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Idea for mentor system.


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Hello all,


Been playing and liking the game for over a year now, a suggestion/idea that would make a mentor system possible.


For those who don't know, a mentor system is a means by which players of large level differences can party up and receive xp appropriate to their level. It will enable players to play with their friends and not have to be the exact level of as them.


The system would create a "mentor party" by which players have the option to be ported to their other party member and become their companion, skills/gear would be comparable to what the companion currently has equipped, with the exception that a player not a AI is controlling it. This would make friend grouping much more interesting and keep the game fresh for players who want to play together but have characters of differing levels.




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Sounds like a really cool idea, but, as it is, taking your firend through lower level content is fine as it is. You'll not recieve xp, and he will, so that eventually he'll catch up and you can be on relatively equal footing.
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The concept is that both party's would receive xp proportionate to their level and that both players will have a fun, challenging experience rather than getting ran in dungeon X multiple times with little feeling of contribution given to the lower level player.
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The game I originally came from and haven't played since 05 had a Mentoring system. The higher lvl could take the lower level through high level content and the high leveler would still receive equivalent xp as if they were solo. The "lackey" would receive xp in accordance to their level. Now this did cause for some power-leveling due to the game having bigger mobs and more bosses in higher level instances than lowbies but I'm sure things have been mashed out on that spectrum since then and power-leveling can be avoided with the right set up.


On the contrary, if the high leveler went and did his "lackeys" missions, they would get xp but not as much as they would on their own missions, but they would earn a larger sum of money while helping them. Now let's consider they had already hit 50...this could still entice higher ups to work with lowbies in that they would be rewarded with large sums of credits, rather than xp since xp is no longer needed at that point.

Edited by Master_Nate
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eq2 has had this for some time. the higher level would be reduced to the same level as the person he is mentoring with the abilities and gear of a toon of that level. he would keep his aa's though. this was mostly done to farm aa points but also to help out guildies alts that were needed to fill a raid class void. it worked rather well and wasnt uncommon to have more than one in a group. the mentored toon would also get a earned exp bonus. this was cumulative for each person mentoring him and was a common means to pl.
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I like the OPs idea a lot. It would be very practical when IRL friends want to play the game for the first time so that you can still quest together despite huge character level differences. Edited by Tomb-Stone
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