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character transfer

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Alright, so I've decided to move forward with the free chacter transfer service, moving my main and two alts from "Master Gnost-Dural" to "Droogas Pleasure Barge".


So here's my question: what are the benefits of the transfer?


I admit that my playing style has concentrated on the storylines of my 3 characters, so I haven't done much grouping. That being said I like helping folks out with missions when they ACTUALLY ask. Arbitrary, random party (and guild) invites have been turned down because it's just a cold message that pops up on the screen. Someone just randomly messaging folks. But, I'm usually pretty good about helping players out who acutally ask via whisper. I know that admission will probably upset some, that's not my intention, just being honest.


Good to all and happy gaming.

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Alright, so I've decided to move forward with the free chacter transfer service, moving my main and two alts from "Master Gnost-Dural" to "Droogas Pleasure Barge".


So here's my question: what are the benefits of the transfer?


I admit that my playing style has concentrated on the storylines of my 3 characters, so I haven't done much grouping. That being said I like helping folks out with missions when they ACTUALLY ask. Arbitrary, random party (and guild) invites have been turned down because it's just a cold message that pops up on the screen. Someone just randomly messaging folks. But, I'm usually pretty good about helping players out who acutally ask via whisper. I know that admission will probably upset some, that's not my intention, just being honest.


Good to all and happy gaming.


if you dont transfer you will be basically alone in your server and it will suck and you will likely leave the game before to long

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