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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Transfers are not always good


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I logged in today and saw that my server trask ulgo was free for transfers. Something which is weird, as we always had a healthy population and many hundred players online at the same time. Finding a group worked well in our LFG channel, only took about 10 minutes and pvp queues did pop regulary.


Logging in today was a nightmare, only 39 other players were online... My guess is, that a lot people did move to the other RP server but now Trask is dead. Why kill a standard server like this, I dont get it.


Moving aint an option for me, as all my names are taken allready.


I am sure most other transfer options were fine, atleast people seem to be happy but for me the game now is over which is sad as it was a good game.


I find it sad that those who made a char at early release are let down like this, especially if the server we were on was fine.

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Many think as do i that they are doing what other mmos have wanted todo, mega servers. imagine a battlegroup like you see on wow being one server, no need for cross realm group finder, no need for cross realm battlegrounds. All in house and easier todo maintenance upon.


thats the hope anyhows, lets see if they pull it off.

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I logged in today and saw that my server trask ulgo was free for transfers. Something which is weird, as we always had a healthy population and many hundred players online at the same time. Finding a group worked well in our LFG channel, only took about 10 minutes and pvp queues did pop regulary.


Logging in today was a nightmare, only 39 other players were online... My guess is, that a lot people did move to the other RP server but now Trask is dead. Why kill a standard server like this, I dont get it.


Moving aint an option for me, as all my names are taken allready.


I am sure most other transfer options were fine, atleast people seem to be happy but for me the game now is over which is sad as it was a good game.


I find it sad that those who made a char at early release are let down like this, especially if the server we were on was fine.


Are your character names that important to you that you're going to screw yourself over by not transferring?


I don't understand that logic, and I'm really attached to my mains name (had it in one form or another in P&P games as well as MMO's for well over 15 years).

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I am sure being a roleplayer you can get creative and come up with some new names that you just might enjoy and grow into, try not to limit yourself so much and play with your friends you made on the new server.
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I logged in today and saw that my server trask ulgo was free for transfers. Something which is weird, as we always had a healthy population and many hundred players online at the same time. Finding a group worked well in our LFG channel, only took about 10 minutes and pvp queues did pop regulary.


Logging in today was a nightmare, only 39 other players were online... My guess is, that a lot people did move to the other RP server but now Trask is dead. Why kill a standard server like this, I dont get it.


Moving aint an option for me, as all my names are taken allready.


I am sure most other transfer options were fine, atleast people seem to be happy but for me the game now is over which is sad as it was a good game.


I find it sad that those who made a char at early release are let down like this, especially if the server we were on was fine.




I'd imagine you'll have to move eventually, as they'll probably close origin servers down whenever it becomes financially sensible to do so.


I know they are calling these "transfers", but I'd think of them as a "merger" to all intents and purposes.


There's good and bad to that, but it is what it is. :(

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Your server, like all but five or six around the world, was a light server. It has been light. I know, because I've been looking at Torstatus.net now for a while, checking out what servers were NOT light. So of course a lot of people jumped ship, as even though you perceived it as a healthy server, your server was not going higher than light. And that's not a healthy population to most of us.


If you decide to stay on a dead server because your refuse to adjust your names a bit, then it's not really BW's fault. They're doing what the vast majority of the community asked, creating healthy populations.

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Yes names are important.. very important to roleplayers..but do you know what else is incredibly important to role players??? other roleplayers.. if you choose not to transfer to keep your precious name... be ready to have no one to roleplay with


and you say your server was in good shape.. apparently bioware disagrees with you, they opened the transfer because the numbers THEY have with regard to server populations are better than any random number that any random person on these forums ( and there are alot of them) can pull out of a hat.



they did it for a good reason, take the transfer, pick a new name if you gotta..


but on a side note,, to give you time to think of a new name.. try and create a char on the new server with the name you want..if it is taken, then find a new one..if its not delete the new char and transfer the old


the concept isnt hard.. time consuming sure..but not hard.


but one thing is sure...


if someone decides for whatever eason not to transfer during this.. Id expect they would be mature enough (ha ha ya right) to not complain on the forums they have no one to play with.

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I'd imagine you'll have to move eventually, as they'll probably close origin servers down whenever it becomes financially sensible to do so.


I know they are calling these "transfers", but I'd think of them as a "merger" to all intents and purposes.


There's good and bad to that, but it is what it is. :(


its a merger.. you can paint a horse and call it something else.. but it is still a funny coloured horse at the end of the day.

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Server being fine is relative, maybe for you, maybe not for some others.


While I understand names are really important for some people, the fact is there was never any guarantee you could use thoses you wanted. Even if you were there during early access, the names you wanted could have been not usable because BW could have use thoses for a NPC.


Yes it's frustrating to change of names, yes you lose a part of the identity you associated with your characters but in the end, if you really like the game, it seems better to accept the name change than leaving.

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its a merger.. you can paint a horse and call it something else.. but it is still a funny coloured horse at the end of the day.


not if u eat it, then its lunch.

seriously tho op the only person you're hurting by not transfering is yourself, so man up and change name.

Edited by casshern
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I logged in today and saw that my server trask ulgo was free for transfers. Something which is weird, as we always had a healthy population and many hundred players online at the same time. Finding a group worked well in our LFG channel, only took about 10 minutes and pvp queues did pop regulary.


Logging in today was a nightmare, only 39 other players were online... My guess is, that a lot people did move to the other RP server but now Trask is dead. Why kill a standard server like this, I dont get it.


Moving aint an option for me, as all my names are taken allready.


I am sure most other transfer options were fine, atleast people seem to be happy but for me the game now is over which is sad as it was a good game.


I find it sad that those who made a char at early release are let down like this, especially if the server we were on was fine.


I come from a destination server and couldn't be more pleased with the transfers.


Go cry in the corner about your name while the rest of us enjoy instant pops and raiding

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Are your character names that important to you that you're going to screw yourself over by not transferring?


I don't understand that logic, and I'm really attached to my mains name (had it in one form or another in P&P games as well as MMO's for well over 15 years).


Agreed. Accept it and move on.

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not if u eat it, then its lunch.

seriously tho the only person you're hurting by not transfering is yourself, so man up and change name.


oh im not complaining about it:P i plan on transfering if/when my server gets chosen.. but really its a pretty named merger:P and it is working exactly as they intended:) and for that I am pumped

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Just use the accent marks and profit?


Also, yes, these are "voluntary" server mergers.


They call them transfers because it looks prettier in the press but it's still a great move. Doesn't matter what they call it as long as it results in the game being better.

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Just use the accent marks and profit?


Also, yes, these are "voluntary" server mergers.


They call them transfers because it looks prettier in the press but it's still a great move. Doesn't matter what they call it as long as it results in the game being better.


I am prety sure my main will be taken whenver they get around to tarro's server merger.. but meh ill just either think of something else, or i will use the accent marks and make him french:P

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Well, the server was standard not light ;) Now it is light, yes.


Both RP servers were btw. and BW seems to think that 1 RP is enough for EU and they picked Pro and not Trask.


Ofc. I can only speak for myself if I talk about our population, I was playing there since early access and always found groups, even for the heroics etc. Also the people were very friendly, thats why I dont understand this move.



As for my names,


well I pick names always so that they fit my char thats why I play MMO´s always from day 1 or early access, as they are then still available.

I dont have any Luke Skywalkers or something, or Lore names etc. Just names that I always use depending on the char and playstyle.

And yes, they are important for me - I understand that names are not important for many of you, thats fine :o but for me they are. ;)


I will not open whine threads or anything, nah I never did I always enjoyed the game regardless of bugs or queue´s. But I will also not play any further and did just cancel, maybe BW can come up with multiple names someday then I will be glad to join you guys again. :D as the game is great since day 1.


But to play further right now is not an option, I know I wouldnt have fun - I went through all of this at War and AOC and the chars are just not the same without their names. :(

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But to play further right now is not an option, I know I wouldnt have fun - I went through all of this at War and AOC and the chars are just not the same without their names. :(

Take a deep breath, click on the Transfer button, add some nifty apostrophies to your coveted names, and give it a shot. Who knows, you might have fun nonetheless!

Edited by Sauska
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Well, the server was standard not light ;) Now it is light, yes.


Both RP servers were btw. and BW seems to think that 1 RP is enough for EU and they picked Pro and not Trask.


Ofc. I can only speak for myself if I talk about our population, I was playing there since early access and always found groups, even for the heroics etc. Also the people were very friendly, thats why I dont understand this move.



As for my names,


well I pick names always so that they fit my char thats why I play MMO´s always from day 1 or early access, as they are then still available.

I dont have any Luke Skywalkers or something, or Lore names etc. Just names that I always use depending on the char and playstyle.

And yes, they are important for me - I understand that names are not important for many of you, thats fine :o but for me they are. ;)


I will not open whine threads or anything, nah I never did I always enjoyed the game regardless of bugs or queue´s. But I will also not play any further and did just cancel, maybe BW can come up with multiple names someday then I will be glad to join you guys again. :D as the game is great since day 1.


But to play further right now is not an option, I know I wouldnt have fun - I went through all of this at War and AOC and the chars are just not the same without their names. :(


Wow.. I have never met a roleplayer that said with a straight face that having a name of a character was more important to them then actually getting to roleplay as them...


you. are definitly a first.. I am sorry that you can not find a way to work it out, it seems silly to me, ( a roleplayer) to walk away from something you enjoy due to the fact your name got changed, it seems petty. considering the fundamentals of the character ( attitude, history and what not) is just the same.. hell with some characters consider it a cover ( my agent has used many names in rp ( couldnt change the name sadly but hey) but whatever will make you happy i suppose..


good luck in wherever you head next.

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I'm on Progenitor, the destination server for trask. All I see in Imp fleet general chat (*) are Trask Ulgo players commenting on how happy they are they transferred and how nice it is to be on a living, vibrant server again. So your assessment of TU having a viable population was either reb side or not shared with your fellow players.


The name change, it's going to sting a bit but you'll get over it. The dead server, that's going to last and when they do close it down there's no guarantee you'll end up on Progenitor. Transfer now, when you can still end up with some familiar people around you.


* Well, that, and every guild recruiter working overtime.

Edited by Washell
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As someone who has roleplayed in MMORPGs for years the thought of loosing the characters I have developed and built, their friends, their families, their comrades, their background story and all the little details and things they have done that make that character who they are; is far more devastating than having to choose a new name for them.


If you're willing to loose the character you have developed rather than change their name then you're not attached to your character.

Edited by Niaymh
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As someone who has roleplayed in MMORPGs for years the thought of loosing the characters I have developed and built, their friends, their families, their comrades, their background story and all the little details and things they have done that make that character who they are; is far more devastating than having to choose a new name for them.


If you're willing to loose the character you have developed rather than change their name then you're not attached to your character.


Sopoken like a true roleplayer.. .whatever your name is for that time isnt as important as who your character is.. sad that people are so attached to something as stupid as a name



I wonder if the op ever played an agent,,, adn if they did. did they get mad when they started to call their character Cypher 9?


because .. ya know, that wasnt the name the person chose?

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As someone who has roleplayed in MMORPGs for years the thought of loosing the characters I have developed and built, their friends, their families, their comrades, their background story and all the little details and things they have done that make that character who they are; is far more devastating than having to choose a new name for them.


If you're willing to loose the character you have developed rather than change their name then you're not attached to your character.


You can't tell people what they are and are not. :)

(well.... people do keep trying and that's why we end up with wars :eek:)


They just are or are not. :csw_yoda:



In this case the OP has the unfortunate choice of having to quit or rename, that's not a nice choice, but equally there's not much option about it, and certainly no "right" or "wrong" about it for everyone.

Edited by Goretzu
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Well, the server was standard not light ;) Now it is light, yes.


Both RP servers were btw. and BW seems to think that 1 RP is enough for EU and they picked Pro and not Trask.


Ofc. I can only speak for myself if I talk about our population, I was playing there since early access and always found groups, even for the heroics etc. Also the people were very friendly, thats why I dont understand this move.



As for my names,


well I pick names always so that they fit my char thats why I play MMO´s always from day 1 or early access, as they are then still available.

I dont have any Luke Skywalkers or something, or Lore names etc. Just names that I always use depending on the char and playstyle.

And yes, they are important for me - I understand that names are not important for many of you, thats fine :o but for me they are. ;)


I will not open whine threads or anything, nah I never did I always enjoyed the game regardless of bugs or queue´s. But I will also not play any further and did just cancel, maybe BW can come up with multiple names someday then I will be glad to join you guys again. :D as the game is great since day 1.


But to play further right now is not an option, I know I wouldnt have fun - I went through all of this at War and AOC and the chars are just not the same without their names. :(


Taaaake Cover!!! - - - Firing for effect!

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