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Player Housing and Cities Planet


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I am surprised at this thread, because no one really pays attention to what has been already addressed with player housing. After SWG introduced "Abandoned buildings", players went out in swarms to get rid of all the "ghost towns". Ghost towns did not exist after that, period, notta, not even one!! So for one last time, your ghost town theories can be laid to rest :).


This is to all the "this aint SWG2". Well technically it is. I know there are a few devs that went over to Tor, not to mention, anyone that ever played swg, if you look at the updated notes, the way things are worded are almost identical. The list could go on pretty much forever really, but I am probably just wasting my breath anyway, because most people that would read this already have a negative attitude towards the topic. What I find sad is this, with all the money it took to make this game, 200 or 300 mil depending on which site has the correct amount ( the most expensive game in history) its saddens me that they really didn't give anyone that OMG factor, what a great game, but we did get TONS of voice overs, that just about everyone I know skipped at about level 5 to 50.


So lets see what we have for our money. We have cut scenes that no one really watches, if I wanted to see a movie, I would just pop the SW cd's in and grab a beer. We have a very limited range on the planets (well that is enticing), we have probably the "laziest" space game I have ever seen in any mmo, hold the mouse down? LOL. Alright, so we also have no space PVP, are you serious? Has anyone ever seen SW before? Hmm seems to me that is where tons of action takes place, what am I thinking though, I am probably just wishing it was SWG right? There is almost no community here, because as someone mentioned before, this is more of a mobile game, so why did they make this an MMO when you could of just logged onto xbox live and played with a friend? The point to this is, SWG had all of this, way more than this, so that is why we all love SWG. Please stop saying "get over it", you obviously probably never played before.


Housing is a big part of many people's game play, it show's character, probably close to your real life way of living in my opinion. What I ask is this, since there are people that want to down/degrade housing ask yourself what has your current Tor brought you? Let's see, same ol dungeons when your a certain level, same ol questing system, A to B to C etc. Crafting level of about a 10 year old. Cheezy open world pvp, I mean who invents a game without the possibility of taking over an opposing faction's base/building/city? MY FAVORITE, who makes a BH that cant take out a contract on someone? WHATTTT?????? Do they even know what a Bounty Hunter means? Does anyone? So you see I could complain forever, but I really don't care tbh, I am just showing you a couple of comparisons of what we have vs having some simple housing that a big majority of former SWG players, (the real fans) would like to see in the game.


Let me guess, a couple of threads later I am betting I will see, "I don't want ghost towns and I don't like lag", guess I will just have to grab another brew and /shake my head. To all the former SWG players /salute, /deepbow!

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a part of housing is actually not much different then the codex entries, only better.

housing could also mean, longterm crafting procedures. why not farming mats and let the ship/house droid using different (from other players with the right profession) crafted machines do some work on a new schematic?


selling this schematic would boost the economy and brings some new depth into the game.

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I'd like player housing, would fit great in your ship since that's supposed to be home base any way...though i wouldn't mind a SWG version of housing either. In addition to waiting on housing i'm also waiting on Pazaak and swoop tracks >__< this is after all KoToR 3!!!
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I think the OP is absolutely correct. Having some "sandbox" worlds would fix almost every one of this game's problems, IMO. Aside from pleasing the SWG fans (I would switch over in a minute if it every came back online), these worlds would eliminate almost all of the pvp problems. That's what Bioware doesn't understand. You don't have to instance everything. If they would create a couple worlds where Imps and Repubs could just do their own thing, then we would take care of the rest. WE would attack the other side. WE would meet each other on the open plains, in the mountains, or in snowscapes for pitched battles. That's what Star Wars was all about!!! Don't give me crap about the engine either. My rig ran Ilum fine on the few times that there were actually large groups of pvp-ers there to participate and I never have had trouble on fleet either despite being on a target server that has never had pop problems.


The fact is SWTOR is the reason SWG doesn't exist anymore. The sandbox game was shut down for this theme park crap, so they have assumed the responsibility of pleasing the old community themselves. If they don't want to add sandbox features then they should open up SWG again. I guarantee you there would be a renaissance on that game. It'd be like bringing back Coke Classic after the time they changed the recipe. Otherwise, adding a few sandbox planets is the best way to go. Instanced housing and customizable ships are not the same. This game is great if you like gear grind/instanced raids, but adding other planets for sandbox and world pvp would take nothing away from those of you who enjoy the game in its current form.

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Add Dantooine or Yavin for some quests and Housing/Farming etc. this could be a place where people can sell thereMats they farmed in front of their house.

Could be a neutral area. This could also open up some ways to bring smuggler missions in, when they try to deliver some forbidden mats to a secret dealer on coruscant...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would also really love the idea of some extra planets where players could build their cities, place private houses etc. Just like SWG. I'm pretty sure that with that option i would keep playing the game for a long time. Without it... i'm not so sure...

Also ship customization would be great, some interior and exterior changes, pain, furniture etc

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You know, we have a home....it's called our starship.


That said, I'd love it if we could redecorate and maybe even rearrange the interiors. Make our ships ours. Maybe even have more options for our ships in terms of exterior designs. I really don't like the BH or Trooper ships in terms of design, and I don't like the interior of the Sith or Jedi ships.


So, I think this would be a good idea. Make our ships our home.

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open world housing is a bad idea it ends up like it did in SWG where you have a ghost town.


Now instanced housing like in EQ2 is a great idea


Agreed. I would like to see housing, but having it sit in the open world is asking for trouble. I also don't think it needs a separate planet. There should be housing districts on many planets, especially iconic ones like Alderaan, Tatooine, and Corellia.

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I loved being the mayor of a player city, I loved having houses (increased storage, places to decorate, places to "show off" your loot you've gathered in your time playing...). There's so much players can do with them that adding something like this could only help the game which is already struggling in it's current state.


For the people worried about the city becoming a ghost town, that wont happen so long as they put in a system that allows players to destroy (put the house back to the player) after a certain amount of time and also give mayors of the city the tools to control and upkeep the city. As a mayor in SWG I never had a problem with my city looking bad, ever. Infact I had one of the better looking cities in the game. My shuttleport was nice, layout was great and it had good traffic in and out from people who either lived there or were shopping.


I think some people assume it's like the "sims" and just simply do not understand how dynamic it truely can be. One of my friends who was always against ever decorating his house, started to collect paintings in the game (Yep, people like to collect stuff). One day he had bags laying around his house full of paintings and decided the heck with it and started putting them on the walls of his house and actually enjoyed it. So much that he started not only collecting paintings but other rare loot to display in his house or shops.


Incase anyone has a hard time remembering some of the great decorated places in the universe of SWG (much like Jamus' bunker on Bria which was an amazing collection of rarities) I have a few screen shots from before I lost most all of mine of my shuttleport in my city, my tree house, my shop (the spice of life) where I collected the old and new spice in the game and made a "bar" and also some of me and my friends BM house where we crafted our pets (our mad scientist lab lol).


Yes, I know this isn't SWG 2.0 and I never claimed it to be, but having something like this in the game can only help to give people something to enjoy in the game other than the grind. If people don't want to participate then they don't have to but for those who would and in my opinion I think many would, it could be a great thing for TOR as long as it's done right.

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You know, we have a home....it's called our starship.


That said, I'd love it if we could redecorate and maybe even rearrange the interiors. Make our ships ours. Maybe even have more options for our ships in terms of exterior designs. I really don't like the BH or Trooper ships in terms of design, and I don't like the interior of the Sith or Jedi ships.


So, I think this would be a good idea. Make our ships our home.


That's really a bad idea. First of all, people have to be grouped with you see your ship. Secondly, there's no way for you to have an open house which would allow just anyone to tour your "home", and show off all your creativity.


The same can be said any kind of instanced housing. It's just a cheap, and LAZY way to do it.


By making a couple of planets dedicated to open world housing, and player cities, they open up a ton of possibilities for the future.


Guilds could set their city as pvp area, and make their own world pvp happen. They could design it as a fort/military compound, as an example.


RP'ers would have a field day with open world cities/housing, as well.


Once again, people could show off their hard work in aquiring things to display in their homes, and have contests among themselves.


Instanced housing is cheap, and lazy. Yes, I said it twice.



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I miss housing. As it is, I love SW but I have to play other games as well to sate my decorating needs. Give me something to decorate in SW and it will have my undivided loyalty.


Open world or not.. instanced housing is fine, as long as it's done LotrO or Aion (studio) style where your friends can still easily find and visit you.

Edited by Mekare
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This was one of the reasons SWG frustrated me. I mean dont get me wrong being able to create your own city or home is fun (the new Skyrim DLC being an good example). However I think BioWare had the right idea in having the Ships be the base of operations for the character classes. Especially since the Story lines alone have us moving from one planet to another. Also I like the inside of the ships just fine, not to keen on the Trooper ship exterior design but in the end I guess it doesnt really matter. Also this game is STORY based not free roam like SWG was which suits me just fine. I also feel that since the story has us going from one place to another so building a house to me seems like a waste of time and credits and just having a planet for people to build cities on would be a very bad idea for a Story based MMO like this one.
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Because this topic keeps coming up and I never played SWG, I went hunting around google & youtube to see what all the fuss is about. My conclusion is that player housing is a complete abomination, even the most highly rated examples I could find were absolutely horrid, dumping grounds only marginally more interesting and rarely more attractive than a garbage tip.


I understand the compulsion to hoard but it's just not healthy or desirable.

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You know, we have a home....it's called our starship.


That said, I'd love it if we could redecorate and maybe even rearrange the interiors. Make our ships ours. Maybe even have more options for our ships in terms of exterior designs. I really don't like the BH or Trooper ships in terms of design, and I don't like the interior of the Sith or Jedi ships.


So, I think this would be a good idea. Make our ships our home.


Ah my little friend, sry to tell ya, the cashcow took over the bloody fast sinking boat and its no chrismastime, there will never be any chrismas presents here anymore just for the info. There is one wz, one fp, one operation planned and BAZZzzzzzztzzzillions of fantastic pets and ponies and unbelievable vehicles in all new colors, and sparkles and all the amazing npc sets in different colors.. youll get anything soon, really soon, absolutley soon in our amazing shop..


"what de fûk?!, you want revolutionary content, an house or even iconic apartments ontop of coruscant skyscrapers with that amazing view over the impressive landscape... and even interiors?! omg, for our 3man team thats centuries of work, i think we stay at the shop, give them zuccars a new tauntaun, this time the blue one, in 3 months we take the magenta one, now lemme play gw2:rak_02:"

Edited by MaceSW
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  • 2 weeks later...
Please add a new planet where players can build cities and houses. Don't do paths, make all the expanse on the planet available. Allow customization so players can become more a part of the game. the planet should have multiple regions types ... snow, beach, mountains... My wife and I played SWG for the entire length of the game because of this feature. We PVP, we ran a city, we did all the parts of the game but in the end, having houses and such made the game longevity.


Agreed... Great Idea.

They can test it with a new room on our ships to tart up... I want to have my own armory in my ship, with all my customs kits.

A bonus for those that sub ?

Edited by Diusys
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  • 9 months later...
what for?


no seriously, i never been in an mmo with housing, can't imagine what it is like. most of the time, i log in and out from the fleet, seems like a reasonable place to start and end today's adventure.


what would push me to visit my owned home?


i used to owned home in rpg (skyrim, fallout) but i end up rarely visiting them. only advantage was to store equipment or ingredient. but on swtor we have the cargo bay accessible from fleet, ship, and every planet.


i truly want to know what player that have had housing in mmo find a good use for?

could the ship also be a housing?


seriously, you have never played a MMO that had player housing??? Oh man its the best idea ever thought of. Well other the having player owned cities and etc but having your own house and the ability to put what ever you want in it and make it into a basically a museum. I have seen some houses on SWG that is out of this world omg. I totally support this idea even if the housing/player cities was instanced. If it is ship housing or regular housing it dont matter i like it.

Edited by Jorelle
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  • 2 weeks later...

I support this idea and to combat ghost towns inactive players inactive for say 60days the houses get packed up and the spot they had us now vacant you snooze you loose theory I think works best. Tho u don't lose your house or stuff once you come back all you do is find a new spot to plant your house and all ur items are still where they were left.


I think open world pvp involving cities would be epic fighting for control if planets that we love on it definately changes the stakes. There could be perks given to the side that controls the planet.


Also this would make crafters happy they would have more to craft from the buildings to the decor.


Decor loot drops could be added to all old flashpoints and operations to make them replayable even have different decor drop in story modes than in hard mode and in nightmare.


Also bioware could make more credits selling decor items on the cartel market this would help make bioware more MoNEY.


I think over all everyone wins and if u don't want a house you have your ship in SWG the peoe who didn't want a house used their ship for storage but u could also decorate the ship the way you wanted to aswell. SWG was a far better game as far as it came to customizing your life in te Star Wars universe and I don't understand why bioware doesn't see why people play this game it's to be a part of this universe we want to live in it. Star Wars is a different universe than other MMOs Star Wars was a huge part of many of our childhood years for us this is an escape to relive that and explore and breath that world we cherish so much.

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I would welcome this idea, I think it would be a great addition. But I like the idea of being able to build a small “BASE” where all your alts can be housed in the same location. I would even be willing to pay a bit higher subscription to buy an area where I could do it. Doesn’t have to be on a new planet, it could be on an existing one. Either way I think it would be fun.

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Please add a new planet where players can build cities and houses. Don't do paths, make all the expanse on the planet available. Allow customization so players can become more a part of the game. the planet should have multiple regions types ... snow, beach, mountains... My wife and I played SWG for the entire length of the game because of this feature. We PVP, we ran a city, we did all the parts of the game but in the end, having houses and such made the game longevity.


I'm an old Mayor from SWG myself and I FULLY support this idea to 500%!!!! :)

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  • 8 months later...

The thread was a cool read. 15 pages of people wanting and supporting the idea of non-instanced housing - all written over a year before the announcement of us getting housing, which appears to be instanced. I think its cool either way.


But it was nice to see what the players wanted as apposed to what balance the developers were able to put together to meet the players on some kind of common ground. But I still support this idea, of an expanded space in certain planets where players can build towns and cities, including speeder outposts and quick travel points. Maybe instance these expanded places? They are going to need serious Cantina uplifts to make these places more exciting, which I am sure devs are deep at work on the Cantinas.

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