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No more transfers until next week


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Wouldn't be that bad, would it? If those of us that had to wait ended up on an additional destination server? I really like that idea as that server wouldn'tt be as "loaded" as the others thus far. It would have some room to grow and yet maintain a high pop that will benefit the gaming community overall.


Hmm... a nice reward for waiting a weekend.


A very nice reward. :)

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It's varied on Sith Wyrm. Average around 30-40 on the Imperial fleet and 20-30 on the Republic. That's as of this afternoon, and can change if it's peak times.


Does this mean we are not on completely dead servers? I read some people had less than 10 people on the fleet during peak hours when these transfers started.

Edited by Petite
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Wouldn't be that bad, would it? If those of us that had to wait ended up on an additional destination server? I really like that idea as that server wouldn'tt be as "loaded" as the others thus far. It would have some room to grow and yet maintain a high pop that will benefit the gaming community overall.


Hmm... a nice reward for waiting a weekend.


it would be for the 2 east pvp servers. theres no way there is enough people on those 2 servers to make anything worth while. if we dont get to go to either of the east pvp servers i have a feeling a lot of us wont bother with this game anymore.

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Does this mean we are not on completely dead servers? I read some people had less than 10 people on the fleet during peak hours when these transfers started.


I know I'm still fairly new to the game but I've never seen more than 4 people on Anturi Reach's Republic fleet. And no, I still can't transfer.

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it would be for the 2 east pvp servers. theres no way there is enough people on those 2 servers to make anything worth while. if we dont get to go to either of the east pvp servers i have a feeling a lot of us wont bother with this game anymore.


I agree that combining the two pvp servers probably isn't enough to make one really nice server. In the case of only two servers being left to move, they would have to sort it out so that they can move to the already designated east pvp servers for transfer.

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I know I'm still fairly new to the game but I've never seen more than 4 people on Anturi Reach's Republic fleet. And no, I still can't transfer.


That's a dead server in my book. Just a few more days and you will be dizzy from the general chat flying in the chat box. That is of course if you decide to transfer. hehe

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Speaking for Crevasse City, we maybe have 100-150 people server wide on the Imp side during primetime and around 200-250 for the Pubs. Though I'm not sure, sounds like we may be one of the lighter pop. servers that was saved to be a topper-offer. To be honest though, I'd be glad if they just put the rest of us on Shadowlands (the East Coast PvE servers, that is). It'd be enough people for the Group Finder in 1.3 to work comfortably and, from what I hear, the lag on the "super-servers" has been terrible.


As for the idea that they may take the remaining people that haven't transferred yet as move them to new destination servers, I don't believe they'd ever entertain that idea. There would be so much uproar from people because it would most likely separate guilds and friends.


Example: Let's say a friend hasnt been able to log in for a few weeks since server transfers have started because they've been busy with RL. Not hearing the news, Bioware swaps the destination servers and now my friend is separated from his guild and the friends he plays with.


This is something that I'd hope Bioware would want to avoid. But they've done a lot of things that weren't very well thought out already, so no promises.

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Speaking for Crevasse City, we maybe have 100-150 people server wide on the Imp side during primetime and around 200-250 for the Pubs. Though I'm not sure, sounds like we may be one of the lighter pop. servers that was saved to be a topper-offer. To be honest though, I'd be glad if they just put the rest of us on Shadowlands (the East Coast PvE servers, that is). It'd be enough people for the Group Finder in 1.3 to work comfortably and, from what I hear, the lag on the "super-servers" has been terrible.


As for the idea that they may take the remaining people that haven't transferred yet as move them to new destination servers, I don't believe they'd ever entertain that idea. There would be so much uproar from people because it would most likely separate guilds and friends.


Example: Let's say a friend hasnt been able to log in for a few weeks since server transfers have started because they've been busy with RL. Not hearing the news, Bioware swaps the destination servers and now my friend is separated from his guild and the friends he plays with.


This is something that I'd hope Bioware would want to avoid. But they've done a lot of things that weren't very well thought out already, so no promises.


i dont think you understand the problem..


its not that they want to put people who havent transfered yet into a new destination server..


there are servers that have not been given the CHANCE to transfer servers yet... there are i think 20 na pve servers that have yet been given a home.. the poster wants THEM and only them to be given their own destination server.. they said nothing about those who hvent opted for transfer yet.. id assume that bioware saved them room on the destination servers that they were supposed to go to..


we do not want the excess of people from other servers.. no one will be seperated, no one will be left out without friends.. those of us in servers that havent been given a chance to transfer want a home.. together on our own destination server..


thats all

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I don't think they would force people to move to an entirely different destination than they were originally offered. As far as them not knowing the offer exists, they should have been sent an email telling them they can transfer. So really the only way not to know is if somehow the email got lost in space or they just simply didn't read it.
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it would be for the 2 east pvp servers. theres no way there is enough people on those 2 servers to make anything worth while. if we dont get to go to either of the east pvp servers i have a feeling a lot of us wont bother with this game anymore.


Yeah, I would probably quit if after making us wait the longest out of anyone just to not even get transferred to po5 or fatman.

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i dont think you understand the problem..


its not that they want to put people who havent transfered yet into a new destination server..


there are servers that have not been given the CHANCE to transfer servers yet... there are i think 20 na pve servers that have yet been given a home.. the poster wants THEM and only them to be given their own destination server.. they said nothing about those who hvent opted for transfer yet.. id assume that bioware saved them room on the destination servers that they were supposed to go to..


we do not want the excess of people from other servers.. no one will be seperated, no one will be left out without friends.. those of us in servers that havent been given a chance to transfer want a home.. together on our own destination server..


thats all


Yes this. :)

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i dont think you understand the problem..


its not that they want to put people who havent transfered yet into a new destination server..


there are servers that have not been given the CHANCE to transfer servers yet... there are i think 20 na pve servers that have yet been given a home.. the poster wants THEM and only them to be given their own destination server.. they said nothing about those who hvent opted for transfer yet.. id assume that bioware saved them room on the destination servers that they were supposed to go to..


we do not want the excess of people from other servers.. no one will be seperated, no one will be left out without friends.. those of us in servers that havent been given a chance to transfer want a home.. together on our own destination server..


thats all


That's certainly what I had in mind. The servers which haven't been given an opportunity to transfer would go to a new destination server not currently offered. It seems to make sense if the current destination servers are nearing caps. And, it would also allow new players a server to join with room to spare.


As for anyone who haven't transferred yet? Well, they would go to the destination server their origin server was originally assigned too. No splitting up groups etc. etc.

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Yes this. :)


ill admit ill be upset if we get tacked onto a crap server after the whole weekend of waiting for them to figure out destination crap .. while they ask people to log into the pts to test ranked warzones..


what i want to know is..


how the hell do they expect people will log into the pts after waiting for months in order to get transfers and play with actual people.....i just dont see it happen.

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ill admit ill be upset if we get tacked onto a crap server after the whole weekend of waiting for them to figure out destination crap .. while they ask people to log into the pts to test ranked warzones..


what i want to know is..


how the hell do they expect people will log into the pts after waiting for months in order to get transfers and play with actual people.....i just dont see it happen.


I was on the test server last night and there was 10 people on the Imp fleet. We had 28 people on Tarro Blood at that same time. So ya you are correct, I don't think anyone is interested in testing now that they have an option to play on a very populated live server.

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I was on the test server last night and there was 10 people on the Imp fleet. We had 28 people on Tarro Blood at that same time. So ya you are correct, I don't think anyone is interested in testing now that they have an option to play on a very populated live server.


hate to say i told them so yesterday..but ya i pretty much called it.. sad really they should have done it last weekend or next weekend..

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No - Biowares actions do not make any sense, unless they've already screwed up and dumped too many people onto Fatman and Pot5.


Seriously - only 2 PVP east coast servers left to transfer and they just stop??


Even IF they were waiting to see how the weekend numbers played out, what difference would another 200 people make? Seriously?


And if they were THAT worried about it ( the additional populations of a whooping 2 barely alive servers) why dump EVERYONE ELSE onto only 2 destination servers?? Why not START with 3 and just be done with it.


It's not as if you couldn't do yet another server merge.


Seriously - I'm baffled. It's like they intentionally work to piss their player base off.

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Im stuck on one of those two east coast servers that BW left out in the cold. Ive waited since the server pop tanked after the 1.2 release. Waited for something that BW should have had ready to go from Day 1. Now they are just going to leave us on these dead servers and ask us to wait some more. Thats Bull and is\ts the last straw. I had already c anceled my sub and was going to let it run out because I didnt think they would release transfers before I had to reup. Once the transfers went live I thought I give BW another shot and renew. But it turns out BW just slapped evryone on those two pvp servers right in the face. I will not resub and will avoid BW games from now on.
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Im stuck on one of those two east coast servers that BW left out in the cold. Ive waited since the server pop tanked after the 1.2 release. Waited for something that BW should have had ready to go from Day 1. Now they are just going to leave us on these dead servers and ask us to wait some more. Thats Bull and is\ts the last straw. I had already c anceled my sub and was going to let it run out because I didnt think they would release transfers before I had to reup. Once the transfers went live I thought I give BW another shot and renew. But it turns out BW just slapped evryone on those two pvp servers right in the face. I will not resub and will avoid BW games from now on.


there are more sitting around than just 2 pvp servers..but i dont think they intended on being so crass as to leave the 20 servers in na hanging ... it sucks and i plan on waiting till transfers..however my enthusiasm for the game and what I am willing to tolerate from bioware definitly took a hit this weekend

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there are more sitting around than just 2 pvp servers..but i dont think they intended on being so crass as to leave the 20 servers in na hanging ... it sucks and i plan on waiting till transfers..however my enthusiasm for the game and what I am willing to tolerate from bioware definitly took a hit this weekend


Indeed they have left more than 2.. and I feel equally for those other people left behind as well.


Communication is an amazing thing. They could have started out the whole process with: "Look gang, we are going to open transfers, this week, on these "X number of servers" per group. We'll be waiting a week after these transfers have started, to see how the whole process goes BEFORE we open additional servers for transfer. We APOLOGIZE if your server is not in the initial group, but we PROMISE we will get to your servers ASAP, AFTER this initial test phase is completed."


Which is a FAR cry better than the absolute silence we've gotten on the forums regarding additional transfers and why the heck have the last few remaining servers not been grouped / sent somewhere??

They literally stopped with the job 80% done on Thursday and took the rest of the weekend off???

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All I can say is they are inept, leaving some of us hanging over the week end while they try to decide if they overloaded the destination servers. Rofl, my sub runs out in august, i'm not coming back. Were done, as they have no clue how to run a game.
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TBH its not the wait a few days. Its what the result of being the last is?


The two pvp servers id they find the two pvp dest servers are full. What they do just merge you guys and leave you to rot? You still wont be anywhere near the thrive pops that was promised. And same goes for the rest of the servers that are waiting still. I'll be frank its not a nice feeling to wait and they have not stated anything to contradict this can happen. You may get transfers but instead of the 200+ fleet you get on the first servs selected you may go on a server where there is only like 50 a fleet cuz the others are full and by twist of fate you are last..They are doing this be active subs and lowest first. Clearly not by actually play. Which is so stupid it angers me. If they did there homework from the start they would know must people with active subs WONT be back. So the result is there could potentially be servers or people whos game experience on waiting wont get anywhere near as good as the others.


Just communicating isn't enough. Its what you say what makes the difference between a great company which will have a product which will last for years or a porr company which will have a product that will go to f2p in months. Which one this is only time will tell.

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