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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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Warhammer is still sub based. Which is an EA MMO. Also, that's not a "fail assumption" at all. It's just the way those people are. Heck, look at the people wanting TOR to go F2P. Mostly, it's about "I donts gets my munies worht!!".


$.50 a day and they think that's too much? And these people aren't cheapskates?


If I go into a place and buy a sub sandwhich at a specail price of 5 bucks..I still expect the sub to be good. And if not, I have a right to complain it was'nt. :p

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What I really liked about SW:TOR before launch was that they had a plan. Voice-over acting had been secured well in advance and presumably, the outline of the content that VO was linked to.


We they have a plan.

They launch.

Plan goes out of the window.

The plan goes so far out of the window, they are considering F2P.


They appear to have been pushed into launching in December. You can blame the fans. You can blame EA. You can ask why Bioware didn't have Denova, Legacy, Lost Island, Novare Coast and other features ready for December and even whether December was a realistic goal. You can ask why the endgame content was so buggy. A combination of all those factors is probably true. But here's the bottom line... the game wasn't ready for launch. Because the technology wasn't trusted, they under-loaded the servers and spread people out.


Roll forward a few months, where they stated they'd doubled the population caps. And if the transfers are any indication - they've since gone well beyond double. Imagine if they could have gotten to that point before launch.


Then because there wasn't enough content. There were too many endgame bugs. There was Illum... people left. Lots of people left. MMO's don't retain every customer at launch, but this is something else... and you can point to the December launch and whoever made that decision as the culprit.


Now imagine a world where 1.2 was actually the "release" game. The underlying technology is better. Server populations are at least double was we actually got. There is less lag and more content. There are still some bugs - but there always will be. Still think all those people would have left? I don't. And with more people, you don't need to add the LFG Tool. Fleet isn't empty and neither are the planets. Then because BW aren't distracted by people yelling for LFG tools, cross server PvP and empty Fleets... they can follow the original plan and start rolling out more content.


But none of that happen, players left and Bioware got sidetracked... and so here we are.


Free to play is just another symptom, and an ugly one at that. Because it gives an even bigger impression of indecision, flailing and a complete lack of direction. Add to that the complete vacuum of future vision or at least, the complete lack of being able to communicate it.


I liked the original plan. What a shame someone said "December".


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I still think EA are the ones that forced the game out in December, not Bioware.


If Bioware would have waited that extra 3-4 months and launched in June, most of these problems might have been fixed, and they would still have subs.


Edited by Celwinn
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You guys are crazy, as a suber you are paying for the "space game". If it was F2P you can choose not to buy it, how is that bad?


Because I'd also have to pay for any characters over 2, extra bag space, the ability to ride a speeder, the ability to participate in FPs, WZs, Ops. The ability to use legacy. Using the GTN, sprint at level 1, certain areas on planets, pressing the # 2 key on my keyboard, etc.


Again, not thanks.

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You like to twist things!...lol. I did not say he was wrong with his post, only to counter what he said with a opposite view. To show his comment does not lead to his =/= everyone. :p


But I never gave an opinion.


I stated I know people who like Space Combat.


Not my opinion :)

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If I go into a place and buy a sub sandwhich at a specail price of 5 bucks..I still expect the sub to be good. And if not, I have a right to complain it was'nt. :p


Bad analogy is bad. The game isn't bad, at all. You simply don't like it yourself. You have every right to move on. Heck, you had every right to not renew your sub past the first month included with the game purchase. So, you seem to have came back for extra helping of that "bad sub sandwich".

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Because I'd also have to pay for any characters over 2, extra bag space, the ability to ride a speeder, the ability to participate in FPs, WZs, Ops. The ability to use legacy. Using the GTN, sprint at level 1, certain areas on planets, pressing the # 2 key on my keyboard, etc.


Again, not thanks.


OR you could continue subbing ...

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But I never gave an opinion.


I stated I know people who like Space Combat.


Not my opinion :)


I like the space game. I would love a freeform space game like in SWG, but I like the space game because, for what it is, it's done exceptionally well. It's a nice lil distraction.

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If they do they already have a great MT store in the legacy system. Charge people to unlock anything in the legacy system and then charge for content updates.


Part of me thinks this is their response to GW2.


So, there was an official announcement? Because I still call BS, personally.

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No, this is a story-driven MMO without story updates. Content is hard. And expensive. A $0.50 purple taun-taun is easy.


They should take a page from those old serials, or soap operas generally - keep people hooked by delivering small content updates on a regular schedule. Just a tease of new story, say, once a month, would have done more to keep subs up than any number of legacy updates ever will.



Oh you can bet your saber those content updates will be a lot less quality, they are not going to pay for a voice actor when whatever it is not garanteed a RWT sale.


IMO its the ENTIRE reason for the Legacy "Feature" ,I have been saying since January the game was going Free 2 Play, and I still expect the change around November.


They have been discussing the Free2Play change since before 1.2.

Edited by CKNairb
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Bad analogy is bad. The game isn't bad, at all. You simply don't like it yourself. You have every right to move on. Heck, you had every right to not renew your sub past the first month included with the game purchase. So, you seem to have came back for extra helping of that "bad sub sandwich".


My point was to counter what you said about some players being cheap. It is thier money and even if it is a small amount of money to you..does not mean it is to them. They have a right to complain and I do also. I paid for that right when I bought my 6 month sub. If I had that decision to do over again...I would not even be here posting. And I know..for guys like you, that would be good thing. ;)

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Because I'd also have to pay for any characters over 2, extra bag space, the ability to ride a speeder, the ability to participate in FPs, WZs, Ops. The ability to use legacy. Using the GTN, sprint at level 1, certain areas on planets, pressing the # 2 key on my keyboard, etc.


Again, not thanks.




I don't even know how to address such flagrant ignorance.


Let me put it this way, I have played lotro ever since it went f2p and played it even before that. I am not a lifer, so if I want something from the store I would have to put some money in to get it.


What have I bought from the store? 1 expansion pack. 1 zone to quest in, in the last 2 years I have been playing. That's a total of 45$ in 2 years. No one is "ahead" of me for spending more, and I am at no disadvantage. The game is loads of fun, and honestly, it's what I play while waiting for content to be added to this game which I'm shelling out 15$ for a month and seeing nothing in return.


But if you want to continue to spew nonsense, nobody has stopped you in that past...

Edited by Ivalice
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I don't even know how to address such flagrant ignorance.


Let me put it this way, I have played lotro ever since it went f2p and played it even before that. I am not a lifer, so if I want something from the store I would have to put some money in to get it.


What have I bought from the store? 1 expansion pack. 1 zone to quest in, in the last 2 years I have been playing. That's a total of 45$ in 2 years. No one is "ahead" of me for spending more, and I am at no disadvantage. The game is loads of fun, and honestly, it's what I play while waiting for content to be add to this game which I'm shelling out 15$ for a month and seeing nothing in return.


But if you want to continue to spew nonsense, nobody has stopped you in that past...


But why should I have to pay for something in a game when the alternative would be playing the game to get it? :confused: I don't mean to be rude to anyone who likes F2P but the model seems to cater to the lazy, easy option for gamers who prefer paying for rewards rather than earning them. I swear I don't mean that as aggressively as its coming off :( Its just an observation.

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First page. Any Media release is considered as such, especially from the Lead Designer, if it was the custodian that would be different.


That whole conversation was vague and nothing was officially stated. So, again, where's the "announcement?"

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So, there was an official announcement? Because I still call BS, personally.


The only thing is from the article. But still the legacy system seems like a perfect MT store. It has XP boosts, in game race unlocks, extra things that make the game easier, etc.


To me it wouldn't seem very far-fetched for EA to make SWTOR f2p and legacy be the MT store.

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