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Will 1.3 And Transfers Save SWTOR?


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Ha, I wish.


If you look far enough into my posting history, you'll see PLENTY of criticism of this product. Mostly based around their terrible end game testing - really going back to beta. If they could have re-invented the wheel a year ago, you know, get transfer technology up and running like every other MMO that's pay to play, they would have resolved many end game content issues up until now.


They didn't. At least they got this transfer process right. It's months late, but they have done it right for the vast, vast majority of people.


The fact that a 2012-era MMO from a multibillion dollar company like EA/BW not have transfers in place on RELEASE, pretty much sums it all up.

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You cant prove they are over 1 million either. The only thing we can do is look into ways to determine current population and server status is the most accurate way to see the trend. There are alot more light servers now (before the transfers) then there were in april. I cant remember exactly but I think at that time there were about 20-25 servers that hit standard and now they were about 5 or 6. That give it a better chance of being under 1 million then abouve


Meaningless speculation. Server status has NEVER I REPEAT NEVER been a good enough indicator of subs. Even in wow that's true. The only solid evidence that you have is what they release to the shareholders. 1.4 million. Now with transfers in effect, (what they are is in reality is server mergers) you will always see servers and standard or above. I had a que on fatman at one point this week. I could then take that to mean the game is doing well. You obviously won't agree with that principle either so I'm not sure why you expect it to work the other way around.

Edited by TonyIommi
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Rofl. Everyone knows it's dying. I guess you didn't get the news about all these merges happening. Oh wait, they just did for the fun of it, and not because of DYING server populations.


EXACTLY! *Sarcasm ahead! Warning issued by those whom are too stupid to realize it!* Why would they roll 10 servers into 1? Because the game is just doing SO FANTASTIC !!! HAHA, those people crack me up!


People left for very specific things that were not, and still, are not being addressed!


To all the people saying MILLIONS still play, uh no... not by a LONG SHOT!! If they had over a million, they wouldn't be having to merge 10+ servers into 1 across the board!! LOGIC!!


They NEED to get their crap in order already! It's been MONTHS of HUGE issues NOT being addressed!!


THIS is why I unsubbed, the important issues are not being addressed, promises of things, then we receive nothing... You can't say THIS IS COMING ON THIS DATE... Oh wait scratch that... JUST DON'T PROMISE IT THEN!! JUST MAKES YOU LOOK INCOMPETENT!!!

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Because there's more then one PvE server in the region, and clearly they set up transfers specifically to go only from server type to server type this time around. Perhaps the testing proved cross server-type transfers problematic, and it would've set them back weeks just to fix. So they could either go forward with something that would handle 98% of the player population, or wait X amount of time and placate the last 2 % while losing more subs over the time required.


Realistically, what would you want if Bioware could do it?

Merge an RP PvP server into a PvP server?

a RP non-PvP server?

Jung Ma over here in the States?


You see, all four options (including the chosen one of do nothing) aren't going to make everyone happy. They'll deal with rage either way.


so still its only "20" people on a made up pve server, nothing to care about. just shut it down. it is less than 1% of the subs.

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People left for very specific things that were not, and still, are not being addressed!





Actually one of the reasons people left was that their was no one around to do anything with. So they "merged" servers to alleviate this. One of the other reasons people left was no group finder, so they're implementing group finder. Since you have no idea what the pop caps will be like you can't really say about merging 10 into 1. Simply put they had to many servers on launch as it is.

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No, only you. Take your E-tears somewhere else.


Really? You don't care if the game you're playing is removing posts, by the second, from their player base to read? You don't care that they don't give you important information that is relevant to the game? You really don't care? Yet, you're here posting on their forums... but you don't care...


They're complaining about a legitimate reason, you're doing nothing but complaining about them complaining on the same forums... you see how stupid that makes you look right?

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They're complaining about a legitimate reason, you're doing nothing but complaining about them complaining on the same forums... you see how stupid that makes you look right?


and in this post your complaining about them complaining about them complaining on the same forums. I would ask if you at least saw the irony in that, I won't call you stupid.

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Actually one of the reasons people left was that their was no one around to do anything with. So they "merged" servers to alleviate this. One of the other reasons people left was no group finder, so they're implementing group finder. Since you have no idea what the pop caps will be like you can't really say about merging 10 into 1. Simply put they had to many servers on launch as it is.


ONE of the reasons they left, was a addressed, yes... The other huge issues? NO!


Pop caps have NOTHING to do with me not being able to say they're merging 10 servers into 1... They've already done this, it's on the posts above this one actually! Just goes to show your incompetence at actually knowing what the issue is and how it's being addressed...


And no, it wasn't because they had too many servers at launch, they opened up more at launch to handle all the new people! ALSO, they lost more than HALF of their player base... so yes, I can say that things aren't being addressed, if they were, then guess what, they wouldn't have lost half their player base!

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and in this post your complaining about them complaining about them complaining on the same forums. I would ask if you at least saw the irony in that, I won't call you stupid.


You don't have to, I wasn't complaining about them complaining, I was pointing it out, there's a difference... Also helps to know the difference between your and you're... There is no irony to it, because it is not ironic... Trying to pull apart other people posts while getting off-topic, is not the point of the forums, people seem to forget that, obviously!

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You don't have to, I wasn't complaining about them complaining, I was pointing it out, there's a difference... Also helps to know the difference between your and you're... There is no irony to it, because it is not ironic... Trying to pull apart other people posts while getting off-topic, is not the point of the forums, people seem to forget that, obviously!


Right what a clever euphemism. Well the guy you quoted wasn't complainig either, he was just "pointing it out".

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ONE of the reasons they left, was a addressed, yes... The other huge issues? NO!


Pop caps have NOTHING to do with me not being able to say they're merging 10 servers into 1... They've already done this, it's on the posts above this one actually! Just goes to show your incompetence at actually knowing what the issue is and how it's being addressed...


And no, it wasn't because they had too many servers at launch, they opened up more at launch to handle all the new people! ALSO, they lost more than HALF of their player base... so yes, I can say that things aren't being addressed, if they were, then guess what, they wouldn't have lost half their player base!


Alot of other stuff has been looked at as well. Dungeon finder and server merges are a couple. The game is 10000000X more responsive and looks better to. It runs better on lower end machines. I was here when it launched and BW has worked on many of the thigns people complained about. The game simply had to many servers at launch, it never needed that many they opened up more because people were mad about ques. They "merged" servers in response to people complaining abotu dead ones. Makes absolute sense and only proves their adressing issues people have with the game.

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Right what a clever euphemism. Well the guy you quoted wasn't complainig either, he was just "pointing it out".


He pointed out that someone was complaining? You seem to be completely missing the idea of what words mean and the actuality of their use... I know what reasons I'm posting for, you obviously don't know what the other poster was saying, because you're not him... nice try though, can we get back on top now please?

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He pointed out that someone was complaining? You seem to be completely missing the idea of what words mean and the actuality of their use... I know what reasons I'm posting for, you obviously don't know what the other poster was saying, because you're not him... nice try though, can we get back on top now please?


why not? You pointed out that he was complaining about someone complaining? I'm not missing a thing. You just like the clever use of euphemism to cover your *** for being inept at discussion.

Edited by TonyIommi
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Actually one of the reasons people left was that their was no one around to do anything with. So they "merged" servers to alleviate this. One of the other reasons people left was no group finder, so they're implementing group finder. Since you have no idea what the pop caps will be like you can't really say about merging 10 into 1. Simply put they had to many servers on launch as it is.


However - as we've seen many times in the MMO genre. You only get one launch. And here the problem is that Bioware implements features (long) after people have left because of lack of them.

So they might be able to lure some back by implementing features people requested at launch/for a long time - but the damage from so many people leaving is done and I doubt very much the returnees will be any significant amount that can outweigh the ones leaving for what ever reason.

Edited by xandax
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Too little too late. So many people have left over the last 4 months and they're not coming back. If BW wants people to play this game they need some deep space combat, some achievements, a reason to explore and get out into the worlds they've made instead of standing on the fleet, a better game engine, more fluid animations and response time, tab targeting that works, actual mini games like sabacc or pod racing, and new space bars for everyone that wore theirs out skipping all the worthless dialogue they crammed in this game.
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However - as we've seen many times in the MMO genre. You only get one launch. And here the problem is that Bioware implements features after people have left because of lack of them.

So they might be able to lure some back by implementing features people requested at launch/for a long time - but the damage from so many people leaving is done and I doubt very much the returnees will be any significant amount that can outweigh the ones leaving for what ever reason.


That's true but theirs also plenty of people who haven't played swtor. Turn over is huge in mmo games and people leave some people come. I think we'll see it stabilize as long as they keep adding stuff to keep people interested. We'll see it's hard to say either way. Luring people back shouldn't be their strategy though I agree.

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That's true but theirs also plenty of people who haven't played swtor. Turn over is huge in mmo games and people leave some people come. I think we'll see it stabilize as long as they keep adding stuff to keep people interested. We'll see it's hard to say either way. Luring people back shouldn't be their strategy though I agree.


Turn over might be huge - but thus far - the game is loosing more people than it's gaining. We have no idea what the 'natural' level of TOR will end up at so the 'stabilization' might just be a hundred thousand or less, for example. It might also be half a million or more. That's guess work.


However usually with MMOs; the ones that mostly interested in it will be the first movers. The second waves will come based on word of mouth and reviews and that's a place where TOR will struggle because of the large amount of people that's left the game with negative impressions. Heck - I myself could not recommend this game to anybody as it stands, 'cause IMO Bioware does little than shoot themselves in the foot time after time while dragging it behind them..

So - perhaps there's only the F2P route left that's talked about elsewhere and in various articles by now - then they open the game up to another crowd entirely. It saved other games and let them find their niche.

However no matter how Bioware and EA is going to spin it - if they go F2P it's a huge failure for this game and their announced ambitions.


So I seriously doubt 1.3 and transfers can 'save' TOR simply because it's chased away so many people already and it's not done chasing people away.

Edited by xandax
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lets just get these threads out of the way shall we?


"Will 1.4 save SWTOR?"


"Will 1.5 save SWTOR?"


"Will 1.6 save SWTOR?"


"Will the expansion save SWTOR?!?"


"Will 2.1 save SWTOR?"


"Will 2.2 save SWTOR?"


"Will 2.3 save SWTOR?"


"Will 2.4 save SWTOR?"


"Will 2.5 save SWTOR?"


That should cover us for the next couple of years. can we please stop making these threads now?


Seriously. The game isn't in jeopardy. They still have well over a million people happily playing. When people make these ridiculous comments I point to SWG. After SWG did the CU they lost a huge chunk of their community, but they game still went on. Even after the NGE completely ruined the game the game still went on for another 7 years so people need to stop complaining. We are barely in the first 6 months and people who don't know anything or have never played an MMO think its the end of Star Wars which isn't the case at all.

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I believe this will "save" SWTOR and I'll tell you why.


#1 Just admit it, there are players that left and no matter what Bioware does, they will not come back. Something happened and now they have lost all trust in Bioware. So people not coming back doesn't signal doom for SWTOR. People decide not to buy a certain brand of car anymore, but does that bring doom so that brand?


#2 There are A LOT of people coming back and enjoying SWTOR. Some of the MAIN complaints these past few months were dead servers and how there was nobody around to run Heroics, Flashpoints, and Operations with. People complained about having to wait up to an hour just to get a PvP queue so they quit. Now that servers are booming again, these people are back!


#3 Don't forget about the NEW subscribers. There is no rule saying that if you havent played an MMO in it's first 6 months then you'll NEVER play it. Sometimes people hang on the sidelines and play the wait and see game. I suspect that around Holiday this year, SWTOR would see a huge boom in new players who are playing the game for the first time. That doesn't mean they'll all stay, but a lot of people who enjoy the game would.


I have faith in SWTOR. Obviously this game isn't for everyone and if it isn't for you, then why not move on? Why continue to post on the forums hoping to bring other "converts" with you?

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Seriously. The game isn't in jeopardy. They still have well over a million people happily playing. <snip>


You have no idea whether that's true or not.

Last official statement was months ago after giving out a free month to hundreds of thousand of players thus prolonging the active-status of their accounts into the next quarter.

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