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No more transfers until next week


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I was on Darth Scion the day before yesterday in the morning and there were 8 people on the imperial fleet. I guess it's another weekend of leveling a character solo. Joy.


I will wait patiently, it's just frustrating.. I would really love to play some group content...

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Sorry Rafaman but i disagree.

When i look at the euro situation (not the rp-pvp thats a different and much more complicated topic) it is obvious that they will not open transfers to the current german and english detination for the remaining 8 german and 10 english servers since both are already on heavy load.

They could have just decided on two new destinations and we would have 2 more heavy servers in the euro zone.


And leaving the reamining two us pvp servers in limbo is just starnge as well. Those two servers will be transfereed to one of the current destinations. Anything else makes no sense. Even if the servers end up overpupulated. They moved themself into that positin and can't really back out of it anymore.

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And leaving the reamining two us pvp servers in limbo is just starnge as well. Those two servers will be transfereed to one of the current destinations. Anything else makes no sense. Even if the servers end up overpupulated. They moved themself into that positin and can't really back out of it anymore.


this right here is the biggest issue i have right now. theres no reason they couldnt have transferred us when we are going to go to one of the two anyways. maybe one to each. who knows. its total crap and there was seriously no reason for it.

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I was on Darth Scion the day before yesterday in the morning and there were 8 people on the imperial fleet. I guess it's another weekend of leveling a character solo. Joy.


I will wait patiently, it's just frustrating.. I would really love to play some group content...


There are 78 people on Darth Sion republic side right now. That's it... 11 on fleet. Wow, what a fun weekend I have in store for me..


And with maint. on Tuesday, somehow I doubt they will open any xfers monday. I'm guessing Tues/Weds.

Edited by Nytak
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Sorry Rafaman but i disagree.

When i look at the euro situation (not the rp-pvp thats a different and much more complicated topic) it is obvious that they will not open transfers to the current german and english detination for the remaining 8 german and 10 english servers since both are already on heavy load.

They could have just decided on two new destinations and we would have 2 more heavy servers in the euro zone.


And leaving the reamining two us pvp servers in limbo is just starnge as well. Those two servers will be transfereed to one of the current destinations. Anything else makes no sense. Even if the servers end up overpupulated. They moved themself into that positin and can't really back out of it anymore.


Especially considering they have ignored EU pve server for two days, not just one. We all know we are going to end up on either Dune Bantha or Becca's blade or split between the two. So why not just moving us...:mad:

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Especially considering they have ignored EU pve server for two days, not just one. We all know we are going to end up on either Dune Bantha or Becca's blade or split between the two. So why not just moving us...:mad:


Because even with the best intentions and restoration of faith, they still deliver a half assed service. :)

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why no transfers this weekend ????????


Because the transfer team are swapping roles to be the testing team... Ranked PvP is being tested on the public servers and some excuse about evaluating loads on the current destination servers but as folks have said that still doesn't explain why they've left the two remaining Rp-PVP US servers with no where to go lol

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this right here is the biggest issue i have right now. theres no reason they couldnt have transferred us when we are going to go to one of the two anyways. maybe one to each. who knows. its total crap and there was seriously no reason for it.


My assumption (and presumably theirs) would be that a significant number of transfers are going to be happening this weekend, regardless of when transfers were opened. I *strongly* suspect they were expecting a LOT lower percentage of people to actually move than did, and now the servers are overloaded even before the weekend.


For all we know, they could be waiting to see just HOW bad it gets this weekend, before determining whether the two "unincluded" servers will be able to merge into Pot5/Fatman, or if one of them should be transferred into the other, with the other becoming a destination server for fatman and/or Pot5.


Personally, while I'm on neither of those servers, I suspect I may end up hoping they add transfers OFF my destination server to a lighter server. Sure, it kinda sucks to be pushed off my own initial server due to Biowares overeagerness to do the transfers as quickly as possible, but odds are at this point I wouldn't lose my name/legacy name


"It's already broken, may as well go ahead and break it worse" is *very* poor thinking. Assuming the game is still attracting new players, (and if it isn't, then all the doomsayers are probably right, and it really *is* dead man walking) then if there are 1 or 2 "full", and 1 standard/heavy, that standard/heavy one is going to be getting all the new blood. Heck, may end up healther than the overcrowded oens.

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Well im not getting my hopes up for next week either, because one they figure out they screwed up by sending even more servers to FATMAN , a server thats already FULL, they are gonna have to re-transfer those people that went to fatman. And knowing Bioware that will take all of next week for them to figure out.


Not sure how you can make that accusation when you, or I for that matter, have no idea of their plan, the actual numbers, server load capacity, active subs, or anything else. Its just speculation based on the observations of a bystander.


It is understandable that people are somewhat anxious to move, are venting a bit, but there is a process that has to be followed, numbers to be monitored, data to be analyzed with each move. My server has not been called yet either, but I'd rather wait three days, or four, or five to insure that the final outcome works for me and makes this entire issue go away in one fell swoop.


To accuse them of "screwing up", and demand that they just fire from the hip with no idea of outcome may be the desire of some, but not with my server please. I want them to take their time, do it right, get it right the first time. I'm not interested in getting all worked up, forcing their hand, and then being back here all worked up next week because they did as I asked and, screwed up. ;p

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To accuse them of "screwing up", and demand that they just fire from the hip with no idea of outcome may be the desire of some, but not with my server please. I want them to take their time, do it right, get it right the first time. I'm not interested in getting all worked up, forcing their hand, and then being back here all worked up next week because they did as I asked and, screwed up. ;p


Uhm, I believe the claim of "Screwing up" was a past tense indicating they DID fire from the hip, DIDN'T take the time, DIDN'T do it right, and the servers are ALREADY overloaded on a wednesday night. (or whatever night it was), so it's going to take them time to figure out how to fix the mess they've ALREADY gotten themselves into, before they can continue fixing the previous mess w/o making the new mess even worse.

Edited by GnatB
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With only ~10 US PvE servers left this is stupid. I'm fed up with logging into a server with 15 people in each fleet. Glad my sub is cancelled, time to move on.

thats one idea...another would be to wait 2 days and play with the rest of us. it really is an incredible difference Im sure you'll love. I understand it sucks waiting, but surely ragequiting over the weekend isnt the most level headed thing to do

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ill admit this is kinda a kick in the face to people who have been waiting patiently all week to get transfered only to have to wait 3 more days... doesnt seem right.. at all.. i understand they need to monitor population rates and what not.. but really this isnt fair in the slightest.. I and many other have sat waiting without comment..even defending the way they were doing things, just to be literally left out for the entire weekend... not cool bioware.. really not cool.


To me it feels more like they just didnt want to pay overtime for the weekend or that the devs wanted the weekend off.

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thats one idea...another would be to wait 2 days and play with the rest of us. it really is an incredible difference Im sure you'll love. I understand it sucks waiting, but surely ragequiting over the weekend isnt the most level headed thing to do


I don't think it's just this that folks are rage quitting about. It's the constant pleading over the past few months that people have been doing on facebook and the forums in regards to low populations and redemption is in sight but it's been snatched away once again by a plan which turns out wasn't really thought out before hand.


Instead it's just another case of SW:TOR customer service leaving a small portion of the client base out again... one mistake after teh other when it comes to community because right now we're not really a community and these transfers were implemented in the hopes of building one.


So while the newbies to destination servers get to form new guilds, make new friends, people like myself and others get to join at some point in the not too distant future when the novelty of new people on the servers will be diminished.

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why no transfers this weekend ????????


Because if they moved everyone over it would cause queues to get ino the servers. They don't have enough people on the servers that are left to ge another heavy server so they are stalling, in hopes that enough people cancel so that the remaining servers will not cause queues when they are merged.

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Because if they moved everyone over it would cause queues to get ino the servers. They don't have enough people on the servers that are left to ge another heavy server so they are stalling, in hopes that enough people cancel so that the remaining servers will not cause queues when they are merged.


LOL when I first started reading this I thought you were defending their twisted logic. Then I laughed to the point that I don't even care that there is only 18 people on the fleet right now.

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Id like to know Bioware..why My server is the LAST PICKED (ok.. there is Darth Malak..) PVP server to be transferred.

ALL the west coast PVP servers transferred

EVERY East coast PVP servers besides Darth Malak and Belgoth's Beacon Have been transferred

What did they do forget about us? IT IS not fair. Every pvp server will have fun this weekend, Me and whatever few people left on Belgoth's Beacon and Darth Malak have to sit here and stare at 5-10 people on our Fleets. There is no reason not to transfer us, We couldnt tip the server populations that badly with the 300 subscribers left on our servers.

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Because if they moved everyone over it would cause queues to get ino the servers. They don't have enough people on the servers that are left to ge another heavy server so they are stalling, in hopes that enough people cancel so that the remaining servers will not cause queues when they are merged.


I would rather sit in a queue than on a "as good as dead" server. and now that the transfers and happening and the interest starts to creep back they leave a bunch of us out while everyone else gets to play the game they are paying for.


It should have been done for everyone, not 80% or 90%, but the full 100%, and if problems arise from that deal with it then, no sense ticking people off further than they already have been.


I know I know it's only a weekend as many have said but as a lot of us are at work all week and the weekend is our main chance to get some playtime in, I must have put in at most an hour or two in the last month because of this issue so hardly getting my money's worth in that regard.

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Uhm, I believe the claim of "Screwing up" was a past tense indicating they DID fire from the hip, DIDN'T take the time, DIDN'T do it right, and the servers are ALREADY overloaded on a wednesday night. (or whatever night it was), so it's going to take them time to figure out how to fix the mess they've ALREADY gotten themselves into, before they can continue fixing the previous mess w/o making the new mess even worse.


....and I asked how one could make that accusation with no information beyond a logical fallacy of mind projection. He is proceeding from an entirely false premise that states the action they have taken is a "screw up", and therefore in need of repair. He has done so with no knowledge or evidence beyond a wild assumption. In short, because he does not know, he is fabricating a scenario and attempting to pass it off as fact, then proceeding from that point as a means of launching an attack at the company.


Prove first to me that this is actually a mistake, no conjecture, no hyperbole, no opinion. Once there, then the possibility that they are secretly trying to fix it rather then doing exactly what they state they are doing can be discussed.

Edited by Blackardin
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Because if they moved everyone over it would cause queues to get ino the servers. They don't have enough people on the servers that are left to ge another heavy server so they are stalling, in hopes that enough people cancel so that the remaining servers will not cause queues when they are merged.


Wrong. They have stated they are testing ranked pvp this weekend. My guess is the devs will participate in it. The left over 20%? Too bad so sad.

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Being on one of the remaining servers, it is quite frustrating to not only be left out, but to also be given absolutely zero reason for why. We have paid just as much as the next guy, and we are not getting the same treatment.


On the bright side for me, I now can devote the entire weekend to finally teaching myself to keybind :) Woohoo!

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