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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Just so everyone knows Server transfers are not all they are cracked up to be. There have been some problems with them so just try and be patient while BW gets the bugs worked out. I transfered a character and that character was messed up. His name after the transfer was wielanfkdalsdf ainsfdn akl; (something like that) as well as a few other things were messed up with it. So dont be complaining is all im saying.
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Ok, so now the Red eclipse is officially full.

I wonder where the rest of us (euro pve) is going to get shipped of to?

I had 2 characters on the red eclipse and was hoping I could get them all together but i guess that's not going to happen. "begin sarcasm Thank you Bioware and I hope you guys had a good weekend off. end sarcasm"

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Keep up all this whining and they may just say forget the rest of us. Everyone really just needs to chill out and step away from their keyboards for a few hours. Go clean something. Do some laundry. Some of you might need a shower too.


Relax guys the transfers will come. Let them analyze the data so they can get things done right. I know patience is a lot to ask from a bunch of people who need immediate stimulation but just give it a bit and everything will be okay.


Swtor is not freeto play. We are paying to play and thus are paying for a service. If we are all pauing the same rate we should all get the same service and because of the way the handled transfers, people on 18% of the setvers are receiving an inferior service compared to the 82% that received the opportunity to transfer. At the very least, the forgettrn 18% deserve to know when the can expect to transfer. Instead of the information being requested, bioware keeos stting us along with maybe tomorrow or maybe SOMETIME next week while drleting posts that express frustration and closing threads that ask for more information.


I loved the game and would have patiently waited my turn if bioware had practiced good customer service and provided the level of accurate and honest communication necessary to address the concerns of the people on the forgotten 18%.

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Just so everyone knows Server transfers are not all they are cracked up to be. There have been some problems with them so just try and be patient while BW gets the bugs worked out. I transfered a character and that character was messed up. His name after the transfer was wielanfkdalsdf ainsfdn akl; (something like that) as well as a few other things were messed up with it. So dont be complaining is all im saying.


That's what happens if your name is unavailable, it's supposed to be like that.

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Please everyone keep in mind that populations in fleet aren't the numbers they're looking at. They're looking at total number of "potential transfers", which includes people away from the game, waiting for transfers.


They have no way of knowing how many people will start playing again after transfers, which is why they're doing what they're doing. They need time to see the *unknown* variables.


The other point people keep mentioning is 'why not transfer my low pop server ... it'll make no difference."


Again, saving the lowest pop servers for last is the better idea for two reasons: 1) it's easier to top-off servers with small pop servers, and 2) fewer people are left waiting.


Wouldn't you rather have the greater number of people enjoying the game more quickly, or would you rather have fewer people benefiting?


Just an FYI, good companies attempt to please all of their customers, not just "A greater number"... You will never please everyone, but you ought to try or your company will go down the toilet. Look at Apple. Have you ever been in one of their stores. Those people do everything they can for the customer. Every customer. Apple = $500 Billion Net Worth. Correlation???

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Can we get a bit of info on whats going please ? havent heard a word from BW win 2 days.


The word was on Friday morning when they said they would be "Monitoring" the server populations over the weekend and start transfers up again next week after analysis of those numbers. Reading between the lines, they are saying we worked hard this week, were gonna kick off the population metric gathering scripts and kick out early on Friday. We'll come back in on Monday and check out the demographics the script pulled and make some decisions. Might take us a while on Monday to do that, and there is a patch Tuesday night to get ready for so, maybe we'll start looking at transferring those other servers on Tuesday. Of course Tuesday is Hawaiian shirt day and were having a BBQ so might not have enough time that day. Wednesday we have an all day meeting on customer service so that takes out that day. So Thursday, yah that looks good, Thursday we'll move another 8 to 12 servers, than on Friday we can send out another notice that we need to analyze data (LOL does anyone buy that even?), check out early for the weekend and come back on Monday the 25th and start the process again. At this pace we should have everyone moved by early July. Oh wait, 4th of July vacation... Maybe August....

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Also FYI to all you Hyperspace Cannoneers:


We are one of the 8 US PVE West Coast servers left un-transferred. The 2 US WEST PVE servers that were destination servers have been lower population over the weekend then Thursday of last week (The day of most transfers). So the wonderful weekend stats that were so necessary will probably say this:


Send 3 of them to Drooga's, send 5 of them to Harbinger and were done.

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Also FYI to all you Hyperspace Cannoneers:


We are one of the 8 US PVE West Coast servers lefun-transferred. The 2 US WEST PVE servers that were destination servers have been lower population over the weekend then Thursday of last week (The day of most transfers). So the wonderful weekend stats that were so necessary will probably say this:


Send 3 of them to Drooga's, send 5 of them to Harbinger and were done.


And I am still wondering how I am going to move 12 characters into 8 slots...

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My boyfriend and I, played from beta and from launch of SWTOR. We choose Hydian way to be our server and we played there till April. Then it stared to be harder to find groups and queues for PVP, because of lacking server population.

Last time I tried to queue for PVP on Hydian way. It toke 45 min! , which made us abandon our chars we started all over again. New characters with no legacy etc. (sigh)

We had really hoped we could transfer chars from Hydian way to Tomb of Freedon Nadd . But now we can't move chars from PVE to PVP server. Let’s see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11QSsttv_pk 1.00 1.12 Mins in the trailer.

You need to be able to play with your friends. Unless they are on a pvp server (sigh). But OK we have to accept that apparently or just quite the game.

Then we hoped we could move from Hydian way to another server with a high population so the game was playable again...But our server isn’t on transfer list.

With no ETA. On server transfers for Hydian way. I will probably lose motivation to play I really love game but I’m so tired of having to re-level chars I have on another server.

Please get Hydian way on the transfer list.

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No mmo will ever let you move from PvE to PvP it wouldn't be fair to level up without a challenge and them transfer your 50 over to the pvp community


Sadly you're talking to the entitled generation of MMO players...they derserve this... :rolleyes:

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No mmo will ever let you move from PvE to PvP it wouldn't be fair to level up without a challenge and them transfer your 50 over to the pvp community



try looking at wow kinda negates that statement no ? ;) i think you need to lvl on a pvp server im on tomb of freedom nadd play in gmt+1 prime time and there is nothing hard in lvling there. Theres hardly any world pvp when lvling i was diapointed as heck when i leveled. Besides remember there is nothing that makes it worth killing anyone in open world in swtor it's wasted time if not for the fun because you could have been in a wz and gotten more out of it.

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There was a time when wow wouldn't allow it for exactly those reasons, just goes to show how it's less about fairness and gameplay and more about the subs and money for the transfers.


Forgive me for not having played it in 2 years :p


i know but wow was kinda a easy referal ;), but the whole fairness idea is a bit strange, what you mean is to avoid getting ganked by a high level etc etc ?. Well you just start out on a server not being hardened and take your kicks to the head at lvl 50 instead . But remember thats assuming there is any world pvp.


Besides you talk about communities i don't care if you started out in a pvp or pve, im just happy that people choose to be in the pvp community bcause that means more players. more people to play with and against. Given the population status of swtor atm god in heaven open the door for the pve'ers to switch to pvp


hope you can see where im comming from,


just remembered, most quests in swtor you jump in a instance, so the battles have are when your path to intance cross the path with a player from the opposite side which seems to be extremly little.

Edited by nemericon
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No mmo will ever let you move from PvE to PvP it wouldn't be fair to level up without a challenge and them transfer your 50 over to the pvp community


If fairness was a consideration for bioware, they would not have left 18% of the servers without the ability to transfer to healthy pop setvers hanging in limbo wondering if and when transfers msy oprn for them.

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Also FYI to all you Hyperspace Cannoneers:


We are one of the 8 US PVE West Coast servers left un-transferred. The 2 US WEST PVE servers that were destination servers have been lower population over the weekend then Thursday of last week (The day of most transfers). So the wonderful weekend stats that were so necessary will probably say this:


Send 3 of them to Drooga's, send 5 of them to Harbinger and were done.


I agree with the idea 100%, but it's not going to happen (IMO). Last night, Drooga's and Harbinger both hit Very Heavy status. Only for a few hours, but it was noticeable. Add in the untransferred origin stragglers (every one of them a potential future transfer), the people who will eventually return to the game and accept transfers to Drooga's/Harbinger, and new players and rerolls landing there. I doubt Bioware will sack up and place us on those servers, given the uncertainty about the population. They'll just merge us into a Standard server and make it the recommended destination for the free-to-play crowd coming next month. Yippee.


I'm on Darth Sion, which had a very good population when I left in January. Resubbed last week, and I was shocked at how many players have left the server. I'm typically a go-with-the-flow laid-back player. Takes a lot to make me mad, and this transfer mess got me ticked enough to make a few posts on the forum (hadn't ever posted here before). Unless Bioware devises some type of equitable solution to this mess, they've lost my subscription and all of my future business.

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Just did all my BH dailies, checked GTN, sorted some items, and stared at screen. All while in a pvp queue. Over 1 hour in queue. On a 'weekend' afternoon. No pop. Logged out.


My sub says "0 days left". I've been checking it, and you can't really tell WHEN it runs out. So at some point I will just be 'gone' I guess. Still wondering if anyone from BW is going to say IF i'm going to be eligible for a server xfer. Also wondering IF they can say when. A real time frame.. as in 'between the 19th and 21st". As of now, sub is going to lapse because I don't know what I'm paying for. I hate most of the analogies that people use.. but insert any of your favorites <here>.


Again, I unsubbed before this latest fiasco. I considered resubbing IF there was a 'decent' solution. Being left on a server with nothing to do but under 2 hours of ops/week and no indication of what is coming... well, not paying for that.


Any official answers on why I should reup my sub?

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If fairness was a consideration for bioware, they would not have left 18% of the servers without the ability to transfer to healthy pop setvers hanging in limbo wondering if and when transfers msy oprn for them.


Have you considered the possibility that the 18% are a control group?

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Have you considered the possibility that the 18% are a control group?


To control what?

The two east pvp servers will not get a new destination they will transfer into a current. (this will create long ques but there is no other option since they wont have enough to create a healthy pop)

The seven west pve servers will not get a new destination they will transfer into a current (here i can se your point a little btw) (this will create long ques but there is no other option since they wont have enough to create a healthy pop)

The thirteen east pve servers will not transfer into a current destination they will get a new one. (otherwise it will create long ques)

The ten eu en pve will not transfer into a current destination they will get a new one. (otherwise it will create long ques)

The eight eu ger pve servers will most likly get a new destination as well. (otherwise it will create long ques)

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Where are people getting these 82% and 18% numbers from? Or 80% and 20%? Is someone in these forums a math major? Does someone in these forums have access to the records of every player in the game? Who is the person who has access to server population and subscription records?


How do you know the exact percentage? Did you spend all night figuring the numbers from records that are supposed to be confidential? Do you have a friend in bioware giving you this data?

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Ambiguity is a part of life. And at times good business. Relax. This will be sorted out in a few days.


But in the mean time, I spend 30 mins to an hour in a WZ queue waiting whilst everyone else gets an immidiate pop after a 20 minute wait in a server queue. Totally fair....


I'm happy to wait but they should have done this differently... people are FINALLY getting their money's worth while others "Well you know what, you've waited this long... you can't wait a little longer". I think the community managers have a tough job but their approach isn't working at all!

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Its pretty simple math. (number of servers not affected yet = 40) / (total number of servers that can be affected by this transfer = 211) = 18.9%

Some might argue that its 214 or 217 but there is no current solution for the eu rp pvp servers and i don't count the asia pacific servers for this. But if you do count both its 18.4%

Edited by Thyferra
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