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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank You Bioware, for ruining my server!!!


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You executed the idea of server transfers very poorly and you completely screwed servers that were perfectly healthy! The RP PVP West Coast Server Ajunta Pall was a completely healthy server until you completely ruined it last night. You made it so that there are no incoming toons to this server, only outgoing and now our once healthy server is in serious trouble. Why the heck would you do this? I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE! I don't want to go to the East Coast PVP RP Server Jung Ma. Seriously are you guys out of your minds or what? Now our server is going to crumble all because you guys don't have a clue of what you are doing. WHY WOULD YOU RUIN A HEALTHY SERVER!?!?!?!? I have been backing you guys 100%, but this is just ridiculous... this makes me very nervous and makes me question the future of this great game. Sounds like SOE with SWG all over again... -_-
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Imp side certainly was healthy on AP. I don't know about Pub side. Keep in mind that BW is going for Mega-Servers at this point. Apparently, it's not good enough for a server to be "healthy."


While I'm a bit displeased that my toons are getting moved to an East Coast server, I'll just go with the flow to see how things go. If things don't pan out and peeps' raid times/pvp times get funky due to the time difference, then I will just reroll.


So happy to see BW doing something to help the server pops. Not happy to be moved to an East Coast server. Will wait and see if the change was worthwhile or not. If not, I will just reroll to somewhere else.

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Actually I had a question about that.


Are they allowing east coast to west coast and visa versa?


I thought everything was going to be uniform.


Example : east to east, west to west, etc....


For the most part, that's what they're doing. Sword of Ajunta Pall though is the only RP-PvP server on the West Coast. Rather than move some from East (3) to West (1), they chose to allow outlier server to move east.

Edited by Xiahoufig
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Actually I had a question about that.


Are they allowing east coast to west coast and visa versa?


I thought everything was going to be uniform.


Example : east to east, west to west, etc....


They are doing east to west and vice versa but in the process they are essentially eliminating certain west coast and east coast servers. Ajunta Pall had an extremely healthy population and they just dug a grave for it. WHY? The goal was to eliminate low population servers, not eliminate high population servers. People on it are mad as hell and now we are "forced" to transfer to Jung Ma if we want a high population server? Hell no.

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They are doing east to west and vice versa but in the process they are essentially eliminating certain west coast and east coast servers. Ajunta Pall had an extremely healthy population and they just dug a grave for it. WHY? The goal was to eliminate low population servers, not eliminate high population servers. People on it are mad as hell and now we are "forced" to transfer to Jung Ma if we want a high population server? Hell no.


Your not being "Forced" so quit your ambitious whining.


Basically your getting mad because Bioware opened up FREE transfers and most of your server said "I'm getting tfo and joining a server with a better population"


Don't be mad at Bioware, in all factual information available you should be mad at the players who CHOSE to leave.

Edited by PunisherAS
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So if you play on an east coast server and you were transferred to a west coast server you would be happy about that?


If everyone else from my server transferred too, yeah, I don't see what the problem would be. We'd still keep the same schedule, so what's the big deal?

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You executed the idea of server transfers very poorly and you completely screwed servers that were perfectly healthy! The RP PVP West Coast Server Ajunta Pall was a completely healthy server until you completely ruined it last night. You made it so that there are no incoming toons to this server, only outgoing and now our once healthy server is in serious trouble. Why the heck would you do this? I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE! I don't want to go to the East Coast PVP RP Server Jung Ma. Seriously are you guys out of your minds or what? Now our server is going to crumble all because you guys don't have a clue of what you are doing. WHY WOULD YOU RUIN A HEALTHY SERVER!?!?!?!? I have been backing you guys 100%, but this is just ridiculous... this makes me very nervous and makes me question the future of this great game. Sounds like SOE with SWG all over again... -_-


Stop kidding yourself. It wasn't healthy at all. It was dead.

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I am not a rper, but wasn't the thinking that there were not enough people to have two rp pvp servers for both west and east? I mean I know there is a time difference but the people still speak English, and I am sure they won't bite.
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So if you play on an east coast server and you were transferred to a west coast server you would be happy about that?

Serious question, not trolling! Being European, we don't have a choice between east or west, so I really like to know. What is the problem when you're moved from East to West or vice versa? Is it different peak times, more lag?

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Um... whats the problem?

Your mad because you want to stay with a dead populated server and not move to a population thats was recently higher than the server your on now?


Ajunta Pall was a really high population server and it was one of the highest populated servers on the west coast. There was nothing wrong with the server EVER and like the saying goes if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now they completely screwed us, instead of people transferring out, there should have been people transferring in. The whole reason Bioware is doing this is because they want to eventually eliminate the weak servers and keep the strong ones. Well this completely screwed things up because servers that had high population are now in jeopardy. Tell me how this makes sense?

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With the ongoing announcements of eligible server transfers we know that our players are concerned about the state of their origin and destination servers, especially the RP-PvP community. Here is what Online Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez had to say on this subject:


As of now, the plan is still to maintain transfers between PvP to PvP, PvE to PvE, RP-PvP to RP-PvP, and RP-PvE to RP-PvE. The fact that only one RP-PvP server exists for each language in Europe does not change this, so you are right: for this initial phase, there won't be any free character transfers available for these three servers in order to maintain the servers' designations as RP-PvP. However, as we mentioned before, this is all part of our initial service. Future versions of the character transfer service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee.


He also provided a bit more clarification here:


Quoting myself here for further clarification. This doesn't mean that we won't be evaluating feedback and populations on an ongoing basis. We will be evaluating the options for folks on these three servers as we continue the initial character transfer service. If anything changes, we will be sure to let folks know immediately.


We hope this gives a little more insight into the matter. We will be closing this thread now, but we invite you to continue discussion the character transfer process here:


Character Transfer: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=477344

Ajunta Pall: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=477702


Thank you!


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