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Healers are fine. Perfectly fine. In fact probably a little more than fine.


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I got news for you, Bounty Hunter/Trooper Healers that cannot be interrupted are fine too. Sages are COMPLETELY FINE and in fact I was spending a lot of time trying to kill one who would zip away and kite me around all through the Warzone. Every time I almost had him he made sure he was close enough to team mates who could guard him, taunt me, and focus fire me down.


Sages are fine right now. It is players who have the problems currently. Not the classes.


So you're complaining that team ... that played like a team beat you. Ohhkay ;)


And yeah I agree sages are fine ... it's the other classes that need to be looked at. (buffed/nerfed whatevers)

Edited by Orangerascal
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I got news for you, Bounty Hunter/Trooper Healers that cannot be interrupted are fine too. Sages are COMPLETELY FINE and in fact I was spending a lot of time trying to kill one who would zip away and kite me around all through the Warzone. Every time I almost had him he made sure he was close enough to team mates who could guard him, taunt me, and focus fire me down.


Sages are fine right now. It is players who have the problems currently. Not the classes.


So what prompted the 180° turn-around in attitude when you posted this:

Please fix trauma

Edited by matslarson
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He's like a different person in every thread he posts.


Oh wait- there's one consistency. He's always posting false info.


Seriously, he needs to stop with the inflammatory posts, as it's fairly obvious he knows nothing about game design even though he claims to be a professional game designer.

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Nah I think as far as pvp goes we're fine now. I've been there with three people beating on my sorc healer and I'm sure it aggravated a lot of people until the knight got smart and threw me out of my own healing circle. Even though some of us can heal through the damage I'll tell you it does drain all my force so after that it gets tricky trying to heal everyone else so even though it may not look like you are doing much you are. You're also keeping them from healing the team. Just watch out for the other healer who's healing the healer you're beating.
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Seriously, he needs to stop with the inflammatory posts, as it's fairly obvious he knows nothing about game design even though he claims to be a professional game designer.


I know far more about game design than people who think healers should not be able to be killed by DPS do. They don't understand that not only does that practice cause stagnant gameplay but they also cause a lack of incentive for other play types.


Why play a Tank when a Healer doesn't need a Tank?


Thus there are more healers injected into the character pool. Thus suddenly the line becomes, "Why play a DPS when nobody ever dies due to all of the healers."


Then we end up with WoW. A stagnant cesspool of PVP that isn't fit to call itself such.


If you want that... Fine... I don't. There is a reason I play this game over WoW.

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The thread started out saying healers are going to be a problem in 8 man rated warzones.



Please , wait for the 8 man rated warzones, if you turn out to have been right repost.


If you turn out to have been wrong, please post....


One of these two things rarely happens.

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I got news for you, Bounty Hunter/Trooper Healers that cannot be interrupted are fine too. Sages are COMPLETELY FINE and in fact I was spending a lot of time trying to kill one who would zip away and kite me around all through the Warzone. Every time I almost had him he made sure he was close enough to team mates who could guard him, taunt me, and focus fire me down.


Sages are fine right now. It is players who have the problems currently. Not the classes.


I think you bring up a great point but I think you are misinterpreting the reasons why things are happening. The fact is there are a number of tanks that get taunt and possibly even guard yet they lose nothing or almost nothing dps wise. Taunt alone is a 50% reduction. That's pretty huge. Then you factor in AoE taunts and guards it's pretty ridiculous. Also it goes noticed less.


I am also not sure what your idea of fine is either. Because my idea of "fine" would mean I could hold my own against another player rather than depending my team to save me.

Edited by Paulman
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Why play a Tank when a Healer doesn't need a Tank?


Because, for starters, a warzone isn't two team pairing off like partners at a dance and having one v. ones all the time. Shall I continue with more reasons why myself and plenty of others choose to play tanks or was this supposed to be a rhetorical question?


If it was, it was a poor one. There's plenty of attractiveness to other play styles and roles. And plenty of flaws and annoyance as well. Look, Hal, it's not our fault that you can't one v. one a healer. Maybe it's gear. Maybe it's the fact that you insist on Combat as opposed to more viable anti-healer trees for Sentinels. Maybe you're a sucker and falling for fake casts. Maybe you're impatient and not properly managing your opponent's resource pool.


Or maybe, just maybe, all things being equal...a single DPS isn't supposed to automatically burn a healer in a one v. one unless they're actually a skilled player and expend a little effort.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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Or maybe, just maybe, all things being equal...a single DPS isn't supposed to automatically burn a healer in a one v. one unless they're actually a skilled player.


Nice backhanded insult slipped in there AlyxDinas. There is a reason I don't like you and that pretty much is it. I have decided, as of now, that there is no more discussion to be had with you. Have a good day.

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Someone forgot to tell the OP that a skilled DPS CAN at least shutdown a healer in 1v1.


It takes skill and carefull playing tho.


Even sawbones can be shutdown in 1v1, it IS harder tho because they are 1 step ahead of the other healers when it comes to counter bursting.


The problem is guard. It always shows up in the form of wrong arguments. People complain about guard and say healer must play with guard so dps dont kill them. Ok.


Let me see if i understand. A player (healer) must play in close contact with another player (his tank) to avoid being killed by a third player (dps).


So actually you are telling me that a DPS needs two players working as a team to stop him SOLO.


Does that look fair to you? It doesnt look fair to me, it doesnt look fair to my buddy playing the tank.


GUARD IS NOT A CRUTCH, GUARD IS A STRATEGIC OPTION THAT TAKES AWAY YOUR OFFENSIVE POWER. When you take a tank instead of a DPS you CRIPPLE your team ability to attack but you BUFF your team ability yo defend. Its always about choiced and strategy.


A team with just tanks and healers might defend a voidstar forever, but as soon as the other team caps a node or gets the ball they are pretty much done for. They dont have the offensive power.


Im a healer and i play unguarded. Not because i think guard sucks, its because i made the tactical decision of putting more punch on the team. I want my enemies dead, not punching me 24/7. I want my buddies to attack and destroy the other team not babysit me 24/7. Im not saying tanks and guard sucks tho, its just the way i play (offensively), each one can make their own strategy.


Thats why people dont understand guard. They see it as a requirement (crutch) not as a tactical option (turtle mode).


A balanced team will always win, not matter how you think healing or dps are overpowered. Just because you cant kill a healer it means theres something wrong with the game, it means that something is wrong with YOU (and with your strategies).

Edited by Laforet
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Someone forgot to tell the OP that a skilled DPS CAN at least shutdown a healer in 1v1.


Shutting down the healer isn't a problem. I shut them down pretty handily. They have to focus on themselves if they want to survive. The problem is that isn't very satisfying as a DPS because I become nothing better than basically CC at that point.


Healers, as I said, are fine. All specs of healers are fine.


Trauma for Snipers/Gunslingers/Sentinels/Marauders needs a buff though because in PVP unlike every other ability they don't scale. I, for example, can't gear myself up and mitigate the effect knockback has on me, a Healer however can gear themselves up and mitigate the effect that Trauma has on them.

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Actually I thought they were fine... The problem isn't with healers. It is with Trauma. Trauma has nothing to do with healers.

Trauma is a debuff that affects no other class but healers, so yes, trauma has everything to do with healers.

Or maybe, just maybe, all things being equal...a single DPS isn't supposed to automatically burn a healer in a one v. one unless they're actually a skilled player and expend a little effort.

Nice backhanded insult slipped in there AlyxDinas. There is a reason I don't like you and that pretty much is it. I have decided, as of now, that there is no more discussion to be had with you. Have a good day.

That wasn't particularly backhanded, it was a rather direct insult, and it's a sentiment shared by many of the posters on these forums. An untold number of DPS players have taken time out of their day to post saying they have no problem killing healers in a 1v1, so if they're not having trouble and you are, why do you continue to insist it's got nothing to do with you or your skill?

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Shutting down the healer isn't a problem. I shut them down pretty handily. They have to focus on themselves if they want to survive. The problem is that isn't very satisfying as a DPS because I become nothing better than basically CC at that point.


Healers, as I said, are fine. All specs of healers are fine.


Trauma for Snipers/Gunslingers/Sentinels/Marauders needs a buff though because in PVP unlike every other ability they don't scale. I, for example, can't gear myself up and mitigate the effect knockback has on me, a Healer however can gear themselves up and mitigate the effect that Trauma has on them.


Other DPS are able to not only prevent us from healing, but kill us in a straight 1v1. It still comes down to your skill (or lack thereof.)


But I see in this post where you're getting all kinds of confused, it's because you don't understand the fundamental mechanics of the game. Trauma is not a debuff that you as a DPS player apply to a healer to reduce their output, Trauma is an automatic debuff applied by the game to any player engaged in combat. Look down at your debuffs sometime, even you get it. It is a 30% reduction in the healing recieved, therefore the more geared we are and more healing we put out, the more that healing gets reduced by the Trauma debuff. It is a percentage, and therefore scales just like every other percentage. The way you counter this is by gearing up yourself, which increases the amount of damage you do. The difference is that your increase in damage is not automatically reduced by 30% like our healing is.

Edited by matslarson
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Other DPS are able to not only prevent us from healing, but kill us in a straight 1v1. It still comes down to your skill (or lack thereof.)


But I see in this post where you're getting all kinds of confused, it's because you don't understand the fundamental mechanics of the game. Trauma is not a debuff that you as a DPS player apply to a healer to reduce their output, Trauma is an automatic debuff applied by the game to any player engaged in combat. Look down at your debuffs sometime, even you get it. It is a 30% reduction in the healing recieved, therefore the more geared we are and more healing we put out, the more that healing gets reduced by the Trauma debuff. It is a percentage, and therefore scales just like every other percentage. The way you counter this is by gearing up yourself, which increases the amount of damage you do. The difference is that your increase in damage is not automatically reduced by 30% like our healing is.


Trauma is also applied to the Sentinel's "Crippling Slash" an incredibly low damage mid-range attack that (unless talented to provide a root) applies a 20% debuff to all healing received by the target for a short amount of time.

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Trauma is also applied to the Sentinel's "Crippling Slash" an incredibly low damage mid-range attack that (unless talented to provide a root) applies a 20% debuff to all healing received by the target for a short amount of time.


So the game hands you a 30% reduction on a silver platter you don't even have to press a button to get, and adds a 20% reduction to a skill you'd use anyway when you're out of range, and you still QQ? *** is wrong with you?


EDIT: and because this 20% reduction is attached to a skill and you want it to scale with expertise or some other nonsense, you're also asking for free skill points. If I have to spend skill points to increase the healing of x move by 5/10/15% why on earth should your skills' percentages scale with your stats?

EDIT EDIT: understanding fundamental game mechanics is not the same thing as knowing every skill/talent possessed by all other ACs, preempting the comment below.

FINAL EDIT: The funniest thing about the above edit is that I actually typed it before Walsh responded.

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So the game hands you a 30% reduction on a silver platter you don't even have to press a button to get, and adds a 20% reduction to a skill you'd use anyway when you're out of range, and you still QQ? *** is wrong with you?


Considering you didn't even know what it was I am rather shocked that you would say such a thing. You who lectured me on not knowing the mechanics when you had no idea this even existed.


It is a big deal because it is supposed to be a core component of our class. So core that BioWare recently made it so that it couldn't be cleansed. However once classes are geared enough the bonuses are making it so that this has little to no effect.


Also no... It isn't something that I would use that often if it didn't do that... It costs a lot of focus and it does almost no damage. The only thing it is good for is the root (if you spec high in Combat) and the trauma debuff which doesn't work on well geared opponents.

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However once classes are geared enough the bonuses are making it so that this has little to no effect.

It has 20% worth of effect, regardless of your opponents' gear.

The only thing it is good for is the root (if you spec high in Combat) and the trauma debuff which doesn't work on well geared opponents.

It works 20% well. If that's not well enough for you, don't spend the skill points on it and put them in something more useful...like the entire Watchman tree.

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However once classes are geared enough the bonuses are making it so that this has little to no effect..


It has the same effect it always has had. The thing that's not sealing the deal is not the percentage of the debuff. It's your DPS relative to their rate of healing. And there's a number of things that could be affecting that.


If the real issue you're worried about is gear affecting the base stats so much that it effectively neuters your TTK so much that you can't get the kill in, the issue's not with trauma. It's with whatever gap there is in your gear. You can't go up against someone with BiS when you're not, do less damage, and assume the issue rest solely in your debuff.


That wasn't particularly backhanded, it was a rather direct insult, and it's a sentiment shared by many of the posters on these forums. An untold number of DPS players have taken time out of their day to post saying they have no problem killing healers in a 1v1, so if they're not having trouble and you are, why do you continue to insist it's got nothing to do with you or your skill?


One imagines he would take less umbrage to the implication were it not as close to the mark. Your post gets to the heart of the matter, I feel. *I* can manage and control resources of healers as a tank. It's not hard unless the healer's really baiting you with some amazing fakecasts. When you add in extra DPS, there is more than sufficient means in the game right now to not just control their output but kill them. It's just not the instagib that Walsh seems to want.


It takes effort for my Gunslinger to burn down a healer. But the bottom line is that it should. They're a gorram healer. If I'm facing them one v. one there's either a problem in terms of coordination with my teammates or I'm largely playing a lot of zoning. Leg Shot, Pulse Detonator, -10m Aimed Shots, stuff like that to keep them from traveling to their team and doing their job. Because it's not always about getting the kill. But even with all this, when I face a healer I have the above mentioned controlling and spacing abilities, Flourish Shot (read: Trauma), one point blank stun, a mezz, my normal interrupt, a bleed, plus all my direct damage dealing abilities which are burstier than a ruptured damn and an execute! If I'm not able to starve the healer's resources and eventually burn them down, the issue usually isn't with what the healer is doing.


That's just with one class but the basic rules apply to nearly any DPS, I'd wager. When I'm playing Impside and running Annihilation, I also have the tools to generally win the battle of attrition. But most importantly, be it with my Vanguard, GS, Mara, or whatever, I always have the tools to keep pressure on the healer and to stop them from doing their job for their team. Now, I can't speak for Walsh's spec. I don't know anything about Combat/Carnage plays but I find it very hard to believe that major issue for whatever troubles he's having with killing a healer one v. one has much to do with anything inherent to the game mechanics. Especially just the trauma effect from one skill in his rotation.


If we were having this discussion pre 1.2, maybe. But in this moment, right now? No way.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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Oh poor poor sages and sorcs... being on top of the healing numbers is hard sometimes. I guess you also want to have heavy armor and stealth.

Oh poor poor commandos and mercenaries... being on bottom of the healing numbers is hard sometimes. I guess you want to trade your heavy armor and massive damage reduction for more healing.


Oh and change that green beam for commandos please. (I heard they don't want to be focused because they prefer the light and medium armor to take the damage instead.)


Now now... to be serious.

Interrupts need a nerf. Sentinels/Marauders and Vanguards/PT require a nerf. I don't care about being able to deal damage. But being able to deal more damage then an healer can heal for is not something that should happens. Like a lot of people says. This game isn't about what you can do alone.

Is this a joke? Obviously you have never played a Merc/Commando healer in pvp.


First off, You have 5 heals.

3 of them have a cooldown.

Rapid shots is almost a joke.

Kolto missile is only really good when supercharged and the 5% healing buff (5%<---lawlz)

Kolto Shell? lmao! with trauma, Kolto Shell is pretty much a joke.


I have full battle master and 4 pieces of warhero and I have to bust my you know what to keep people up (depending on what they are, gear, whats on them, yada yada...)


I didn't play Merc pre 1.2 so I cant comment on that, but I PVP everyday on my Merc for about 5+ hours because I do enjoy healing.


Normally I am at the top but I like I said I work my you know what off.


We need more +healing or another heal, maybe buff kolto missile or make it give 10% healing buff (for just the merc using is).


I get a lot of "Damn! your an awesome healer, how do you do so well on a Merc!" tells.


Grass is always greener my brothers, Merc/Comm healing is a hell of a lot harder then it looks.

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Actually I thought they were fine... The problem isn't with healers. It is with Trauma. Trauma has nothing to do with healers.


Except you have proven you have no clue how trauma works by making a thread where you post only incorrect information. So no, you have no place to be saying trauma is the problem until you actually figure out what it does.

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I know far more about game design than people who think healers should not be able to be killed by DPS do. They don't understand that not only does that practice cause stagnant gameplay but they also cause a lack of incentive for other play types.


Why play a Tank when a Healer doesn't need a Tank?


Thus there are more healers injected into the character pool. Thus suddenly the line becomes, "Why play a DPS when nobody ever dies due to all of the healers."


Then we end up with WoW. A stagnant cesspool of PVP that isn't fit to call itself such.


If you want that... Fine... I don't. There is a reason I play this game over WoW.


Because you played a weak class in WoW and play the OP class here- that would be my guess to your reason.


Also, quite funny- implying healers are the problem with WoW- when by the time I'd left it I'd seen seven years of non stop complaining about how nobody ever plays healers. Yes, overabundance of healing was the problem in WoW- nailed it on the head.


Why play a healer when a dps can own them in seconds? Why play a healer when in any situation where you're actually facing someone- like, in pvp- you are guaranteed to die?


Stagnant gameplay is when you favour one class over all others- but naturally you had no problem with that when marauders became undisputed kings of pvp. You're still so worried that they might get a nerf that you're in overdrive mode doing all you can to deflect attention onto other classes and roles in the hopes BW is incompetent enough to listen- actually a good strategy looking at their current pvp record.


In the end- you are saying the same thing over and over. "If I cannot easily kill every healer I come across as a dps 1v1, the game is imbalanced because killing quickly is what makes the game fun." Yet, is it fun as a healer to die fast? To depend entirely on a tank's skill rather than your own to stay alive?


If we were to suggest marauders lose their defensives- because well, they don't add any DPS- and mara should instead have a healer always there to heal them in order to be able to accomplish anything... suddenly there would be a big problem.

Edited by fungihoujo
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I would say that healing in Huttball is a bit on the overpowered side but I wouldn't say they need to be nerfed.


Really ... have you tried keeping a ball carrier alive whilst chasing after them with your predominant heals only possible whilst stood still with clear line of sight on a target that gets knocked back and pulled in many different directions?


Personally - I find its easier to turn the tide of a battle when healing around static objectives where you don't have to chase so i am keen to understand why you feel, in Hutball, of all scenario's, we are OP? Genuine curious question not an attempt to elicit a drama debate!

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