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East Coast PVP Servers


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After seeing all day that east coast pvp had the least percentage of its servers open for transfers i decided to do some information gathering. This is a list of all the east coast pvp servers with populations from biowares server status page at 4:00 CDT:


The Fatman Heavy -- Destination

Firkrann Crystal Light -->The Fatman

The Deadweight Light --> The Fatman

Rwookrrorro Light --> The Fatman

Thendys Noori Light --> The Fatman

Hedarr Soongh Light --> The Fatman

Kinrath Spider Light --> The Fatman

Cho Mai Light --> The Fatman

Sword of Ajunta Pall Light

Bondar Crystal Light

Darth Malak Light

Iron Citadel Light

Prophecy of the Five Light

Vulkar Highway Light

Infinity Gate Light

Belgoth's Beacon Light

Terentatek Light

Port Nowhere Light

Gardens of Talla Light

Davik's Estate Light

Helm of Graush Light

Naddist Rebels Light

Veela Light

Anchorhead Light

Death Wind Corridor Light

The Twin Spears Light

Saber of Exar Kun Light


The only logical conclusion for this is that now that they have the fatman where they want it, they are just going to toss the other 19 extremely low population servers into the ring together. What does this mean? it means everyone is going to be forced to transfer and consolidate onto a low pop server, so where ever we go there wont be a pre-established community and still not even close to the population of Fatman plus their seven new shiney origin servers. If that wasnt bad enough now we are last to the races because you cant do ini mini miny moe fast enough to get our transfers rolling. So thanks bioware for screwing over 19 east coast pvp servers.


Before I get torn a new one for "whining" look at my posts over the last couple days. I have been vehemently defending bioware up until now.

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You assume that BW will just lump the other 19 together but what if they combine them onto the Fatman as well? Why do you dismiss that idea completely? None of us are BW, so please do not assume they won't do 'X'.


They might lump the other 19 servers into a server other than the Fatman.

They might put the other 19 servers on the Fatman.

They might give everyone 180 days of free play.

They might double the subscription fee to ~$30 USD.


Every course of action is possible but no one on these forums who does not work for Bioware should be posting absolutes and then getting angry about the hypothetical situation they have created.

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I have a feeling we will see all East Coast PVP servers Merged into fatman.


if this happened i'd be happy... i just dont see it when there are 3 east coast pve destination servers and the same amount of origin servers as pvp

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Anything other then fatman for the remaining EC PVP servers would be a monumental failure. There are 19 servers remaining, some ranging from populations that are in the single digits to at max 40-50 so lets round it off and say 20 per. 20 x 19 = 380. Fatman has more then that on it right now. Even if they combined the remaining EC PVP servers together, we'd barely be half of fatman. The only logical thing they can do is throw us all in together at the fatman. Anything else at this point will feel very 2nd class to the remaining EC PVP servers, and will be very demoralizing to those who weren't lucky enough for the fatman.
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Every course of action is possible but no one on these forums who does not work for Bioware should be posting absolutes and then getting angry about the hypothetical situation they have created.


This right here. People get so caught up in themselves they start taking every assumption they make as an absolute, resulting in needless worry and petty whining. Until we get word tomorrow morning or a confirmation from a dev/community rep, lets save the doom and gloom for later, yeah?

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The only crappy part is that I will be stuck in the East coast server until another phase of transfers opens up. It wouldn't be so bad if my guild was still playing, but they aren't. So all thing being equal I would rather play on my own coast (west).
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Yeah, I'm on Infinity Gate, and still pretty disappointed that we still can't transfer. I really hope we get to go to Fatman, seems like the place to be. My concern now, is what will become of these origin servers? Is it possible to use their processing power to just accommodate more players on a single server? Will these servers just get scrapped?
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Every course of action is possible but no one on these forums who does not work for Bioware should be posting absolutes and then getting angry about the hypothetical situation they have created.


Not only did I not state absolutes, but if they were transfering all of us onto one server, why did they cut off EST PVP transfers at noon and slyly fill those spots with more pve transfers. Point being I'm making a logic deduction from the decisions bioware has already made, not creating wild scenarios out of thin air about what absolutely will happen.

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The only crappy part is that I will be stuck in the East coast server until another phase of transfers opens up. It wouldn't be so bad if my guild was still playing, but they aren't. So all thing being equal I would rather play on my own coast (west).


I'm in the same boat but from the UK. The majority of our guild are from east coast US so we rolled there, they all promptly unsubbed a month later lol. I'll take what i can get though as ping is only around 100 anyway to EC servers and 60ish to the EU ones and i doubt i'll still be around when paid xfers appear... gw2.

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I sincerely hope they merge all EC PvP servers into the fatman. Anything else would be a complete failure. You also have to take into account the people from these dead EC servers that rerolled on Fatman. They most likely want their mains in the same server, myself included.
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There's a good chance they will merge em all into fatman, they merged 17 of the 20 EU PvP servers into Tomb of Freedom Nadd so far and they only have 300 odd on the fleet atm and it's 11pm UK time. No server queue.


It'll be interesting to see how many are on The Fatman's fleet during US peak times later.

Edited by Kabaal
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The only crappy part is that I will be stuck in the East coast server until another phase of transfers opens up. It wouldn't be so bad if my guild was still playing, but they aren't. So all thing being equal I would rather play on my own coast (west).


Ditto. Would love to play on a West Coast server. I guess I will wait till paid transfers. Till then I will gladly transfer to a higher population server! :)

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Not only did I not state absolutes, but if they were transfering all of us onto one server, why did they cut off EST PVP transfers at noon and slyly fill those spots with more pve transfers. Point being I'm making a logic deduction from the decisions bioware has already made, not creating wild scenarios out of thin air about what absolutely will happen.


"they are just going to toss the other 19 extremely low population servers into the ring together."


The above statement is an absolute. If it was not, it would have contained words such as "may", "might", "probably", etc.


You are correct in making a logical deduction, but it was formed from an assumption you made.


"it means everyone is going to be forced to transfer and consolidate onto a low pop server, so where ever we go there wont be a pre-established community and still not even close to the population of Fatman plus their seven new shiney origin servers. If that wasnt bad enough now we are last to the races because you cant do ini mini miny moe fast enough to get our transfers rolling. So thanks bioware for screwing over 19 east coast pvp servers."


Hmm, from the above quote, it is of my opinion that you did indeed "create [a] wild scenario out of thin air about what absolutely will happen". Just pointing that out. ^_^

Edited by Jinxblog
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The only logical conclusion for this is that now that they have the fatman where they want it,


^ the beginning of the 1/2 of a statement that you used

and its not creating wild scenario out of thin air... i can post my full blown reasoning if you really want me to.


1) ec pvp transfers cut off early and have had less transfers than even the european pvp servers hence they have fat man where they want it. They didnt reduce the number of servers opening to transfer, they just cut out EC pvp servers and threw in other servers


2a) Bioware has 2 options at this point, throw everybody onto fatman which while reasonable doesnt fit the pattern for the other east coast servers as there were just as many ec pve servers as ec pvp servers and yet the ec pve servers have had active transfers to 3 different destination servers. If they follow their own pattern and add another destination server and if they do they would have to combine all 19 of these servers because even these 19 combined don't equal the population of the fatman


2b) If they were going to transfer all of the ec pvp servers onto one server (refer to point 1) why did they stop opening transfers.


3) logically deducing from 1 & 2 the only reason they would be waiting to add another destination server is they don't know which one to pick


^^^ are all deductions from what bioware has already done, not pulled out of thin air. from there my entire post was why creating another destination was a bad idea and how it would screw over everyone getting sent to that server


also i said "only logical conclusion" which is not an absolute but rather an enterpretation of data

Edited by SAEforLife
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