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New Server, lots of big egos.


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My ignore list has been getting a work out the last few days. It is baffling how egotistical some of the players are in this game. I don't understand why people have to be that way. Some are just plain rude.


Me: hey you want to run a FP with us?


Other Guy: I suppose I will give you guys a trial and see how it goes.


Me: Lol, okay. Not sure how well we will do, never done a flashpoint with these guys before.


Other Guy: Forget it then. If you guys can't hang I don't even want to waste my time.


Me: Wow seriously. You are that good huh.


Other guy: I have way more experience at this game than you. I have five level fifties.


Ignore list.


Why are people like that. Some people just don't know how to be cool i guess.

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You're trying to tell me you'd never have encountered such a thing on your old server?


This is the internet. The jerk population is quite high, in case you haven't noticed. Everywhere. In every game. On every forum. And on every server.

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You're trying to tell me you'd never have encountered such a thing on your old server?


This is the internet. The jerk population is quite high, in case you haven't noticed. Everywhere. In every game. On every forum. And on every server.



oh the Twin Spears definitely was like that before, it's just not been like that for a long time and we all need some getting used to it again.




that's what you get for playing a stinky poodoo imp, else you could be grouping with Pax ;D


(on a more serious note some of us are leveling up Imp alts so grouping will be an option some time in the future :) )

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You're trying to tell me you'd never have encountered such a thing on your old server?


This is the internet. The jerk population is quite high, in case you haven't noticed. Everywhere. In every game. On every forum. And on every server.


This. Nothing brings out the ego of people more than anonymity. On the internet, people who are otherwise meek and shy can turn into the person they THINK is cooler than they are...Mr. Ego, Mr. Big-shot, Mr. I-am-awesome...


What's funny is that the person in the OP's conversation probably sucks so bad that they don't realize that the people he plays with are carrying him...

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oh the Twin Spears definitely was like that before, it's just not been like that for a long time and we all need some getting used to it again.




that's what you get for playing a stinky poodoo imp, else you could be grouping with Pax ;D


(on a more serious note some of us are leveling up Imp alts so grouping will be an option some time in the future :) )


My ignore list on twin spears only had about a dozen or so on it and I haven't went to it in awhile. But the convergance of the servers has brought out the worst in some people.

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I can honestly say that, at least on my server, this is the nicest game community I've ever been around.


I've been healed by random strangers when enemies were in a glitch and I was on the verge of dying because I couldn't heal in a fight. I was given 2 free level 49 Augments simply because I asked someone a question about my class. Mostly everyone works together in PvP. It's been a pleasant surprise to say the least. There are a couple bad seeds but I just ignore them.

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Second week at 50.

Looked for a random heal for BT HM.

We wiped lfive times on the first droid boss, the healer didn't really heal anyone of us.

After five wipes he said he's quitting, he doesn't wanna play with baddies like us.


We lol'd.

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I haven't had that problem either, thank god. The only thing I noticed is that Republics whine and moan a lot more than Imperials, in /General that is. I knew there was a reason my main is Imperial! Edited by Sauska
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My ignore list on twin spears only had about a dozen or so on it and I haven't went to it in awhile. But the convergance of the servers has brought out the worst in some people.


dunno, I'm actually extremely happy so far. the only thing that is a minor annoyance is that we either face reaaaaally good imps with a group full of scrubs, or really bad imps with really good rep player, so there are no 'even' matches. it's like lottery.



I like the action going on in the black hole, though, the imps are fighting each other who is supposed to kill us - which gives us a chance to kill them ;D

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Most people I have found to be nice, and I'm new to MMO'S and I try to warn people that I group up with that use a lot of short talk that I won't always know what their talking about. Most people are more than happy to explain. But you do get some people who run at the sight of Noobs, or are just really rude!
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I had this problem the other day. New server. I have one of the most geared pve merc healers on the server. I was taking my little lvl 50 alt on a BT HM run. I've done it a million times so no, I didn't think we really needed to CC every trash mob.


A sorc CCed three trash mobs that I wasn't expecting. I used an AoE and marvelously broke all three. Ok, yeah, not the best move on my part but it's trash. The conversation went like this:


Sorc: Wow, how did you manage to break all three CCs?

Me: lol I wasn't expecting you to CC the trash.


Me: I used an AoE....

Sorc: Well you need to knock it the **** off. I'm getting sick of it.


He then made some jerk remarks about our healer (from my guild) not healing full time and that we probably couldn't do the optional boss. We never wiped once except this d-bag died on the trash. He acted rude the rest of the instance.


Personally, I don't think you should pug stuff if you aren't going to be a little more lenient with people (and aren't in a voice chat of some kind together). Communication mishaps happen. Just chill out, gamers. If you aren't with your hardcore gaming group (and even if you are), mistakes happen. No one is going to want to game with you if you bad mouth them or act rude the entire time. Needless to say, I will never be bringing this guy on any instances in the future.

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I haven't had that problem either, thank god. The only thing I noticed is that Republics whine and moan a lot more than Imperials, in /General that is. I knew there was a reason my main is Imperial!


Funny, I had the opposite problem: The Imps were always the ones whining, while the Pubs were the quiet ones... :eek::D

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The size of a given person's ego is usually inversely proportional to both their actual skill and their ability to maintain a modiculum of polite behavior.


It's often astonishing how nice people can be, and those memories stick with us because when one is anonymous, you can't be rewarded for your kindness. The flip side of the coin is that the bads do not carry glowing signs above their head reading "Warning: chip-on-shoulder egotistical ******". A pity , for such a graphical indicator would save me a lot of time.


I consider myself average and try to be nice and polite and helpful, because that's how I want people to treat me. When I get a person like that, my reply is , "only five? Twelve here. Sorry, didn't realize you were a n00b." And ignore.

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My one goes like this


Me: Hi m8 do you know where I can get the purple crystal you have?

Him: I am not your m8


So I called him a douche in general and put him on my list

Isn't that overreacting a bit? Calling him a douche for that response, I mean. For the record, I absolutely hate it when I'm called a "m8", but only when it's spelled like that.

Edited by Sauska
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From my own experience the gob*****s tend to go quiet once you tell them to **** off.

Don't bother trying to rattle your brain for a witty reply.

Just, '**** Off'.

Usually works for me but who knows give it a try :D

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