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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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What is this? Nightmare Lands is the destination server of Bao Dur?? Well F and U and all that, why didn´t we get Red Eclipse like all others?
Oh, who knows, sure it has absolutley nothing to do with the possibility that Red Eclipse reached the limit? Nah, nothing sensible like that ...
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Oh, who knows, sure it has absolutley nothing to do with the possibility that Red Eclipse reached the limit? Nah, nothing sensible like that ...


Look at the status at peak time... does it look like to you that ANY server reached the limit ?

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What is your toon name and are you on Pub or Imp? We ended up on the same server....LOL:D


I play both sides. 4 on each. My "mains" I guess are Koughar on pub, and Radu on imp, but Im spending more time leveling my lowbies right now.

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Okay so after being screwed over by free transfer, can we have paid transfers now please?

Need some info on paid transfers so i can move my toons to a server i want to play on not including the fatman



^^^THESE, for damn sake^^^

Edited by psi_overtake
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Where do you see this? And what's your toons name?


It's on the list. Press Ctrl F and type in Veeboo Lunx. My toon's name is Lucaan and the server is really great. You won't have any problems finding a group, and if you don't have a guild you won't have a problem finding a guild either (hell, I can ask if you can join my guild). Chat is always buzzing and there is at least two hundred people on the fleet at all times (and this is before the transfers today). Good luck on DPB.


Edit: Also my toon is on the Republic side.

Edited by Lycanthrop
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Need some info on paid transfers so i can move my toons to a server i want to play on not including the fatman


Seriously, especially considering the lack of foresight given to this process and its relation to things like legacies.


Especially after hearing things like this:

GarrickBlackSun: I understand he is a long way off, but could you please possibly give us any sort of clearer or better insight to the unlocking of HK-51? Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): The only thing we’re saying today is its going to take a serious amount of work, involves a galaxy-wide mission, introduces some different ways of playing the game and most people will need to have a 50 of one faction and at least a mid-level character from the other faction. Get working on those Legacy characters!
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Before all the transfers, Republic seriously outnumbered sith. Not sure now, but we have a huge pub community.


Yay! :/ Cuz I actually really wanted to start Repub characters but I there was no way to enjoy it on my previous server! I would be THE ONLY person on Typhon .... srsly :/

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What is this? Nightmare Lands is the destination server of Bao Dur?? Well F and U and all that, why didn´t we get Red Eclipse like all others?


Did you not read the list... urrr other servers are going to Nightmare Lands and that first impression... is lasting!!!

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So, here's the deal. Our guild has an old tradition that predates this game. We don't set up Imperial characters on the same server as the guild. Since TOR is story driven, it was decided to create a mirror guild on another server. In our case that was The Jekk Jekk Tarr and the Wall of Light. The conflict comes now, with the transfers, that both servers are being offered the opportunity to transfer to The Harbinger.


Are there any provisions, now or near future, for alternate destination servers to accommodate conflicts such as these. For me, specifically, since I have more characters on the 2 servers than I would be allowed to have on any 1 server.

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So is that every server now added?


I don't know...will someone check my math.


I thought there were 41 servers waiting still. There are only 37 on the list plus the three European RP-PvP servers that are not getting transferred. That equals 40 so either all the servers have received their transfers and there were only 40 waiting or there were 41 and one is still missing.


In the end though, there are still 3 servers left waiting on news as to how their low pop problem will be solved. The three European RP-PvP servers are still in need of attention from BioWare and I don't want them to be forgotten in the excitement of everyone else being able to transfer. They do not have enough people to keep the pressure on BioWare to address their needs so maybe some of us that have finally gotten our transfers can help them out by joining with them to keep the pressure on BioWare to provide a good game experience for everyone and not everyone but the European RP-PvPers.

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I'm hoping that those of us with legacy toons on an origin server and established toons on a destination server we were not offered the opportunity to transfer to, will be given that chance this week once the transfer hullaballoo dies down. (These were server MERGERS regardless of how often the TRANSFER term is bring thrown around by BW...since players have no CHOICE really). It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out....


Saga/Borgia (& many others too numerous to mention) Sanctum of the Eternal server

Arete/Beltaine Jedi Covenant server

Edited by BlueIndigo
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I reckon they should allow free transfers between destination servers, to help out people that re-rolled on higher pop servers that are now destinations...


Is this just a hunch, or is there something that leads you to believe that? I hope it's the latter - I could use some good news.

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I noticed that as well. :/ Does Shadowlands have a Republic side? Or is it all Sith?


I'm on Shadowlands and it's booming right now. Yesterday during the afternoon there was 240+ on the Republic Fleet. We have excellent guilds on the Republic side as well.

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Look at the status at peak time... does it look like to you that ANY server reached the limit ?
Considering that many of the servers that have become desitnation servers and have hit Heavy to Full during peak times? My answer is Yes Edited by apatah
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So, here's the deal. Our guild has an old tradition that predates this game. We don't set up Imperial characters on the same server as the guild. Since TOR is story driven, it was decided to create a mirror guild on another server. In our case that was The Jekk Jekk Tarr and the Wall of Light. The conflict comes now, with the transfers, that both servers are being offered the opportunity to transfer to The Harbinger.


Are there any provisions, now or near future, for alternate destination servers to accommodate conflicts such as these. For me, specifically, since I have more characters on the 2 servers than I would be allowed to have on any 1 server.


My guild has a similar issue. We set up our Reps on Canderous Ordo and our Imps on Krayt Dragon. We now actually want to try and consolidate onto Canderous Ordo, but can't because KD's destination is Shadowlands. Given all of the Legacy info coming out, it seems in our best interests to put aside our Rep/Imp server divides and bring them all onto one servers.


So both the poor communication about the Legacy system and poor communication about transfers has left us in the cold with one set of leveled character getting left behind.

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