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Something needs to be done before rated wzs


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Fix the perma-stun bug that operatives do on occasion.


For people who don't read too well, I'm not talking about their stun lock, I'm not talking about class mechanics. I'm talking about the bug that makes you permanently stunned until you die or leave the wz.

I get this thing a few times every week and it's getting ridiculous. Can you guys actually fix a VERY problematic bug before putting in rated wzs that rely on equal footing between teams?

At least respond saying you know about this or something.

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I think there is perma-stun bug with more classes and ccs then just operative, happened to me too many times and with several animations from my best memory. Also very othen you charge into wrong place, esentially rooted there with necessity to charge out there onto someone (if there is someone)
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I think there is perma-stun bug with more classes and ccs then just operative, happened to me too many times and with several animations from my best memory. Also very othen you charge into wrong place, esentially rooted there with necessity to charge out there onto someone (if there is someone)


He's talking about the one, I think, where your toon grabs his head like a worm crawled in his ear or something.

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It's not just operatives, other classes do it too. I was stun locked from full health to zero by two players in a huttball earlier and just to rub salt into the wound, I had full resolve when they attacked me :p
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I had this happen to be 4 times yesterday after the patch. I put tickets in each time and put it in customer service so I would suggest you do the same. The answer I got here was "make a ticket".


Between that and the UI lockup coming back (haven't had this problem since 1.2 came out) I have been kicked from 7 war zones since yesterday and on our server that means your daily isn't getting done. :mad:

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I had this happen to be 4 times yesterday after the patch. I put tickets in each time and put it in customer service so I would suggest you do the same. The answer I got here was "make a ticket".


Between that and the UI lockup coming back (haven't had this problem since 1.2 came out) I have been kicked from 7 war zones since yesterday and on our server that means your daily isn't getting done. :mad:


Having same issues as you, and its geting worse.

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