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Do we HAVE TO transfer?


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Guess the word "optional" means something else now a days.

You miss the point in the thread. The OP is asking "if I don't leave my server will I be thrown off anyway?" - the word 'optional' is simply an illusion if it's your only option is WHEN not IF. :)

Edited by RangerRobEU
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Every piece of content that requires other people in this game is instanced with small numbers of players. Every piece of content which can be done solo (and is usually better to do solo) allows unlimited numbers of players to be in there fighting for the same spawns. I know it's the standard AAA MMO model but it's kind of strange.


You know, I hadn't ever thought of it that way. That is kinda odd. I wonder if it's a simple case of "That's the way it's always been done, so that's the way we'll do it"?

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Why not do it now so you get a wider selection of names and aren't a pest we have to drag away?


As a hedge, I created several characters -- to serve as name placeholders -- on our destination server. When (not if) we are forcibly merged I will already have some names "reserved" (on that server); this assumes, of course, that we are merged into the same server.


Who knows? Maybe by the time they shutdown the ghostowns we will have moved to another MMOG or, less likely, they "archive" characters of players without an active subscription and release names. Either way, if we transfer now we will absolutely have to change character names.

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I'm kind of like the OP in that I do mostly solo stuff, but I transferred anyways because:

1. Character names will get only more scarce the longer you wait.

2. I believe there is a high probability they will shut down most of the current origin servers before the end of the year and forcibly transfer your characters somewhere else anyways (they will never call it a merge, despite the fact that this system is currently a defacto merge). I'm betting, to avoid the bad PR of shutting down servers or using the word 'merge', what they'll announce is "Super servers are up and running so we are 'reorganizing' the servers to integrate into the new system."


I can sympathize with the OP; sometimes an overcrowded server is less immersive. Like finding that super secret datacron only to come out of the cut scene to see 30 other people standing around (although this game does a much better job of instancing out the riff raff than any other MMO I've played). There's something cool about having the whole galaxy to yourself. But I'm guessing they're gonna make you move eventually.

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Ohm, that's simple. i play the STORY.

Not sure if you played the Jedi Academy, the KOTORs, etc.. and also Mass Effect or even Assassins Creed.

Those are single player STORY based games and that what is my passion. plus the Star Wars Universe. plus quests, and voices and beautiful worlds. I EXPLORE them. i coudl not be bothered by crafting or GTN or PVP.

Those are just a "side effects" to me.


I agree that i miss the heroic content (well, not ALL of it, some can be easily played provided you have stealth character), but still the game has a lot to offer for lone wolfs like me.


Well if you only care about the story in this game, you are missing out on some of the best story content by skipping the Flash Points, especially Taral V and Maelstrom Prison (rep) and Boarding Party and The Foundry (imp). If you were a fan of KOTOR, then you would especially be interested in these.

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Well if you only care about the story in this game, you are missing out on some of the best story content by skipping the Flash Points, especially Taral V and Maelstrom Prison (rep) and Boarding Party and The Foundry (imp). If you were a fan of KOTOR, then you would especially be interested in these.


Ok, i did few flashpoints on Rep side and actually they were ..okayish..

look, I DID TRY how it is with the group, just for the sake of seeing whether it's fun or not.

and IT IS, no doubt.

But with my "conditions of playing" I cannot ask others to "wait for me". co i will come at 22:30 or later and stay for next 25 minutes or so..

So my choice is solo.


If you say the flashpoints are soo god..well i will do them.. you can actually solo them you know?

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Ohm, that's simple. i play the STORY.

Not sure if you played the Jedi Academy, the KOTORs, etc.. and also Mass Effect or even Assassins Creed.

Those are single player STORY based games and that what is my passion. plus the Star Wars Universe. plus quests, and voices and beautiful worlds. I EXPLORE them. i coudl not be bothered by crafting or GTN or PVP.

Those are just a "side effects" to me.


I agree that i miss the heroic content (well, not ALL of it, some can be easily played provided you have stealth character), but still the game has a lot to offer for lone wolfs like me.


Fair enough. I get that, because I'm the same way. I go out of my way to see all the story, and sometimes that means going back to solo heroics that I missed due to no one to group with. But I've been playing since EGA, and there comes a point when there's simply no more quests, and no more datacrons to find, etc... What are you going to do then? I divide my time between FP's and PVP, and as someone above me said, some of the best story is attached to FPS's. If you remain on a dead server your not going to have anyone to play with when you reach that point. I'm not trying to convince you that you're wrong, quite the opposite in fact. Just trying to point out things you perhaps hadn't considered.

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Ok, i did few flashpoints on Rep side and actually they were ..okayish..

look, I DID TRY how it is with the group, just for the sake of seeing whether it's fun or not.

and IT IS, no doubt.

But with my "conditions of playing" I cannot ask others to "wait for me". co i will come at 22:30 or later and stay for next 25 minutes or so..

So my choice is solo.


If you say the flashpoints are soo god..well i will do them.. you can actually solo them you know?


good point. i suppose you can solo those later. but the end flashpoints battle of ilum and false emperor are great and have some good story to them too. you wouldn't be able to solo those at 50 as they are lvl 50 FPs.


If you transferred servers, then you could still play alone, but you'll have a much larger pool of people to group with should the need arise. Once the group finder launches, you should be able to get a PUG going whenever you need to on one of the heavily populated servers. that is never going to happen if you stay where you are.


all I'm saying is, go ahead and transfer. You can still play alone, but it gives you more options if and when you decide you need to group for something.

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I know it all.

It's just that i will probably save it for the end when i really reach lvl 50 with 8 characters possible..actually you can do it with 16, if you consider playing the character story on "dark' or "light" side.... pretty much long time yet :)


Thank folks, time to see some football :)

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Well if you only care about the story in this game, you are missing out on some of the best story content by skipping the Flash Points, especially Taral V and Maelstrom Prison (rep) and Boarding Party and The Foundry (imp). If you were a fan of KOTOR, then you would especially be interested in these.


But she isn't missing the flashpoints, not really. All flashpoints up till probably Maelstrom Prison/Foundry can be soloed at some point for the story. You just have to over level. Technically The Colicoid Games to a small extent can almost be soloed at 50 but not quite.


The best story flashpoints though, ie Taral V/Boarding party and Maelstrom Prison/Fundy can both be done solo by like lvl 45ish, Taral and Boarding a bit earlier.

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have to no... you dont have to.. but everyone else is going to leaving hte servers even more dead..so not transfering is kinda a bad idea unless you plan on waiting around until paid transfers come out so you can pick where you want to go. id suggest changing


That's not the final state of origin servers. This current transfer is only the first step.

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i am not transfering the 1 charater i have on a dead server. reason for this is there is no point for me to transfer a charater to server that i never intend to play on. i want to transfer that 1 charater to my existing legacy on The Fatman but they wont do it right now. i will wait till they open some sort of free transfer to existing legacy. other wise it will sit on the dead server.


and no i wont pay for a transfer that should have been done free.

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I am not transfering ether. Like others that have posted. I am one in a small guild of friends and family. Mostly casual gamers. Some of which are not able to play atm for reasons ranging from lack of time too lack of money. But with the intention of returning when they can. I cant leave them. Not to mention not wanting to give up the names I love.


Like OP, I dont mind soloing. I am a 3rd shift worker. Have bin for over 10 years. I tend to play very late nights and early morning anyway so im use to dead servers. The fact that so many seemed determined to convince us to move is kinda disturbing. Why is it so important to convince us. I dont want to move. I have my reasons and there good reasons to me.

Who knows, if enough people STAY on my server, maybe it will end up being a destination server if and when they do end up doing a mandatory merger. Fingers crossed.

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I am not transfering ether. Like others that have posted. I am one in a small guild of friends and family. Mostly casual gamers. Some of which are not able to play atm for reasons ranging from lack of time too lack of money. But with the intention of returning when they can. I cant leave them. Not to mention not wanting to give up the names I love.


Like OP, I dont mind soloing. I am a 3rd shift worker. Have bin for over 10 years. I tend to play very late nights and early morning anyway so im use to dead servers. The fact that so many seemed determined to convince us to move is kinda disturbing. Why is it so important to convince us. I dont want to move. I have my reasons and there good reasons to me.

Who knows, if enough people STAY on my server, maybe it will end up being a destination server if and when they do end up doing a mandatory merger. Fingers crossed.


I don't think anyone's trying to convince you per se. I think most people, myself included) are trying to be helpful and point out things you may be overlooking. You're free to play your game in the way you like, and it's no skin off my nose if you stay. My thought process is that It would suck for you if one of the issues people have pointed out happen to you later and you regret not using the free transfer while it was available.


As I tell my wife often, stubborness can be an admirable quality, as long as you're not being stubborn for it's own sake. :D

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Do you have to transfer?


Theoretically: No, you're not required, it's optional.


Practically: Yes, almost everyone on your server is going to transfer, rendering most activities impossible (especially PvP).


Eventually: Some or all of the origin servers will probably be closed down, at which point you WILL be transferred to another, like it or not.

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Well in my case and 2 friends , we have 11-15 characters over 2 servers , those 2 servers can transfer to 1. Big problem we can't squeeze all our characters onto one server. So no you don't have to transfer because we can't transfer all our characters.


Its funny really I have decided to transfer 4 characters , then keep 3 on one server and 4 on the other , so in effect bioware has made us more spread out. I would hesitate a guess there are more people with more than 8 characters , there are 16 advanced classes.


Poorly implemented free transfers I'm affraid.






P.S. The storm before the football was better than the first half ;/

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I guess you can transfer now and at least have a shot of keeping some of your names, or wait until there are server mergers and your chances drop significantly, especially given the upcoming 1-15 free trial where even more names will be taken.
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Because you'll have to move eventually. Bioware isn't going to maintain a server for a handful of people.


Yes, but BioWare is also saying we can't complain about having to compete with 10's of thousands of characters on the new consolidated servers for unique names because the transfers are "optional" so if you wait to be forced to transfer, then you can complain about how unreasonable having unique names is with character populations the size of small cities.

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I guess you can transfer now and at least have a shot of keeping some of your names, or wait until there are server mergers and your chances drop significantly, especially given the upcoming 1-15 free trial where even more names will be taken.


Or you could go on to the servers where you'll likely end up merged and reserve your names now against the possibility of getting sent there in the future.


Not that that would deplete the namespace or anything...

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The following post was recently made by BioWare on the matter of lost names:

While we regret that you are unhappy about losing your name, we'd like to remind everyone that these transfers were not "mandated," and were, in fact, completely optional. We also hope that having a large, active population of players to share your gaming experience with will help soften the blow.

My question to the community is this: Given that the transfers (mergers) were one-way transfers to targeted servers, wasn't the process more or less mandated?


It stands to reason that as people leave a server, those left behind are given more and more incentive to leave--not stay. Who wants to stay behind on a server where the population is declining? Wasn't the whole point of the mergers to improve or at least balance server populations? How can populations be balanced when light servers are transferring to heavier servers?


People are leaving, not coming, so it just seems a bit disingenuous to tell us that the mergers were optional.

Edited by Dezzi
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I've been trying like hell to get an answer regarding what happens if I chose not to tranfer and have had zero luck. All I get is people going "quit asking, you don't have to transfer if you don't want to" which isn't even what I'm asking. Gotta love "helpful" folks. (that's helpful in parenthesis because they are just being obnoxious) I know I don't HAVE to transfer, but I don't know what will happen if I chose not to. Are the servers eventually going to be shut down? Will they be merged? Will theu suddenly decide to try and repopulate some of them? No idea because they won't give out any information. How can I make an informed decision if I don't have all the information. The answer is, I can't. And they have to have some information regarding what happens next, a company this big doesn't just make things up as they go along, they plan ahead. So since Bioware/EA is being as tight-lipped as a corporate VP under investigation for insider trading, I'm saying to hell with it. I'm picking up my bucket and shovel and finding a new sandbox to play in. My characters will rot unplayed on a dead server until the lights go out. You got my $150 from the CE, you got 7 months worth of subscription fees, so jokes on me right? Well enough is enough, you won't get anymore of my money because I've had it.
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