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An interesting trend...


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So I took a look at the following chart...


...and I noticed an interesting, and possibly disturbing trend regarding the transfers.

In each catagory, there are only one, MAYBE two destination servers.

US West PVP is all The Bastion.

US East RP-PvE is all The Ebon Hawk.

Europe German PVP is all Jar'Kai Sword.

And those are just the ones that are fully complete. The others show similar trends.


I worry that the server numbers are going to be harshly reduced, and the servers might get overstuffed.


If they DON'T get overstuffed... well... what does that say about the game's population?

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This game won't stabilize or stop bleeding subs until Bioware collectively pulls head from ***, and stops making decisions that irritate significant portions of the population.


I mean really, you make a game centered around legacies, and then you force a very large portion of the game population to wipe their legacy names? ***?

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They launched with too many servers to begin with. WoW didn't hit 10 million players in the first year.


I dont think they set off with to many servers but they threw to many servers into the mix due to q's to get into servers in the 1st week. If we get down to the original number of servers i think we will be spot on.

Edited by Shingara
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I dont think they set off with to many servers but they threw to many servers into the mix due to q's to get into servers in the 1st week. If we get down to the original number of servers i think we will be spot on.


Look at the chart. There were 10 US West PVP launch servers. They're merging them all down into one.


I think we're going to get less servers than launch...

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Look at the chart. There were 10 US West PVP launch servers. They're merging them all down into one.


I think we're going to get less servers than launch...


I play on a us west server and it still hasn't come up with transfers yet....


Maybe just maybe you think they are trying to fill up one us west before transfering to another us west?


No chicken little.. the sky is not falling there can be other explanations to this transfer thing going on.

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I play on a us west server and it still hasn't come up with transfers yet....


Maybe just maybe you think they are trying to fill up one us west before transfering to another us west?


No chicken little.. the sky is not falling there can be other explanations to this transfer thing going on.


Again, look at the CHART. I said US WEST PVP. Not US WEST.

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Look at the chart. There were 10 US West PVP launch servers. They're merging them all down into one.


I think we're going to get less servers than launch...


I'm not sure that means much. They have started with the really low servers and they are funneling them into one bigger one. It will be different with servers like Giradda the Hull that still has a fair number of subs for a lower pop server. They may transfer 2 similar servers into a third with those ones.

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You mean what they're doing, funneling multiple servers into one server, isn't a merge?

Only kinda, because in a true merge they could have let people keep the names of characters that were played a lot (like DCUO did)... oh, and people who have more than 8 characters on different servers which are now have to transfer to a single server might also not too happy with the way BioWare did it (espeially if they moved 8 characters just to discover that another server with character is also waiting, so that they are forced to delete characters now to get the important characters transfered)... BioWare just shows again that they never think things through.

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you still would have lost your name...the method of merge/transfer wouldn't have changed that.

Not if the people with the most time played could keep the name of the character, I am pretty sure that no other Lana had more than 30 days /played.

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Not if the people with the most time played could keep the name of the character, I am pretty sure that no other Lana had more than 30 days /played.


And you know this...........how? Lana is a pretty common name after all.

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i think it's hilarious how we will go from 150 or more servers, to basically one or 2 per region and gameplay style.


don't worry guys, these are just server transfers. we are not merging the servers. we are not going to use that dreaded word. and no, our population is just fine, despite the fact that we will have over 150 empty servers by the time this is done. it's okay, the game is new, right guys? right?


i'm seriously "lol"ing but i can't /laugh IRL.

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And you know this...........how? Lana is a pretty common name after all.

Only because it is common don't mean that people will use that as a main character or spend much time with that character. And even if someone would have played a character with that name more than I did, it would feel better knowing that I lost that character name to such a person instead of maybe someone who took the name back in december but stopped playing SWTOR in January and will probalble never return.

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WoW has twice the amount of servers SWTOR does, yet WoW has 10 times the population. That simply doesn't make sense. They were talking about "super-servers" too, which is basically what these are. I actually love it.


Stop crying about your damn names. Good god it's like BioWare kidnapped your child or something. You are not the only person in this world who can come up with names and if this is the biggest /cry factor for people then I say this server transfer is a success. You're on the real world now, time to put on the big boy pants.

Edited by Senatsu
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They launched with too many servers to begin with. WoW didn't hit 10 million players in the first year.


This is exactly why we are dealing with population issues...


People moaned about queues... so they rerolled on light servers... one of the hundreds of light servers.

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This is exactly why we are dealing with population issues...


People moaned about queues... so they rerolled on light servers... one of the hundreds of light servers.


That's not entirely true. My server was one of the 1st-day servers for the pre-game access - Death Wind Corridor. It died because bioware made stupid class balance changes in 1.2 which killed our population. Nobody was interested in constantly playing against the same class-spec. It got boring when 3/4 warzones would be decided by the sheer number of marauders, assassins, pyro-power-techs and snipers you had on a team.

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