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Who here actually likes Karen Traviss?


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No duh, Sherlock. If you had read the REST OF THE POSTS, you would have seen that!


Now, as to why she left, she got fired.


lol... if we ignore the fact that the novels are done on a contract basis so she couldn't really be "fired" Travis canceled the last commando novel she was going to write not LL


now I know in your delusions you have assumed otherwise and probably made up some contrived story to back it up.. but the official word from LL and Travis is that she cancelled it and forgive me if I trust what the actual people involved say over the assumptions of random haters on the internet


again you hate her, we get that... no need to continue to make things up to try and justify your opinion

Edited by Liquidacid
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lol... if we ignore the fact that the novels are done on a contract basis so she couldn't really be "fired" Travis canceled the last commando novel she was going to write not LL


now I know in your delusions you have assumed otherwise and probably made up some contrived story to back it up.. but the official word from LL and Travis is that she cancelled it and forgive me if I trust what the actual people involved say over the assumptions of random haters on the internet


again you hate her, we get that... no need to continue to make things up to try and justify your opinion


As much as I would like to agree with you, I just can't. What we hear from LL is probably false. Remember, corporations usually try to cover up the actual story of what happened during controversial firings. What they say happened and what actually happened can be two completely different things. In all likelyhood, they, especially Traviss, are trying to keep the actual going-ons mystified.

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lol... if we ignore the fact that the novels are done on a contract basis so she couldn't really be "fired" Travis canceled the last commando novel she was going to write not LL


now I know in your delusions you have assumed otherwise and probably made up some contrived story to back it up.. but the official word from LL and Travis is that she cancelled it and forgive me if I trust what the actual people involved say over the assumptions of random haters on the internet


again you hate her, we get that... no need to continue to make things up to try and justify your opinion


Ok, dude. Here are some facts for you, concerning when an employee gets fired from a job:


When an employer refuses to talk about the details surrounding an employee leaving, that's SOP for the employee either being fired, or being given the option to quit or be fired. The end result is the same, and even if the employee quits, they are fired in all but actual deed. The former employee in question is not re-hireable. LL refuses to talk about the circumstances surrounding Traviss's departure from the ExU writing team. There is no way she will ever be asked back by LL, and there is no way she would be accepted back if she wished to return.


If you read her blog, she is quite possibly the most arrogant author on the face of the earth, and she acts like her **** doesn't stink. Now, as I've stated previously, some of her non-Star Wars novels are actually good. Her Star Wars novels, however, are not.

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Ok, dude. Here are some facts for you, concerning when an employee gets fired from a job:


When an employer refuses to talk about the details surrounding an employee leaving, that's SOP for the employee either being fired, or being given the option to quit or be fired. The end result is the same, and even if the employee quits, they are fired in all but actual deed. The former employee in question is not re-hireable. LL refuses to talk about the circumstances surrounding Traviss's departure from the ExU writing team. There is no way she will ever be asked back by LL, and there is no way she would be accepted back if she wished to return.


If you read her blog, she is quite possibly the most arrogant author on the face of the earth, and she acts like her **** doesn't stink. Now, as I've stated previously, some of her non-Star Wars novels are actually good. Her Star Wars novels, however, are not.


oh she is arrogant I'll give you that... but your whole "facts" as to why she was fired are pure speculation and assumption... I'm not saying it "couldn't" have happened that way just there is no proof... the only facts we have are what the official sources say... other than that it's just guesses... and I wouldn't put much faith in your's personally because you have already proven that you are massively biased about the whole subject


given that she herself cancelled her last novel and her "opinion" on what TCW cartoon did to the Mandolorians I'd say it was, in my opinion, probably more of a mutual agreement to part ways because neither party agreed on the direction the stories were taking... that is actually an extremely common ordeal with writers in large IPs since they simply don't have the freedom that they do when writing for their own IPs


besides it's not that big of a deal... there are tons of writers that come and go in the SW EU all the time... and some are just better at accepting that they have no real control over anything they create in the SW universe than others

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  • 1 month later...
Sorry for necro'ing this thread, but I just realized something. After reading FOTJ, I made a connection, of sorts. Admiral Natasi Daala is Karen Traviss!:eek: And her actions back me up. She doesn't like Jedi and she hired Mando's! I mean that sounds a whole lot like something Traviss would do.
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Meh. I'm sort of apathetic about Traviss, she certantly had a fetish for mandalorians and ignored her fair share of canon, I don't hate as much, I suspect because I was equaly apathetic about Mara Jade. Her novels arn't as bad as Filonis TCW when it comes to canon stomping. She did off Gil Paleaon though so she loses alot of points with me there.


I'd still take a novel written by her to one written by Denning or KJA.

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Agreed. I prefer them on the spartan level, rather than being one man armies.


How did she make them one man armies (aside from Fett, whom was already a one-man army)? They just had a technological advantage via Mandalorian Iron, which is rather hard for weapons at the time to damage. Once people got to work on coming up with weapon upgrades to punch through that armor, the Mandalorians lost that technological edge.


Then their fighting styles and practices were unfamiliar to the galaxy-at-large, while they were familiar with the tactics of the groups they ended up going against. Again once people became familiar with the Mandalorian tactics, their effectiveness went on a serious decline.


She didn't OP Mandalorians at all in her books it was simply a matter of them being the only ones wearing blasterproof/lightsaber resistant vests that actually worked and them being hard to predict because average soldiers and Jedi up to that point never had to have fought Mandalorians (well none of the Jedi of that generation).

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I once again send out the challenge for someone to show an ACTUAL EVENT that supports your claim of Traviss making the Mandalorians overly powerful. Anything! Not Mandalorian dialogue, not their thoughts, an ACTUAL EVENT.


Oh, and Aurbere, it's not necroing, it's rakghouling. :rak_01:

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How did she make them one man armies (aside from Fett, whom was already a one-man army)? They just had a technological advantage via Mandalorian Iron, which is rather hard for weapons at the time to damage. Once people got to work on coming up with weapon upgrades to punch through that armor, the Mandalorians lost that technological edge.


Then their fighting styles and practices were unfamiliar to the galaxy-at-large, while they were familiar with the tactics of the groups they ended up going against. Again once people became familiar with the Mandalorian tactics, their effectiveness went on a serious decline.


She didn't OP Mandalorians at all in her books it was simply a matter of them being the only ones wearing blasterproof/lightsaber resistant vests that actually worked and them being hard to predict because average soldiers and Jedi up to that point never had to have fought Mandalorians (well none of the Jedi of that generation).


It's a figure of speech. I only meant that they were made superior in Traviss' books than to the Mando's of the Old Republic era. And the OR era Mando's were tough enough as is. I have no problem with war-faring Mando's, especially the ones that do well. But I feel that Karen lost touch with what makes mando's who they are. Reading her books, I got the feeling that she didn't understand Mando culture. The Mando's wage war for honor and a challenge, and I feel that she didn't understand that. The Mando's fight Jedi for honor and gain it whether they win or lose. Karen turned them, at least from how I understand it, into Jedi hating super soldiers. That's my view on the whole mando thing.

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It's all turned into Starwars Ball Z now. Mandalorians go OP, so the Jedi go even MORE OP. "It's IMPOSSIBLE! Mandalorians CAN'T be that powerful!!!"


"No! How could that Jedi have a power level of over 99,000?!?!?!?!"








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I actually like her work, as it's expanded upon and interesting race and pointed out a lot of the basic plot holes of the concept of the Clone Wars as present from Episode 2 and onward.


So...the Jedi have a slave army of sentients who start figuring out that they are slaves with no rights...

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I once again send out the challenge for someone to show an ACTUAL EVENT that supports your claim of Traviss making the Mandalorians overly powerful. Anything! Not Mandalorian dialogue, not their thoughts, an ACTUAL EVENT.


Oh, and Aurbere, it's not necroing, it's rakghouling. :rak_01:


the event is


a mandalorian (boba fett), being the only one that can teach an extremely powerful jedi (jaena solo) how to defeat an extremely powerful sith lord (darth ceadus)


jedi have been defeating sith for 5000 years, if not longer. now all of a sudden they need words of wisdom from a non force user.


exapmle of mandos being made OP

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Sorry for necro'ing this thread, but I just realized something. After reading FOTJ, I made a connection, of sorts. Admiral Natasi Daala is Karen Traviss!:eek: And her actions back me up. She doesn't like Jedi and she hired Mando's! I mean that sounds a whole lot like something Traviss would do.


check post # 20


nice to see i'm not the only person paying attention

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the event is


a mandalorian (boba fett), being the only one that can teach an extremely powerful jedi (jaena solo) how to defeat an extremely powerful sith lord (darth ceadus)


jedi have been defeating sith for 5000 years, if not longer. now all of a sudden they need words of wisdom from a non force user.


exapmle of mandos being made OP


IIRC she used Fett to teach her new tactics that as a Jedi she had never needed or been taught. Her link to Jason as a Jedi and a twin meant anything she did would not be a surprise when she faced Caedus. It's been a while since I read the book so if I'm off I apologise.


The problem with this discussion is that it'll always adhere to the Kenobi effect of "from a certain point of view".

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IIRC she used Fett to teach her new tactics that as a Jedi she had never needed or been taught. Her link to Jason as a Jedi and a twin meant anything she did would not be a surprise when she faced Caedus. It's been a while since I read the book so if I'm off I apologise.


The problem with this discussion is that it'll always adhere to the Kenobi effect of "from a certain point of view".


well of course there was a good reason for it, the story had to make sense. i'm not debating that.


i am merely pointing out where a mandalorian was made OP. if boba fett hadn't been made OP then he would have had nothing useful to teach her

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IIRC she used Fett to teach her new tactics that as a Jedi she had never needed or been taught. Her link to Jason as a Jedi and a twin meant anything she did would not be a surprise when she faced Caedus. It's been a while since I read the book so if I'm off I apologise.


The problem with this discussion is that it'll always adhere to the Kenobi effect of "from a certain point of view".


There was no good explanation.


She didn't go with the "Twin bond will prevent me from winning!" argument.


She literally said she needed tips from the greatest killer of Jedi in the galaxy... Boba Fett.


Which is total horse poodoo. Luke should have been the one to teach her, being the fact that he had been the one who beat Jacen previously. More importantly Luke should have been the one to take down Caedus instead of Jaina for narration.


After all... Cadaeus killed Luke's wife. Cadaeus tried to turn his son to the Dark Side. Jacen was his student. He was the one responsible for letting Jacen get lured in by Vergere. I mean, I love Luke and all, but he dropped the ball on this one.

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