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LotR army VS SW army


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It seems you don't give one of the most powerful Elves of all time much credit do you? she had much much more power than you seem to believe, she was a participant in the War of Wrath and did much more than anything seen at Dol Guldur or similar battles.


No, I don't, and I know her brought Dol Guldur down, after the ring was destroyed and the Nazgul were gone.


The armies were orcs and barlogs, nothing compare to the powerful droids and heavy weapons. Poweful Jedi Masters could solo a whole army made of Battle Droids.

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As I said, Clone Wars doesn't count for me, since the Jedi are by far overpowered there. In normal star wars and orbital bombardment would kill Yoda, in clone wars he would probably deflect it with his lightsaber.

Nihilus is quite dangerous, though.




You are right on that. I think only three things in Middle earth (the continent) could withstand an orbital bombardment: Lothlorien, Barad-Dur and Tom Bombadil.


To take on the ships you need some clever ideas or some Valar (maybe powerful Maia could do too, but I'm not sure about that.) To counter the Death Star you need Illuvatar. He interfered once, he can do it again. Or maybe the Valar could do it, but that's not sure.


as I said. The SW ships are not apart of the armies. this is an army on army battle. But if we want to involve ships and Superweapons, then we can involve Illuvatar. One thought and boom! no more fleet no more SW army.

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She isn't good at melee fights? like you could even reach her whilst she's magically destroying your entire force, think of Galadriel as more like a demi-god than just some powerful elf.


Proof? She tore down the wall, but not vanquish an army.

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Mostly because she's not good at melee fight compare to the Jedi/Sith, and Force Choke should work well on her spells.


Force Choke? No, melee they can beat her, but force choke would probably didn't have any effect on her.


They still got far more advanced troops, also available for battle meditation.


Yes, but I imagine the troops that enter Lothlorien becoming confused, don't see the enemy -> shhh, Arrow to the knee.

Her "battle meditation" would be incredably more powerful, since she has far better foresight than Jedi and Sith.


The only way I can see it work is to somehow draw her out of Lothlorien. Or develope a counter ritual, probably as complex as the thought bomb.

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You don't give Galadriel the credit she deserves. She was the most powerful elf of her time. The only elf with comparable power was Elrond. She knew that Sauron would use the One Ring to control them so she told Celebrimbor to hide the rings away, to make sure no elf could fall for Sauron's tricks. She is one of the few individuals that could resist Sarumans speech. She is clearly wiser and more powerful than most Jedi or Sith.


What could she do compare to Windu, Yoda, Sidious and Dooku? This only showed she's smart, got nothing to do with raw power.

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Force Choke? No, melee they can beat her, but force choke would probably didn't have any effect on her.




Yes, but I imagine the troops that enter Lothlorien becoming confused, don't see the enemy -> shhh, Arrow to the knee.

Her "battle meditation" would be incredably more powerful, since she has far better foresight than Jedi and Sith.


The only way I can see it work is to somehow draw her out of Lothlorien. Or develope a counter ritual, probably as complex as the thought bomb.


They don't need to see the army, they could detect it or simply destroy the whole place. Arrows couldn't even penetrate the armor of some droids/troops/

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No, I don't, and I know her brought Dol Guldur down, after the ring was destroyed and the Nazgul were gone.


The armies were orcs and barlogs, nothing compare to the powerful droids and heavy weapons. Poweful Jedi Masters could solo a whole army made of Battle Droids.


You need to read Silmarillion again.


Yes because Mace Windu's battle on Dantooine made a whole lot of sense, if these Jedi were really so powerful, why weren't they soloing armies? because apparently they could do that, admit it, Clone Wars is a kid's cartoon, The Clone Wars animated series is far more believable and in-touch with lore.

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No, I don't, and I know her brought Dol Guldur down, after the ring was destroyed and the Nazgul were gone.


The armies were orcs and barlogs, nothing compare to the powerful droids and heavy weapons. Poweful Jedi Masters could solo a whole army made of Battle Droids.


You don't seem to understand that Galadriel almost single handedly held back the armies of Dol Guldur after Saurons defeat.


And Dol Guldur was still protected by the residual effects of Saurons magic. For Galadriel to tear down a fortress protected by Saurons magic that would take immense power.


As I have said for the third time now, the Balrogs molten hot thick hide would absorb the plasma of lightsabers and blasters. They alone could defeat the Star Wars armies

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The plasma fired by blasters would be absorbed by the Balrogs molten hot skin.


the dragons don't go after SW ships because this is army on army. Ships are navy. Like the Death Star. The DS is not apart of the SW army.


Are you kidding? Battleship's shot' force of direct impact could blast it into pieces.


Then dragon is air force, if you want to count them in, count the battleship.

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What could she do compare to Windu, Yoda, Sidious and Dooku? This only showed she's smart, got nothing to do with raw power.


The Clone Wars tv series(the old one) was for kids, not really in touch with the lore. Galadriel was able to vanquish armies single handedly. She doesn't need to get close when she can destroy you from a completely different place.

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You don't seem to understand that Galadriel almost single handedly held back the armies of Dol Guldur after Saurons defeat.


And Dol Guldur was still protected by the residual effects of Saurons magic. For Galadriel to tear down a fortress protected by Saurons magic that would take immense power.


As I have said for the third time now, the Balrogs molten hot thick hide would absorb the plasma of lightsabers and blasters. They alone could defeat the Star Wars armies


when the Shadow passed, Celeborn came forth and led the host of Lórien over Anduin in many boats. They took Dol Guldur, and Galadriel threw down its walls and laid bare its pits, and the forest was cleansed.


And it's still nothing compare to Windu and Yoda's feat.


It couldn't even defend against melee weapon like sword, then you are saying it could defend against blasters and lightsabers?

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Are you kidding? Battleship's shot' force of direct impact could blast it into pieces.


Then dragon is air force, if you want to count them in, count the battleship.


Dragons aren't airforce. They spend most of their time on the ground or in caves. They usually fight on the ground to protect their soft bellies from arrow fire.


You seem to not understand the anatomy of a turbolaser. A turbolaser is not a heated cannon shell. It is a projectile of pure plasma energy. the plasma would be absorbed or even dissipated by the volcanic heat projected by the Balrog's skin.

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It couldn't even defend against melee weapon like sword, then you are saying it could defend against blasters and lightsabers?


Please read: for the fifth time. The plasma would be absorbed by the balrogs hot skin. Like dropping water into a pond. You only serve to increase it's power. If your talking about Gandalf and his sword. gandalf's sword was energized by magical lightning, with eenough power to go through the thick balrog hide to kill it.

Edited by Aurbere
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Dragons aren't airforce. They spend most of their time on the ground or in caves. They usually fight on the ground to protect their soft bellies from arrow fire.


You seem to not understand the anatomy of a turbolaser. A turbolaser is not a heated cannon shell. It is a projectile of pure plasma energy. the plasma would be absorbed or even dissipated by the volcanic heat projected by the Balrog's skin.


The turbolaser was a heavy laser cannon equipped with large banks of capacitors, allowing them to build up and store far more powerful energy bursts than standard cannons. These capacitors gave huge energy bursts to the beam, greatly increasing its power over standard laser cannons. They also helped power the galven coils in the barrels of turbolasers. First, a particle beam was generated in the manner standard of blasters and laser cannons. Then even more power was achieved by guiding this laser cannon particle-beam through another stream of energized Tibanna Gas (besides the one used in generating the initial beam, since laser cannons work on the same principle as blasters) to increase its power. The extra capacitors in a turbolaser that store huge amounts of raw energy then contributed to the beam by energizing it even further as it moved to the turbolaser's barrel. The resulting beam carried roughly three or more times the energy of a standard laser cannon beam.


It then passed through a set of galven coils located in the turbolaser's barrel, even further increasing the beam's power, and allowing it to pierce the defenses of heavily protected targets. Because these weapons required extra time to build up energy for their powerful blasts, they tended to have a slightly slower rate of fire than their weaker brethren (usually around one to two seconds between volleys, depending on the type of turbolaser and what power setting it was on). The risk of overheating was high due to this massive energy buildup, and many turbolaser models were protected with complex cryosystems and a powerful cooling sleeve on the barrel.




And it's not just the heat, also the force of direct impact would sever things apart.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Poweful Jedi Masters could solo a whole army made of Battle Droids.



They don't need to see the army, they could detect it or simply destroy the whole place. Arrows couldn't even penetrate the armor of some droids/troops/



I bet Galadriel's magic could creat something like a deflector shield against bombardment. And it's not only about the arrows: Take the desorientated troops weapons.

Edited by Maaruin
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I bet Galadriel's magic could creat something lika a deflector shield against bombardment. And it's not only about the arrows: Take the desorientated troops weapons.




The battle of Geonosis took


Approx 1 million B1 battle droids deployed

Approx 3.96 million B1 battle droids stored on Lucrehulk-class battleships

100,000 B2 super battle droids


Of course they don't have enough money to show well enough in the movie. Sure, a jedi could not take on 4 million droids.


But it's not heavy armored droids and AT-AT.


Also, unless elves don't have any connection with the Force, surely Force Choke would work on them.

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The turbolaser was a heavy laser cannon equipped with large banks of capacitors, allowing them to build up and store far more powerful energy bursts than standard cannons. These capacitors gave huge energy bursts to the beam, greatly increasing its power over standard laser cannons. They also helped power the galven coils in the barrels of turbolasers. First, a particle beam was generated in the manner standard of blasters and laser cannons. Then even more power was achieved by guiding this laser cannon particle-beam through another stream of energized Tibanna Gas (besides the one used in generating the initial beam, since laser cannons work on the same principle as blasters) to increase its power. The extra capacitors in a turbolaser that store huge amounts of raw energy then contributed to the beam by energizing it even further as it moved to the turbolaser's barrel. The resulting beam carried roughly three or more times the energy of a standard laser cannon beam.


It then passed through a set of galven coils located in the turbolaser's barrel, even further increasing the beam's power, and allowing it to pierce the defenses of heavily protected targets. Because these weapons required extra time to build up energy for their powerful blasts, they tended to have a slightly slower rate of fire than their weaker brethren (usually around one to two seconds between volleys, depending on the type of turbolaser and what power setting it was on). The risk of overheating was high due to this massive energy buildup, and many turbolaser models were protected with complex cryosystems and a powerful cooling sleeve on the barrel.




And it's not just the heat, also the force of direct impact would sever things apart.


Uhuh. You seem to prove my point more than yours. As I have said. The plasma is superheated. The Blarog's skin is superheated. If the laser made contact with the balrog it would kill, but most likely the heat emmited by the balrog would dissipate the laser. Your point has become invalid. We are talking about creatures that can live in Volcanoes. Your point is invalid. Unless turbolasers reach heat levels greater than volcanic, but even then I don't think it would matter.

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You need to read Silmarillion again.


Yes because Mace Windu's battle on Dantooine made a whole lot of sense, if these Jedi were really so powerful, why weren't they soloing armies? because apparently they could do that, admit it, Clone Wars is a kid's cartoon, The Clone Wars animated series is far more believable and in-touch with lore.


Because most of them got an army of clones and it's better to use them.


Sure CW is canon, and don't say about kid's cartoon, Tolkien himself said the Hobbit is for kids, but does that make it non canon? No.

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Because most of them got an army of clones and it's better to use them.


Sure CW is canon, and don't say about kid's cartoon, Tolkien himself said the Hobbit is for kids, but does that make it non canon? No.


When did he say it was for kids. Link please?

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The battle of Geonosis took


Approx 1 million B1 battle droids deployed

Approx 3.96 million B1 battle droids stored on Lucrehulk-class battleships

100,000 B2 super battle droids


Of course they don't have enough money to show well enough in the movie. Sure, a jedi could not take on 4 million droids.


But it's not heavy armored droids and AT-AT.


Also, unless elves don't have any connection with the Force, surely Force Choke would work on them.




If the movies portray something else entirely to what the Clone Wars portray in terms of Windu's power, then clearly it is an inconsistency and we must obviously deviate to the films, the undisputed canon or source canon if you will.

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The battle of Geonosis took


Approx 1 million B1 battle droids deployed

Approx 3.96 million B1 battle droids stored on Lucrehulk-class battleships

100,000 B2 super battle droids


Of course they don't have enough money to show well enough in the movie. Sure, a jedi could not take on 4 million droids.


But it's not heavy armored droids and AT-AT.


Also, unless elves don't have any connection with the Force, surely Force Choke would work on them.


Yeah, but most droids wer deployed after the clones attacked. 200.000 clone troopers, I think.


The Wookiepedia article says that the Jedi in the Arena were outnumbered 50 to 1, which means the average Jedi isn't able to solo 50 battle droids. Masters might be able to solo 100-200.


Does Force Choke work on Yoda or Sidious? I thought they have Force defenses. Galadrial surely can defend herself against it too.


My idea to counter Galadriel:

1. AT-ATs. Lots of AT-ATs, They should be able to advance far enough into her territory. If she effects the pilots, replace them by Sith. When you have come close enough, let some powerful Sith disembark and hope she isn't able to stun them or something like that. If she is not, you won.

2. Develope a Dark Side ritual that counters her magic. It will probably consume some dozens of lesser Sith. After her spells are broken you can take her on in melee fight.

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