cho
  • Shadow Hand PvE Not yet transferred.
  • The Shadowlands PvE Destination for: Dreshdae Cantina, Elysium, Giradda the Hutt, Grand Master Zym, Krayt Dragon, Sith Meditation Sphere, The Razor
  • Prophecy of the Five PvP Destination for: Bondar Crystal, Davik's Estate, Death Wind Corridor, Gardens of Talla, Infinity Gate, Iron Citadel, Naddist Rebels, Saber of Exar Kun, Sword of Ajunta Pall, Terentatek, The Twin Spears, Veela, Anchorhead, Helm of Graush, Port Nowhere, Vulkar Highway
  • The Fatman PvP Destination for: Cho Mai, Firkrann Crystal, Hedarr Soongh, Kinrath Spider, Rwookrrorro, The Deadweight, Thendys Noori, Belgoth's Beacon, Darth Malak
  • The Ebon Hawk RP PvE Destination for: Kath Hound, Lord Adraas, Rubat Crystal, Sanctum of the Exalted, Shien
  • Jung Ma RP PvP Destination for: Ajunta Pall, Ven Zallow



US West

  • Drooga's Pleasure Barge PvE Destination for: Darth Xedrix, Fa'athra, Lord Praven, Mask of Nihilus, Master Gnost-Dural, Master Zhar Lestin, Perlemian Trade Route, Darth Sion, Hyperspace Cannon, Veeboo Lunx, Zakkeg Beast
  • The Harbinger PvE Destination for: Empress Teta, Gauntlet of Kressh, Kaiburr Crystal, Krath, Namadii Corridor, Soresu, Wall of Light, Zaalbar, Space Slug, The Jekk'Jekk Tarr, Vornskr
  • The Bastion PvP Destination for: Black Vulkars, Daragon Trail, Dark Reaper, Infinite Empire, Mandalore the Indomitable, Nadd's Sarcophagus, Rakata Mind Prison, Shadowtown, The Crucible Pits, The Maw, Destination for: The Swiftsure, Warriors of the Shadow, Wound in the Force
  • Begeren Colony RP PvE Destination for: Lord Ieldis, Vrook Lamar

Edited by Scorpienne
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