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Everything posted by Guhreen

  1. This ^ completely changed my view; never thought it like that. A plausible reason why Bioware is catering to F2P players is to keep the new F2P playerbase sticking around. Easy access to speeders would surely encourage me to stick around longer to keep exploring swtor. I'm just hoping Bioware is slowrolling this whole F2P transition and we loyal subbers get rewarded big in the end.
  2. Really? If F2P is all about value over time then let's observe Maplestory, the king of F2Ps. The "value over time" is lost within 3 months when cash items expire. Why would you assume what we purchase will be permanent? These permanent "value over time" item exclusives only seem to only apply to games that require an active subscription (buying faction mounts/special pets from Blizzard in WoW). BW needs to lock themselves in a closet and conduct more insight before they attempt to remedy their problems. I hope they find a way to bring the game back up to its glory instead of resorting to the F2P route. F2P is incredibly boring. DC Universe is a nice concept.. but F2P kills the joy and enthusiasm of it.
  3. Ghost towns fade away; from the forgotten ashes we'll arise. Maybe now I can do some HMs.
  4. Rakata Mind Prison is a ghost town. I was considering buying a Security Key.. but there's nobody around to hack me.
  5. There's a reason why servers are split into PVE and PVP: to cater to the needs of players. Some players can't handle being randomly/directly attacked -> PVE. Some players enjoy attacking people of the opposite faction -> PVP I had my share of Republic players targeting me. Why would I complain when I personally chose to play on a PVP server? Upon accessing a PVP server, Bioware even has the decency to warn you of your choice in a PVP sever. I have yet to see this much of world PVP since I started playing swtor. I say, bring on the "griefers", twas fun. More PewPew, less QQ.
  6. If it isn't a huge problem on a global scale, I push to move for Bioware to implement character transfers instead of a server merge. That way, individual players can take it upon themselves to decide whether a server's population is an issue or not. If they decide it is, then all the benefits (bigger population; new community; sense of community) and dilemmas (duplicate names, loss of friends/guild, faction pvp dominance) that come with realm transfers will be of their choosing. I only ask for the cost of a server transfer be manageable.. $10! <- I am a cheap being However, if Bioware did have $10 promotional sale for a limited time (1 month, 3 months, until Summer 2012), it could possibly bring back many players who left due to "ghost town" servers. It could also allure players who are RL friends but created characters on different servers. Pricing the cost at a whopping $25 might further deter players off swtor.
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