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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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F2P games don't only offer vanity items and expansions. P2P games do, like WOW, but F2P makes you pay for virtually everything. They strip down the features in the game and then make you pay money to unlock them.


Not very legend.... wait for it..... dary at all.


And still you dont get it.... yes they strip it down and make it chargeable.. for new subs or players that choose to switch.. that is your choice no one forces that on you.

So you choose to switch and you get to choose what things you want say bag space, bank space, toon slots, higher credit limitations, content packs etc etc.. but once you have them thats it.. you dont pay anymore except when something new comes in.. but thats not going to be every day/week/month.. its going to be no differnet to now maybe 3months etc ... but in that timeframe someone who is subbed has paid 3 months of money, what did you pay over the same time frame.... nothing


Look at the value over time not cost up front... thats is what F2P is about... but like I said before, you dont have to switch.. to suddently say everyone has to change and btw you only have 3 slots not 8.. buy the other 5 or loose your toons... hmmm ya think they are going to bite their own backsides like that.. cmon get real.. think about it logically.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Hey, did you guys here that GW2 is going to be F2P (without micro transactions)????? LOL and you guys are worried about SWTOR....let’s see how long the devs over in Korea can afford to keep the "I WANT IT NOW" kids entertained with the only revenue the game brings in will be from initial game purchases...I look forward to see the endless amount of content that will be supporting the hype......



this might have worked in the past when there were only a small handful of games out, but right now with so many MMOs flooding the market....sure ok...I look forward to trolling GW2's forums to see the steady flow of tears.......



If SWG could last 8.5 years with subs, I am sure SWTOR will be fine. We fanboys alone will sustain the cash flow without the leftover WoW crowd who continue to jump from one game to another game looking for that warm sensation they first felt when they first signed onto their first mmo.....while you all are still trying to repeat how you felt back in 2004 after leaving WoW, EQ, EQ2, AOC, Lotro, DCUO, SWTOR, D3 and GW2. We will be here still enjoying this game. But good luck with finding something that will make you happy....(although we all know you will never find it)

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Did you not get a chance to transfer or are you one of the few refusing to transfer?


There you go again...thinking we as the players should fix what is a flaw in the game. :p A bit like buying some bad bottled water and then the store telling you. " just go boil it and it will be good". :eek:

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After hearing this, my urge to play is pretty much burnt out. I am not paying another month for some game that will go free anyway.


From EA labels boss Frank Gibeau


We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes


Please don't accept everything you read on forums as gospel truth.

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From EA labels boss Frank Gibeau




Please don't accept everything you read on forums as gospel truth.


i agree with this man


in fact


We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes.


that whole link was about the free trial to lvl 15, nothing else

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The only problem with F2P models is when developers spend more time filling their cash shops with cosmetic items then they do actually developing meaningful content. This is not always the case--usually it's more indicative a dying MMO that is trying to milk every last penny from the customers before going under.


really.. which F2P game would that be then, cant say I've seen any that I am familiar with or play... and I am always a subber not a F2P'er except GW

I have only seen MMO's gain upward trends after changing their business models ... but that's not to say it doesnt come with its own issues and dangers.. this thread is evidence of that.

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really.. which F2P game would that be then, cant say I've seen any that I am familiar with or play... and I am always a subber not a F2P'er except GW

I have only seen MMO's gain upward trends after changing their business models ... but that's not to say it doesnt come with its own issues and dangers.. this thread is evidence of that.


The one i can think of that works like that from my experience is STO and that is a carcrash of a game.

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Blizzard is also possibly hopping on the F2P bandwagon. Here is a link to that:






Does not surprise me. FTP models can work out well. D3 is somewhat that way now. Tho not a MMO as such, it does not have any monthly sub. Sure, you can beef up your char's with real money if you want. Or play it as a single player game now with friends and never pay a dime more for anything in the game. As I am doing now. I never will pay anymore to play it. Apart from any expansion they will come out with down the road.

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If SWTOR goes free-to-play that's when I'm not gonna play any more :<. F2P are the most boring MMOs in existence, and they suck horribly.


did you read the link?? and the full one??



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Hey, did you guys here that GW2 is going to be F2P (without micro transactions)????? LOL and you guys are worried about SWTOR....let’s see how long the devs over in Korea can afford to keep the "I WANT IT NOW" kids entertained with the only revenue the game brings in will be from initial game purchases...I look forward to see the endless amount of content that will be supporting the hype......



this might have worked in the past when there were only a small handful of games out, but right now with so many MMOs flooding the market....sure ok...I look forward to trolling GW2's forums to see the steady flow of tears.......



If SWG could last 8.5 years with subs, I am sure SWTOR will be fine. We fanboys alone will sustain the cash flow without the leftover WoW crowd who continue to jump from one game to another game looking for that warm sensation they first felt when they first signed onto their first mmo.....while you all are still trying to repeat how you felt back in 2004 after leaving WoW, EQ, EQ2, AOC, Lotro, DCUO, SWTOR, D3 and GW2. We will be here still enjoying this game. But good luck with finding something that will make you happy....(although we all know you will never find it)


I think your armour needs a littrle shinning...must be all the dust thats gathering....

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There you go again...thinking we as the players should fix what is a flaw in the game. :p A bit like buying some bad bottled water and then the store telling you. " just go boil it and it will be good". :eek:


It wasn't a flaw. It's player stupidity who think that games at launch flourish right away.

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If SWTOR goes free-to-play that's when I'm not gonna play any more :<. F2P are the most boring MMOs in existence, and they suck horribly.


We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes



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If SWTOR goes free-to-play that's when I'm not gonna play any more :<. F2P are the most boring MMOs in existence, and they suck horribly.


Why would SWTOR suck and be any difernt to how you percieve it now if it went F2P.... I am curious how you arrive at this assumption.... or are you saying that your currently paying a sub for a game you find boring and sucks anyway, in which case MORE FOOL YOU.


F2P doesnt meant you have to go F2P....what MMO's have you played that forced you to change from P2P to F2P.. just out of interest?

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The one i can think of that works like that from my experience is STO and that is a carcrash of a game.


I tried STO, I simply donot like the game. Does not have anything to with it being FTP however. But it's FTP model, for those who like the game itself, seems to be a very good one. If TOR had a FTP model like it is, then I most certainly would play it.

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Does not surprise me. FTP models can work out well. D3 is somewhat that way now. Tho not a MMO as such, it does not have any monthly sub. Sure, you can beef up your char's with real money if you want. Or play it as a single player game now with friends and never pay a dime more for anything in the game. As I am doing now. I never will pay anymore to play it. Apart from any expansion they will come out with down the road.


WoW is going in a very odd direction, i can only see it as self imploding. if you look at what there doing, black market auction house, able to buy BiS items for gold, of which gold can easily be bought for cash, thats P2W no matter how you look at it, the RMAH which again i wouldnt be shocked if that loops into the black market ah but again is P2W. Scary.

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Now read the actual article from the horses mouth not what the game journalists feed you.


He said that it MIGHT be a F2P game at some point, which is rather obvious for any MMO nowadays.


Surely, they already have a spreadsheet for this. ;)


The fact that we're having this talk only 6 months after "a very succesful launch" speaks for itself. :)

Edited by Rogoo
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I tried STO, I simply donot like the game. Does not have anything to with it being FTP however. But it's FTP model, for those who like the game itself, seems to be a very good one. If TOR had a FTP model like it is, then I most certainly would play it.


so you would want to play a game that is Play to Win then, becuase if swtor was free to play just like star trek then Bioware and EA will need to make money, and they will milk it by selling people armour and other things that let them win... just like star trek does with every new ship.

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Hey, did you guys here that GW2 is going to be F2P (without micro transactions)????? LOL and you guys are worried about SWTOR....let’s see how long the devs over in Korea can afford to keep the "I WANT IT NOW" kids entertained with the only revenue the game brings in will be from initial game purchases...I look forward to see the endless amount of content that will be supporting the hype......



this might have worked in the past when there were only a small handful of games out, but right now with so many MMOs flooding the market....sure ok...I look forward to trolling GW2's forums to see the steady flow of tears.......



If SWG could last 8.5 years with subs, I am sure SWTOR will be fine. We fanboys alone will sustain the cash flow without the leftover WoW crowd who continue to jump from one game to another game looking for that warm sensation they first felt when they first signed onto their first mmo.....while you all are still trying to repeat how you felt back in 2004 after leaving WoW, EQ, EQ2, AOC, Lotro, DCUO, SWTOR, D3 and GW2. We will be here still enjoying this game. But good luck with finding something that will make you happy....(although we all know you will never find it)


Haha! There is room for multiple MMOs.


SWTOR wasn't for me, when my sub ends I'll most likely not pick up the game again.


Yes, I will be playing GW2, but not because I think SwTOR sucks. I DO think the PvP in GW2 feels a lot better than SwTOR; but it's all personal.


If you're sticking with SWTOR, more power to you. I liked the leveling process, but I think this game has had some issues that needed to be addressed sooner. There is only so much you can be sold on concepts before you wonder when it will be released.


No need to be a troll.There will be GW2 haters as there were SWTOR haters, but haters are going to hate on something. GW2 is going to be a success and SWTOR is still a success. It's just not shaping out to be a world ending success that everyone thought it would be...


and that's okay.

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Except you did not. Please post your "math" on the matter, instead of quoting it.


I'll be waiting ;-)


I'm not going to dig through 6 month old posts (actually, maybe a little older now, because I think I last tried LOTRO before TOR released) on a forum for a different game that I hope burns in hell. You can believe me, or you can not believe me. I don't particularly care if you don't, to be honest. I know, at the time, someone tallied up all of the available content and said that if you planned to play for more than X months (and X was pretty small -- I think it was around half a year) it was better to frontload a bunch of cash for Turbine Points and permanently buy the content on your account, rather than sub, because it was cheaper that way. But, if you did that, you wouldn't get the monthly bonus tokens to spend on all the optional things like mounts and conveniences.


I did just look at LOTRO's website where they boast that you can play for free all the way up to level 75. But then I looked at the details of the account levels and the free player only has questing content for Bree-Land, the Shire, Ered Luin, and the Lonelands. That's the 3 starting zones and the level 10~16 (and 18~24ish later if you come back to LL) zones. I guess if you want to F2P to 75 you start grinding wolves after that. Lots and lots of wolves. Yeah, that's really free to play and totally not baiting customers at all.

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