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Server Queues and You


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25 june - Waiting queue of 50 minutes

26 june - Waiting queue of 1 hour and 15 minutes


To be honest I'm really getting tired of this ... Seriously, I have been a dedicated player since launch, first rolling on Ahto City, this server died so I rerolled on Tomb of Freedon Nadd... Now I'm actually rerolling again on a different server because I simply cant' login in the evening.


All I want is nice character on a normal server, but since launch this situation (for me) has actually never existed.

I can't say it enough: if they had launched with server transfers they would be having none of the problems they are facing today.


Please Bioware, don't make me 1 of the 400,000! Make an effort to keep me in the game ffs, because I am quickly losing interest.

Edited by Erikusz
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Last night on TOFN the queue was up to 1Hr 45.. and it actually took 1hr to actually go down.


BUT I am not going to complain. It was patch day and I suspect a lot of people jumped on to have a look etc. It will die down again.


Lets give BW a bit of a break on this one.. when the game launched people were going mental about 2 hour queues.. they then opened more servers.. Then they got spares now they combined them together and new patch generates interest that the server floods for a few days.


I have a busy job and a young family so my play time is limited so Ill just fire up the client a bit earlier when I want to play and if its still not ready go and do something else..Yesterday I saw someone say they were going to unsub because the maintenance window was extended :p..

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[*]Spend your forced 20 minutes of non-playing productively


I use this time to my advantage. If I logon and have a queue I go into the other room and ask my wife about her day at work, how her friends are doing, what they are discussing on Pintrest...all those things I usually avoid doing. When she says "I thought you were going to play your game" I respond with "I wanted to come hear about your day first, that was a bigger priority". Win-Win.


That's great and good for you. Unfortunately, for someone like me, I've already taken care of my personal business before I start playing. I've already had hours of family time. I've already exercised. I've probably already worked or read or done everything else I need to do for the day. Then, I'm ready to play. Sometimes I have 3-4 hours. More often I only have an hour or two. If I spend 30 minutes in a queue, that may be 25-50% of my playtime.


I guess the impact differs depending on your perspective. While I respect your perspective, I'd like to think you could also respect mine and recognize (even if you disagree) that there is now a problem I didn't have before (crowded servers are far worse than the moderate one I was on for someone in my position) and allow me (and others with a similar problem) to ask for a new solution rather than talk down to us by saying we should go talk with our spouse.


Thanks anyway.

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I play on Po5 and the longest que time I have had during prime time was 3 mins. It's not that bad.


Interesting.. last night Po5 was showing 45 minutes queues. I saw it with queues of 20 minutes at one point and 30 minutes 2 hours later tonight. But what do I know? I check the server loads several times most nights. Apparently, I'm either making this up or my server select screen is showing me different information than some of you. I suppose either is possible. Unfortunately, I know neither is true.

Edited by InnerPieces
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HARBINGER QUEUE WAIT = 30 Minutes:: June 26th ,, Today , 02:19 AM | #1


Dear Players and Devs, .......... June 26th


..... It is my hope that the Devs really read this. After the v1.3 patch, the player loading on Harbinger has become unacceptable. Today i was greeted by:


.....YOU ARE ;;...............PLAYER # 458 IN THE QUEUE.....



As a longtime player here, I can't really understand the logic of transferring more player accts to a server that has always been one of the top 4 heaviest servers on the West Coast. It is rated HEAVY more than most. Folding the player accts from 10 other servers into Harbinger has had a dramatic effect on zone-occupation, effective framerate, and of course the wait time to get into the game.


Let's not overlook the fact that it will also eventually exclude those with older computers, with lesser RAM, graphics cards, and CPUs. These folks previously met all the Min specs, and perhaps the avg-specs, But with higher populations, the bar gets raised and Darwinian CPU evolution takes over. (Survival of the Fastest)


As an engineer, i am well familiar with the concept of "load leveling" and this effort seems to have missed the mark.


Despite the use of multiple instances, the wait in queue is still too long. Remedies need to be pursued, or players will quit and those with access to 3rd party "random movement scripts" will take advantage of this situation, and avoid the queue wait.

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The Tomb Of Freedon Nadd had 1 hour and 45 mins last night, i powered the game up at 7 didnt actually get into the server until nine, bye then it was to late for me to actually have a decent session on the game, its so frustrating for me because i work all day, i mean we pay to actually play the game, not sit in queues for two hours!! on top of it all, they suggested to me I move to increase the enjoyment i get out of the game? Yeah I'm having alot of fun on this game now -.-?! it also seems like 3 servers are being used or are always heavy, and the rest are light? why cant people be moved to them?


I just hope they fix this as soon as possible? Or the game itself is just going to drop in popularity, I'm on the edge of cancelling my payment, why should i pay when all i do is sit in queues? Please bioware... just fix this! :(

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The server transfers were an absolutely dumb idea. Server merges would have been much better and would have most likely evened out the population, instead of leaving origin servers dead and destination servers too full! (currently in a 1 hour queue after a damn crash)
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The Tomb Of Freedon Nadd had 1 hour and 45 mins last night, i powered the game up at 7 didnt actually get into the server until nine, bye then it was to late for me to actually have a decent session on the game, its so frustrating for me because i work all day, i mean we pay to actually play the game, not sit in queues for two hours!! on top of it all, they suggested to me I move to increase the enjoyment i get out of the game? Yeah I'm having alot of fun on this game now -.-?! it also seems like 3 servers are being used or are always heavy, and the rest are light? why cant people be moved to them?


I just hope they fix this as soon as possible? Or the game itself is just going to drop in popularity, I'm on the edge of cancelling my payment, why should i pay when all i do is sit in queues? Please bioware... just fix this! :(



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this queuing is unacceptable, and as far as i can see in the dev tracker not one dev has responded regarding this. not being able to get in is very bad, no response from the developers is just down right rude and unacceptable and i echo the guy who said we are paying for a service that we are not receiving.
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I can't believe how many bad decisions have been made regarding this game, the server transfer has left me unable to log onto the server that I started out on (ToFN) due to 1+ hour queues.


With the introduction of ranked warzones via patch 1.3 many people have returned to there characters as predicted thus the server is simply too full.


In my personal experience ToFN had no problems with population until every one transferred there from empty servers. Why oh why couldn't they have opted for a more intelligent system of server mergers instead?


Just another really bad decision to add to the list.:sul_mad:

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That's great and good for you. Unfortunately, for someone like me, I've already taken care of my personal business before I start playing. I've already had hours of family time. I've already exercised. I've probably already worked or read or done everything else I need to do for the day. Then, I'm ready to play. Sometimes I have 3-4 hours. More often I only have an hour or two. If I spend 30 minutes in a queue, that may be 25-50% of my playtime.


I guess the impact differs depending on your perspective. While I respect your perspective, I'd like to think you could also respect mine and recognize (even if you disagree) that there is now a problem I didn't have before (crowded servers are far worse than the moderate one I was on for someone in my position) and allow me (and others with a similar problem) to ask for a new solution rather than talk down to us by saying we should go talk with our spouse.


Thanks anyway.


This right here.

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I don't know what to say. This game was much better at Launch, these pety updates haven't done nothing but messed up the game. Have Bioware ever heard of the saying 'Don't fix it if it ain't broken'?????


It sickens me, it really does.. they better sort this quick, otherwis they'll find themselves having no queues naturally because everyone would have left.

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Estimated Wait: < 60m 00s at Tomb of Freedon Nadd . Maybe they packed the few servers a little too full :p

But it still way better situation than a server with total population of 15 at peak times with no one to play with.

Edited by Helistin
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