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All they need are 5 North American Servers.


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Why can't EA/BW just admit that this game has failed miserably since launch. The game needs 5 servers to support what player base remains. Give the remaining subs 5 different destination servers and close the other 115! dead ones.


This merger rollout is a joke, much like ever patch since launch.

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Jeeze MrCheezle... shouldnt you be like... dreaming your a dove flying and diving into the sea, swimming with the dolphins and becoming 2 animals in 1? Good things will come man.


Hey MrCheezle! Umm... who you buying from?

- From you Dante!

- Oh right!


But seriously chill out!

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Spending more money than needed to make people believe they still make money while they are actually not, thats how companies typically work.


Also, some scentist say there might be other countries across the big blue sea that are to far away to play on american servers. Silly eh?


And..PvP-Forums are about ingame-fighting not cat-fighting...

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Why can't EA/BW just admit that this game has failed miserably since launch. The game needs 5 servers to support what player base remains. Give the remaining subs 5 different destination servers and close the other 115! dead ones.


This merger rollout is a joke, much like ever patch since launch.


Troll attempt or just a hater :) Can I haz yer stuff?

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Why can't EA/BW just admit that this game has failed miserably since launch. The game needs 5 servers to support what player base remains. Give the remaining subs 5 different destination servers and close the other 115! dead ones.


This merger rollout is a joke, much like ever patch since launch.


This is very true. We have to suffer through many transfers and hoops to jump through to play this game. They are going to make all of our lives a complete headache for the next few months. Merging two to three low pop servers is a joke. So we are going up in population some. That isn't good enough. I want to be on a high population server. I haven't played in a month until monday because my server like many has been dead awhile. The news now with how they are doing servers and maybe we will get to transfer this week is a joke. They are making it easier everyday to walk away.

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This is very true. We have to suffer through many transfers and hoops to jump through to play this game. They are going to make all of our lives a complete headache for the next few months. Merging two to three low pop servers is a joke. So we are going up in population some. That isn't good enough. I want to be on a high population server. I haven't played in a month until monday because my server like many has been dead awhile. The news now with how they are doing servers and maybe we will get to transfer this week is a joke. They are making it easier everyday to walk away.


This game is not a miserable failure. And my transfer took less than a minute. That's hardly a hoop to jump through.

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This is very true. We have to suffer through many transfers and hoops to jump through to play this game. They are going to make all of our lives a complete headache for the next few months. Merging two to three low pop servers is a joke. So we are going up in population some. That isn't good enough. I want to be on a high population server. I haven't played in a month until monday because my server like many has been dead awhile. The news now with how they are doing servers and maybe we will get to transfer this week is a joke. They are making it easier everyday to walk away.


All you post is doom and gloom, mike. You're a notorious troller who seems to spend every day berating this game on the forums. If you really don't like it so much, why are you here so often? Just get the hell out and go play GW2 beta or whatever it is the naysayers are doing now.

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Why can't EA/BW just admit that this game has failed miserably since launch. The game needs 5 servers to support what player base remains. Give the remaining subs 5 different destination servers and close the other 115! dead ones.


This merger rollout is a joke, much like ever patch since launch.


Making a profit above the original $200 million invested within 6 months is failure? Most copies sold for an MMO pre-ordered and on release... ever. Failure?


And can the servers support up to 10k players? Let's just low ball the numbers and say out of the 1.3 million current subscribers that 500k of them are in the US. Which leaves 100k per server with your brilliant idea. Let's say prime time a 5th of those people log on at once leaving 10k ppl per server.


Great idea... I love it. I'm amazed you haven't been hired by a game developing company with fantastic ideas such as this. :rolleyes:

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What doesn't make sence is the way they are doing the server transfer. It's stupid. They are telling you, look, your in this server, it's a dead server, I'm gonna give you a free transfer if you want to this other server to raise the population over there. If you stay, you'll have even less people to play with, it will be even more dead then it was before.


Wouldn't it have been easier to just say, "server merge" or is this there way of saying, look, at least we are trying to fix it with FREE* transfer's...but don't read the smallprint on the free part.

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What doesn't make sence is the way they are doing the server transfer. It's stupid. They are telling you, look, your in this server, it's a dead server, I'm gonna give you a free transfer if you want to this other server to raise the population over there. If you stay, you'll have even less people to play with, it will be even more dead then it was before.


Wouldn't it have been easier to just say, "server merge" or is this there way of saying, look, at least we are trying to fix it with FREE* transfer's...but don't read the smallprint on the free part.


I'm confused as to what your argument is. How would you improve server populations if you were in charge? (This is a genuine question, not a sarcastic troll on your statement. Sorry if it came off that way)

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I'm confused as to what your argument is. How would you improve server populations if you were in charge? (This is a genuine question, not a sarcastic troll on your statement. Sorry if it came off that way)


All I'm saying is that offering character transfers from one dead server to another to raise population is rediculous. because they have to keep the other server running for those who left and plan to return in a future date. If they simply did a server merge, then all characters where transfered and no one was left behind. What they are doing right now would have been better off as just doing a server merge, this whole thing of "FREE" character transfers from one server to a predetermined destination is a mask, a fiasco. Mainly because I already have toons on another server but they won't let me move over there to be with my other toons and guild. so it's not really a transfer, it's a merge for select players while everyone else gets left behind. Sorry if it's not making sence to you but it's a joke. If they are only letting this one server transfer to this other server and no where else, they should have just merged the two god damn things and gotten it over with!

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What doesn't make sence is the way they are doing the server transfer. It's stupid. They are telling you, look, your in this server, it's a dead server, I'm gonna give you a free transfer if you want to this other server to raise the population over there. If you stay, you'll have even less people to play with, it will be even more dead then it was before.


Wouldn't it have been easier to just say, "server merge" or is this there way of saying, look, at least we are trying to fix it with FREE* transfer's...but don't read the smallprint on the free part.


What doesn't make sense is the entire statement quoted above....


You think strategically transferring entire servers to other servers to not only balance population issues but faction balance is stupid?


And how does basically merging a bunch of servers (Which is what it is even though people want to get mad about it because they called is something else) how is that going to hurt population more? Why would you stay? Because your server had a really cool name? you're ENTIRE server is leaving... and once the players are gone the server will be too.


Is this really how you think things work or are you just mad that on day 2 of transfers you haven't seen your server on the list yet?:rolleyes:

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What doesn't make sense is the entire statement quoted above....


You think strategically transferring entire servers to other servers to not only balance population issues but faction balance is stupid?


And how does basically merging a bunch of servers (Which is what it is even though people want to get mad about it because they called is something else) how is that going to hurt population more? Why would you stay? Because your server had a really cool name? you're ENTIRE server is leaving... and once the players are gone the server will be too.


Is this really how you think things work or are you just mad that on day 2 of transfers you haven't seen your server on the list yet?:rolleyes:


What I put in bold face in your sentence is what I'm trying to say, it's a server merge without actually merging the server's, this hole 'free' character transfer thing is BS. Your just agreeing with what I'm trying to say. And also that people who are not currently playing are getting left behind when they do play since the server will be worste off then when they left. If they actually merge the two, this won't happen. That's all I'm saying.

Edited by Bolanos
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All I'm saying is that offering character transfers from one dead server to another to raise population is rediculous. because they have to keep the other server running for those who left and plan to return in a future date. If they simply did a server merge, then all characters where transfered and no one was left behind. What they are doing right now would have been better off as just doing a server merge, this whole thing of "FREE" character transfers from one server to a predetermined destination is a mask, a fiasco. Mainly because I already have toons on another server but they won't let me move over there to be with my other toons and guild. so it's not really a transfer, it's a merge for select players while everyone else gets left behind. Sorry if it's not making sence to you but it's a joke. If they are only letting this one server transfer to this other server and no where else, they should have just merged the two gosh darn things and gotten it over with!


LOOK! It basically IS A MERGE!!! It's a merge with options.... multiple servers are being transferred into one larger, more well rounded server. Read the notes... carefully. Look at the lists for day 1 & 2... carefully. Would you rather have NO OPTIONS and just be forced into another server? Or would you like to decide with you guild what server works best for all of you? And they're setting it up as a transfer system because it will be free this time but they are looking into the future of the game knowing that at some point they will need to have a transfer system set up for people who wish to purchase one.


And for your last statement... this is going to take weeks for everyone... you're basing the comment on the 2nd day of a short list. There are many more origin and destination servers to come. It's day 2... seriously... relax dude.


Nothing drives me more insane than people complaining about something they haven't educated themselves on. I hate that I even reply to posts like this. :mad:

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What I put in bold face in your sentence is what I'm trying to say, it's a server merge without actually merging the server's, this hole 'free' character transfer thing is BS. Your just agreeing with what I'm trying to say. And also that people who are not currently playing are getting left behind when they do play since the server will be worste off then when they left. If they actually merge the two, this won't happen. That's all I'm saying.


You do realize that even if people don't leave teh server this week they will still be able to transfer right? They'll have the option when they come back... they're not gonna leave a planet with 2 people on it and say;


"Ooops, sorry!!! That was last week!!! You just missed it!"


Seriously... please read the notes carefully before jumping to conclusions.

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LOOK! It basically IS A MERGE!!! It's a merge with options.... multiple servers are being transferred into one larger, more well rounded server. Read the notes... carefully. Look at the lists for day 1 & 2... carefully. Would you rather have NO OPTIONS and just be forced into another server? Or would you like to decide with you guild what server works best for all of you? And they're setting it up as a transfer system because it will be free this time but they are looking into the future of the game knowing that at some point they will need to have a transfer system set up for people who wish to purchase one.


That's just the thing. why would anyone want to stay behind when everyone else is leaving? If we are getting one or two warzones per night, after everyone leave's you'll be lucky to get one a night or every other night. the logical move would be to move to the other server like everyone else. But since it wasn't a merger, what happen's two or three months down the line when joe blow over there want to start playing again and he logs into a server that has 0 population because they all moved on a 'transfer'. he's gonna have to PAY for a transfer, this is a fiasco, a joke, another way for them to make money. If they would have just merged the servers it would have eliminated this problem.

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It's like when Canadians call their ham "bacon".


Dangit! It's ham, there is no such thing as "Canadien Bacon" can't you see that? Yes it's still delicious, but I want you to call it what I say it is or my enjoyment is ruined.

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It's like when Canadians call their ham "bacon".


Dangit! It's ham, there is no such thing as "Canadien Bacon" can't you see that? Yes it's still delicious, but I want you to call it what I say it is or my enjoyment is ruined.


Wait a minute, are you saying that the Dev's are canadians :confused::p

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That's just the thing. why would anyone want to stay behind when everyone else is leaving? If we are getting one or two warzones per night, after everyone leave's you'll be lucky to get one a night or every other night. the logical move would be to move to the other server like everyone else. But since it wasn't a merger, what happen's two or three months down the line when joe blow over there want to start playing again and he logs into a server that has 0 population because they all moved on a 'transfer'. he's gonna have to PAY for a transfer, this is a fiasco, a joke, another way for them to make money. If they would have just merged the servers it would have eliminated this problem.




And everyone from the low populated servers is getting a free transfer whether they use it now or a month from now... seriously... read the notes.... please...



Edited by UGLYMRJ
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All I'm saying is that offering character transfers from one dead server to another to raise population is rediculous. because they have to keep the other server running for those who left and plan to return in a future date. If they simply did a server merge, then all characters where transfered and no one was left behind. What they are doing right now would have been better off as just doing a server merge, this whole thing of "FREE" character transfers from one server to a predetermined destination is a mask, a fiasco. Mainly because I already have toons on another server but they won't let me move over there to be with my other toons and guild. so it's not really a transfer, it's a merge for select players while everyone else gets left behind. Sorry if it's not making sence to you but it's a joke. If they are only letting this one server transfer to this other server and no where else, they should have just merged the two gosh darn things and gotten it over with!


I just discussed this with some guys at work. Is what your saying is that you would rather have your server's entire population merged with another server? That is essentially what BW's goal is, yet they're making it optional. Which I'm sure you have noticed. If you're worried about being stuck on a depressingly low pop. server, then transfer your toons. It's not for specifically selected players like you said. Anyone can do it. I guess I am just unclear on what you mean by "merge servers". Physically, you can't really "merge" two servers. Typically what companies do is relocate the population of one server to another server, thus "merging" the server populations. I'm assuming this is what you meant.

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