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Mia Hawkins vs Vector Hyllus (very minor spoilers)


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It is only funny because it's true.


Second most popular interest = hallucinogenic frog.


Bioware definitely got in ME2 what women like. Hot guy with six pack abs, emo frog, or batman velociraptor? Seriously now. Women were playing ME to sleep with the aliens. (As apparently were guys playing female characters.)


Hypno-Thane owns your soul! XP I <3 Thane, he's my second favorite after Kaidan. (I like Garrus more as my bro.)



But yes, we need more alien options. Most of them are just "repainted humans" anyway, so why do we ladies only get one? How about some Twil'eks? Zabraks? Rattataki? Torgunta? Sarkhai? Chiss?! (Seriously, Chiss plz!) Oh that's right, only guys are allowed to bang the aliens. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ellyria
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Why would you want Mia. You already get Ensign Temple. If you wanted to replace Temple with Mia, I could see that. But replacing Vector would leave Lokin as the romanceable male. Unless they change their minds and allow the females to romance Kaliyo, she's already said that she is fine with that.
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Hypno-Thane owns your soul! XP I <3 Thane, he's my second favorite after Kaidan. (I like Garrus more as my bro.)



But yes, we need more alien options. Most of them are just "repainted humans" anyway, so why do we ladies only get one? How about some Twil'eks? Zabraks? Rattataki? Torgunta? Sarkhai? Chiss?! (Seriously, Chiss plz!) Oh that's right, only guys are allowed to bang the aliens. :rolleyes:


Hypno-Thane does!


I agree on the aliens. Why do females only get Aric? There's so much that could be done with Rule 43 if Bioware just tried. Like you said, I want at least a twi'lek (Zenith), a Zabrak, a Rattataki, and just about anything else. I can get that Bioware might not want to let you go for say...a jawa. (As that would be pretty squicky.) But really? We can't have Gault? Zenith? Some of the other weird looking creatures out there?



Although if you play a female agent, you can go after a Chiss dude, so there's that at least. Of course it's just a one night stand. *pout*


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I'd really like to have Mia as an option. Unfortunately, the no-more-no-less 5-man head count for your squad gets in the way of it. It's a real shame how some of the potential storylines were crippled by this.


Also, she should be an SGRA. Definite lesyay handholding moment.

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I agree on the aliens. Why do females only get Aric? There's so much that could be done with Rule 43 if Bioware just tried. Like you said, I want at least a twi'lek (Zenith), a Zabrak, a Rattataki, and just about anything else. I can get that Bioware might not want to let you go for say...a jawa. (As that would be pretty squicky.) But really? We can't have Gault? Zenith? Some of the other weird looking creatures out there?



Although if you play a female agent, you can go after a Chiss dude, so there's that at least. Of course it's just a one night stand. *pout*


Haha, I was being clever, all the species I named (with the exception of the Chiss) are of companions that can be romanced by the males. (Vette/Twi'lek, Akaavi/Zabrak, Kaliyo/Rattataki, Nadia/Sarkhai, Ashara/Togrunta) But we ladies, like you said, only get Aric. Booooo.



Ahhh Saganu, I *just* finished Hoth last night and totally had my way with that. *swoon*



But anyway, I wouldn't want Mia on my ship, unless she was just hanging out (like Ivory does). I already have Temple, she's goody goody annoying enough for me.

Edited by Ellyria
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I'd really like to have Mia as an option. Unfortunately, the no-more-no-less 5-man head count for your squad gets in the way of it. It's a real shame how some of the potential storylines were crippled by this.


Also, she should be an SGRA. Definite lesyay handholding moment.


I wouldn't mind her. I agree that it would be nice to be able to have more than 5 companions (or to gain and lose some, as they story progresses. I can't imagine that Temple is getting along well with either of my agents

both of whom yelled at her for killing her father, and neither of which is going to stick with the Empire.

. Trading her for Mia

or Hunter

would make a lot of sense, storyline wise.


But I do get that programming the game to accept a near infinite number of possible companions would be pretty tricky. I could see it in certain cases (although Mia vs. Temple might be hard as the only solution I could see would be killing Temple. This might work better as some kind of Alistair vs. Loghain thing where by accepting a certain companion, another walks off in a huff. Or, possibly you an kill off a companion in exchange for a new one, although that seems *really* evil.) But even then, I can see why it wasn't implemented...despite that it would have been really awesome.

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What gets me especially with Kaliyo is that we are stuck with her for so long and have so much time invested on her. I am often rather irritated with her...felt i HAD to go dark to keep her from really being a low affection companion for so damned long.


I will get Vector soon it seems...I hope he is not as squishy as Kaliyo has become ( despite seriously gearing her up..ever since tatooine she has been so fragile no matter how well geared and all...proper stats etc, all good gear). Not a romance option for me but at this point I would like a stronger more durable companion who is not fickle and *****y. With Kaliyo I have bascially dumped the romance idea for the agent altogther and just pray for a more useful companion. Kaliyo was ok till tatooine, as far as being a help goes. Now...I feel awful, she nearly dies every battle no matter what gear I give her...even after holding my nose and making choices I dislike to keep her from loosing affection. Her "storm" ability has been turned off since tatooine too...that is like a suicide run for her since then.


If Vector can handle more damage than her I will be relieved. Romance I can do without, I want a good partner out there!

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For some reason, I spent most of that questline, wanting to shoot Mia in the head. I totally hated that character, and never trusted her, ever.


I love Vector, and wouldn't give him up for that useless priss. I think her old bosses had it right...

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If Vector can handle more damage than her I will be relieved. Romance I can do without, I want a good partner out there!


You'll probably like Vector. He's a good guy (def. on your side). He's squishy melee DPS, but I've found with my operative that I can bounce aggro between the two of them and make out okay.

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If Vector can handle more damage than her I will be relieved. Romance I can do without, I want a good partner out there!
Mmm. He is very much not a tank, but I totally used him like one anyway, and it was fine for the most part. (To be fair, though, my agent doesn't get discouraged by dying, she finds it motivational, so ymmv.)
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Mmm. He is very much not a tank, but I totally used him like one anyway, and it was fine for the most part. (To be fair, though, my agent doesn't get discouraged by dying, she finds it motivational, so ymmv.)


Yeah, gear him up - you can buy him a nice orange weapon as you have him on Alderaan - and he's a great DPS. I love taking him out with my sniper. Between them, they kill most mobs so fast there's no need for a tank or a healer.

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I found Vector to be better at tanking than Kaliyo, really. He took aggro from me whenever I needed him to and once I went full healing spec I was able to keep him alive far better than I had with Kaliyo (who pretty much died every fight.) He died so rarely that I didn't even get to hear his responses when you revive him for a long time.


Actually, the AI seems very well done for all the melee DPS companions I've tried so far. I'm running with Kira now on my knight and I've been impressed.


Mia was an interesting character but she's no replacement for Vector!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I found Vector to be better at tanking than Kaliyo, really. He took aggro from me whenever I needed him to and once I went full healing spec I was able to keep him alive far better than I had with Kaliyo (who pretty much died every fight.) He died so rarely that I didn't even get to hear his responses when you revive him for a long time.


Actually, the AI seems very well done for all the melee DPS companions I've tried so far. I'm running with Kira now on my knight and I've been impressed.


Mia was an interesting character but she's no replacement for Vector!

This isn't about game mechanics, it's about lore. In that perspective Mia would be alot more interesting than a bug-related diplomat.


That would be amazing too!
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It's been a while since I visited the agent forums. Are people still misunderstanding Vector? :-( He is a very complicated character, far more than the sum of his bugs. He may be the closest thing to a real friend my (male) agent has.
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This isn't about game mechanics, it's about lore. In that perspective Mia would be alot more interesting than a bug-related diplomat.

That would be amazing too!



I think Mia would be pretty interesting. With that said, I do find Vector to be interesting and a good addition to the agent's ship, if for no other reason than that he feels like the only character who I'm fairly sure hasn't ever spent an afternoon considering how to kill me slowly and painfully.



Hunter would be a fascinating companion, if for no other reason than that I feel like it was kind of unfair to introduce a "new" character essentially 2 seconds before killing said character. Doing what they did in DA:O - where you can trade Alistair for Loghain (only in this case, it would probably be Hunter for Temple) would have been a really interesting twist. But I can understand why the programmers may have both been not real keen on the extra programming plus didn't want to deal with people whining about how they accidentally let Hunter live and now lost Temple.


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Before i found out that Mia hawkins doesnt become your companion i thought she would. The way that you work with her on tatooine is amazing until you kill "The old man" i got an option with 2 lightside choices and 1 darkside. as im a drakside character i took the choice of shooting her in the face. after actually finding out the companions and arriving on alderaan, i wasnt so pleased to see vectors personality. On my second talking choice i see option to has [Flirt] in it. At that point, I am thinking why the hell somone would want to flirt with some half bug diplomat? I suposse he is better than Lokin being a rakghoul. :rak_01:

To be honest i would much prefer Mia hawkins to be my companion, we worked together alot more better than i did with vector. so im voting for Mia Hawkins.

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At that point, I am thinking why the hell somone would want to flirt with some half bug diplomat?


Now, you see, this is where we differ. All I could think is, why *wouldn't* I want to flirt with a half-bug diplomat?


Vector's a pretty interesting character if you give him a chance. (They all are, IMHO.) But not every romance option will be for everyone. (This is what sucks about only having 1-2 per class.)

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When I first played through Tatooine I thought she was going to be the next companion and I was kind of mad because I didn't like her at all. But as a companion she wouldn't be appropriate, she's a Republic sympathist. She's openly admitted she's fought against the empire. She'd be more willing to put a blaster bolt in your skull than in a Republic soldier's.



This is also similar to how SCORPIO acts, so you'd kind of have two of the same companion.



That and Vector is extremely interesting. He has been my third favorite companion outside of M1-4X and Doctor Lokin.


And finaly while I think anything is possible, if Mia does join your crew, the agents that



killed her in cold blood would want a different companion to be even.


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The aura is fierce, sparks burn.


I get a little tingle in my pants whenver he says that while leaping into my foes. Vector is one of the most interesting companions bioware has created for this game. He is awesome.


Edit: I shot Mia in the face, so I dont think she will become my companion at any point in the future.

Edited by Bujiko
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