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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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Haha! There is room for multiple MMOs.


SWTOR wasn't for me, when my sub ends I'll most likely not pick up the game again.


Yes, I will be playing GW2, but not because I think SwTOR sucks. I DO think the PvP in GW2 feels a lot better than SwTOR; but it's all personal.


If you're sticking with SWTOR, more power to you. I liked the leveling process, but I think this game has had some issues that needed to be addressed sooner. There is only so much you can be sold on concepts before you wonder when it will be released.


No need to be a troll.There will be GW2 haters as there were SWTOR haters, but haters are going to hate on something. GW2 is going to be a success and SWTOR is still a success. It's just not shaping out to be a world ending success that everyone thought it would be...


and that's okay.


name the problems im yet to see anything that is a problem?

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And still you dont get it.... yes they strip it down and make it chargeable.. for new subs or players that choose to switch.. that is your choice no one forces that on you.

So you choose to switch and you get to choose what things you want say bag space, bank space, toon slots, higher credit limitations, content packs etc etc.. but once you have them thats it.. you dont pay anymore except when something new comes in.. but thats not going to be every day/week/month.. its going to be no differnet to now maybe 3months etc ... but in that timeframe someone who is subbed has paid 3 months of money, what did you pay over the same time frame.... nothing


Look at the value over time not cost up front... thats is what F2P is about... but like I said before, you dont have to switch.. to suddently say everyone has to change and btw you only have 3 slots not 8.. buy the other 5 or loose your toons... hmmm ya think they are going to bite their own backsides like that.. cmon get real.. think about it logically.

Really? If F2P is all about value over time then let's observe Maplestory, the king of F2Ps. The "value over time" is lost within 3 months when cash items expire. Why would you assume what we purchase will be permanent? These permanent "value over time" item exclusives only seem to only apply to games that require an active subscription (buying faction mounts/special pets from Blizzard in WoW).


BW needs to lock themselves in a closet and conduct more insight before they attempt to remedy their problems. I hope they find a way to bring the game back up to its glory instead of resorting to the F2P route.


F2P is incredibly boring. DC Universe is a nice concept.. but F2P kills the joy and enthusiasm of it.

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It wasn't a flaw. It's player stupidity who think that games at launch flourish right away.


Sure it is. If any new game lacks a feature which drives tons of players away ( which it did fundamentally ), then it is a flaw in the game. And will eventually make me cancel my sub I predict. It is not stupidity, but being realistic. Great game to play as KOTR 3, but not worth a sub each month. Pretty much sums it up.

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name the problems im yet to see anything that is a problem?


Snarky. ~.^


I'll humor you with a response. My PvP guild has moved on because of the utter failure to provide World PvP...(I wont say that which shall not be named.) and the lack of more competitive tiers of PvP. Yes, ranked WZs will be released in the next patch (Maybe...); but they've been talking about ranked WZs pre beta.


I understand things take time to develop; but this game failed to deliver the meaningful/engaging PvP content to keep my guild and two others that I know of invested for the long haul.


I can't comment on the PvE side of things.

Edited by Fooolking
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Sure it is. If any new game lacks a feature which drives tons of players away ( which it did fundamentally ), then it is a flaw in the game. And will eventually make me cancel my sub I predict. It is not stupidity, but being realistic. Great game to play as KOTR 3, but not worth a sub each month. Pretty much sums it up.


Being realistic would also lead one to the conclusion that it is UNREALISTIC to expect all the features, content and polish in a brand new mmo that you would expect from oh I don't know one that's been around for almost 10 years...

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so you would want to play a game that is Play to Win then, becuase if swtor was free to play just like star trek then Bioware and EA will need to make money, and they will milk it by selling people armour and other things that let them win... just like star trek does with every new ship.


I would yes. Because I donot play a game to be better than the others playing it, but to enjoy the experence. :)

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He said that it MIGHT be a F2P game at some point, which is rather obvious for any MMO nowadays.


Surely, they already have a spreadsheet for this. ;)


The fact that we're having this talk only 6 months after "a very succesful launch" speaks for itself. :)


Yeah minus the 400k+ subs in a matter of a short 2 months. LOL yeah, very "successful" with out a doubt...

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The game will never be free to play


only free to play up to level 15


that is what he was talking about


and the words got taken out of context


and spun into a huge thing from players that want the game to fail and go f2p


just so they can have the satisfaction of saying "I was right"

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Being realistic would also lead one to the conclusion that it is UNREALISTIC to expect all the features, content and polish in a brand new mmo that you would expect from oh I don't know one that's been around for almost 10 years...


Yep. I expect a new MMO coming out now to be a modern up to date one which rivals any "modern" MMO on the market and does not lack any of the features they have. :) Kind of like if I purchase a car now..I expect it to have the features other cars have "now". Not what cars had 7 - 8 yrs ago. :p

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Yep. I expect a new MMO coming out now to be a modern up to date one which rivals any "modern" MMO on the market and does not lack any of the features they have. :) Kind of like if I purchase a car now..I expect it to have the features other cars have "now". Not what cars had 7 - 8 yrs ago. :p


Then the expectation is simply unreasonable. Take group finder the one thing on most peoples minds as missing. Rift didn't have it, TERA's original launch didn't have it, and pretty much every other mmo on the market today didn't have it on launch. The car analogy is so piss *********** poor it's not even funny, it does you no intellectual credit to bring it up.

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Let's see. Take the word of some random internet clod of an executive with the company.

Or the continuous post on countless web sites of the missing subs. The fact that every server was so dead they needed to do a major server merge. Or the fact that every single server was light populated at primes times except fatman before the server merge. Hmmm but yeah let me go by one link.. LOL Try again "clod".

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Let's see. Take the word of some random internet clod of an executive with the company.


You mean the same company that was telling us subscriptions weren't declining...



... when they were? :rolleyes:

Edited by Dezzi
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Or the continuous post on countless web sites of the missing subs. The fact that every server was so dead they needed to do a major server merge. Or the fact that every single server was light populated at primes times except fatman before the server merge. Hmmm but yeah let me go by one link.. LOL Try again "clod".


Because they had to many servers. Honestly after the merges I can make the claim that the game is doing fine now that every server is heavy or better but you won't accept that so why should I accept that opposite? Can you be so kind as to link me some of these web sites? Again you've offered nothing in the way of evidence other than ******** frankly. The executive at the company has a better perspective and his word is far more credible than some internet forum warrior.

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Then the expectation is simply unreasonable. Take group finder the one thing on most peoples minds as missing. Rift didn't have it, TERA's original launch didn't have it, and pretty much every other mmo on the market today didn't have it on launch. The car analogy is so piss *********** poor it's not even funny, it does you no intellectual credit to bring it up.


Ok...how about a cellphone? And why should I care what you think of my intellect? lol! Usually when guys cannot come back with a good answer will result to insults. You are no different. :p

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You mean the same company that was telling us subscriptions weren't declining...



... when they were? :rolleyes:


Who told us that? Are you refering to the quoted system designer (can't remember his name)? He likely had no knowledge of the decline as that's not information he would necesarilly have available to him. He told us that in so far as he knew subs hadn't dropped and in so far as he knew that was accurate. Other than that I'm not aware of anyone else who said otherwise...

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Ok...how about a cellphone? And why should I care what you think of my intellect? lol! Usually when guys cannot come back with a good answer will result to insults. You are no different. :p


What about a cellphone exactly ? Bioware know they opened way to many servers in early access and release week, they are sorting it out now, you have the option to xfer to a more popualted server where the features your after will be more accessable, bioware arnt forcing you to stay on your server and they didnt force you to create on your server so the only one limiting your options is yourself on this matter.

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Yep. I expect a new MMO coming out now to be a modern up to date one which rivals any "modern" MMO on the market and does not lack any of the features they have. :) Kind of like if I purchase a car now..I expect it to have the features other cars have "now". Not what cars had 7 - 8 yrs ago. :p


i beg to differ


my wifes old car, is 5 years old, its has all the stuff, air con, alloys, cd player, bluetooth, ect ect


she got the new upto date car, and it was missing most of the features that i just listed, she had to pay extra for the alloys.. and its a named edition, just like her last one which is 5 years old...


so your point about this game and the other big mmo, is what, becuase wow has and lfg swtor has to have it as well, swtor has to have 7 years of content from the start, which wow has had time to add...

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Ok...how about a cellphone? And why should I care what you think of my intellect? lol! Usually when guys cannot come back with a good answer will result to insults. You are no different. :p


I had a good answer you just to chose to ignore it. Can you tell me why no current mmo on the scene has launched with group finder even though it's something almost every mmo community demads? Software design is not manufacturing get over yourselves. These games simply grow and get better over time or not. If your not happy with the growth of features in the game that's fine, it took rift something like 80 days to get group finder implemented so theirs a good argument to be made their. However expecting every mmo to come out as feature rich as the game that's been around for almost 10 years now is simply unreaslistic and foolish.

Edited by TonyIommi
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What about a cellphone exactly ? Bioware know they opened way to many servers in early access and release week, they are sorting it out now, you have the option to xfer to a more popualted server where the features your after will be more accessable, bioware arnt forcing you to stay on your server and they didnt force you to create on your server so the only one limiting your options is yourself on this matter.


You are correct. They are not forcing me to move. And I am not willing moving. By the time they do the Super Server Merges I will be long gone and not care. Even if they go FTP and I find out my char's were moved and thier names where changed...I would not come back for sure.

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