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One lucky dead server to Fatman


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What enrages me, is that BW has CLEARLY stated they will be opening up free transfers in a controlled rollout. Yet simpletons's would rather ignore this an write /cry post's.


OH!!! And THIS as well...

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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RELAX FOOLS....by they time xfers are done all servers remaining will be equally as populated as fatman...actually if you read the dev blogs...all servers will have a higher cap...so ALL servers will be MUCH larger ....dont worry fools fatman is not king...also...think back...how many people on fatman have mains on low pop servers...when server xfers are done fatman pop WILL go down because people will be back on their main characters somewhere else




just simmer...and quit blowing your rage load all over the forums about fatman this fatman that

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What enrages me is I wait forever for this day to come, and I am on Thendys Noori the second least populated server according to Torstatus and we didn't even get on the list. Saddest part is neither did the lowest populated server. What a joke.


torstatus is fairly useless, their metrics are lazy and non-specific, as a population can be light but still healthy, or light and dead. mine is more towards the dead side of things, but torstatus seems to think we're in the middle of the bracket for servers overall. Bull **** I say. people whine about getting pvp only every few hours, I saw q's pop for the first time in two MONTHS last night as a last hurrah that turned into a ragefest, with a good portion of the 50 community going offline and informing us they'd be unsubbing as we weren't getting prompt transfer service.

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Yep Bio did this very very wrong.


The tech is there and working so there is no need for a controlled roll out... they are thinking they are going to give people the option bla bla... instead of growing some male parts and MOVING people.


There was a simple fix to this... before transfers they should have done a relocation.


Take the lowest of the low pop servers... and CLOSE Them. Send an email to every paying sub on those servers informing them there toons are being transfered to X server. (we mailed you a new title / shiney pet... what ever for your understanding) Send another email to non-paying subs informing them that should they return (and hey here is a free weekend if you left due to server pop please come and try it out again) there toons will now be on X server.


Roll 5-6 lowest pop servers of each type into 2-3 of the higher pop servers...


Then a month later look at the numbers again... still an issue... Repeat the process.... after that open up Pay transfers and issue fixed...


All this nicey nice leave if you like stay if you want... stuff... is not good for there game. Really who would be upset by that... guilds would be moved all together anyway... so there is no real issue... pay transfers down the road if someone really wants to move anyway. Instead anyone that has to pay later instead of get free now (or in the next month or 2) will be annoyed customers.

Edited by Husanak
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What enrages me, is that BW has CLEARLY stated they will be opening up free transfers in a controlled rollout. Yet simpletons's would rather ignore this an write /cry post's.


Hello, this is Bioware.


We have have heard that some players do not wish to be on the server which they are currently on, so in order to solve this we have decided to delete all of their characters. This will happen soon.


We would appreciate it if this was not met with any negativity, as we have clearly stated what we are going to do well ahead of time.




Edited by Rassuro
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so its people like this that got all these servers created in the first place, during prerelease people like the OP were so impatient that bioware caved to them and opened up new servers to allow them to avoid 20 minute q times, now after they are finally allowing transfers over a fairly decent time period they complain again. honestly i wouldnt be surprised if we get reduced to the initially planned for servers and some angry old guy at bioware is angrily figuring out server population /vs transfer saying " i frickin told them all but noooo they wanted to make everyone happy, now i have to undo all these extra servers and make sure nothing gets broke in the process, god these people are idiots"


this is what happens when a generation of parents cant or wont say no to their kids.

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Clearly Fatman is the last highly populated pvp server. Good news for the one server who was able to transfer there for free.....guess the rest of us have to pay in a couple of months to have Fatman access. The rest of us now have to wait and hope we get a good option to transfer to. Strong work Bioware. BW's ability to enrage their customer base never ceases to amaze me.


I agree with this post x1000



When I read that one lucky server gets to transfer to the Fatman, and it wasn't mine, it made me want to run and punch someone in the mouth.

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What enrages me is its only been a day and you people have already lost it... sit the F back and be patient! I'm sure they aren't just blindly selecting servers for origin and destination.


Ppl have alrdy been patient for months now when this merger should have occured.

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Greetings everyone!


We appreciate any and all constructive feedback, positive or negative. Since we have an existing thread on this topic and in the interest of consolidating discussion, we are going to close it and ask that you please continue this discussion here:


We also wanted to remind you that we have several resources on the forums for members to keep up to date regarding Character Transfers:


Thank you for your understanding!

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