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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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A Queue to get in is a lot better than a queue that doesn't let you play at all :p


Right ..... this **** sandwich looks more like a sandwich than **** so it must be good for me right?


BW screwed this up entirely. The idea of only using less than a handful of server per timezone is outrageous. What BW saw were simple numbers, we have this many players on these servers and this server has a maximum capacity of this. However they ignored the guy in the back saying 'Ya well that is great but that will create wait times and server strain. Just because we can put that many people on a server it doesn't mean we should." That is assuming they had someone at the proposal meeting, and those after it, with some amount of common sense.

Edited by Luceon
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Please everyone keep in mind that populations in fleet aren't the numbers they're looking at. They're looking at total number of "potential transfers", which includes people away from the game, waiting for transfers.


They have no way of knowing how many people will start playing again after transfers, which is why they're doing what they're doing. They need time to see the *unknown* variables.


The other point people keep mentioning is 'why not transfer my low pop server ... it'll make no difference."


Again, saving the lowest pop servers for last is the better idea for two reasons: 1) it's easier to top-off servers with small pop servers, and 2) fewer people are left waiting.


Wouldn't you rather have the greater number of people enjoying the game more quickly, or would you rather have fewer people benefiting?


All of this makes perfect sense and I would not want someone else to suffer a poor gaming experience so I could benefit from a positive gaming experience. I'm more than willing to be patient and wait my turn if BioWare would communicate with the forgotten 18% and provide us with accurate, true and complete information regarding their plans to grant us the same opportunity to transfer. Instead, we get "maybe tomorrow" responses that string us along and leave us disappointed day after day and utlimate feeling like BioWare simply does NOT care that we are still unable to enjoy the game like the other 82% of the people who did receive transfers.


I'm not asking for anything other answers to my questions the information on when I would reasonably be able to expect a server transfer should I decide to change my mind about cancelling my subscription. I am not cancelling my sub because I am among the Forgotten 18%. I am cancelling my sub because of poor customer service and communication on the part of BioWare who have demonstrated that they clearly do NOT care about the forgotten 18%.

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One other point ... people keep saying the last 20% of servers that are waiting.


It's *not* the last 20% of PLAYERS. This is the more important number. If these waiting servers are indeed low pop, then the number of waiting players is much lower than 20%.


So we deserve our plight because less people are playing and therefore we can't play as a result? :p

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One other point ... people keep saying the last 20% of servers that are waiting.


It's *not* the last 20% of PLAYERS. This is the more important number. If these waiting servers are indeed low pop, then the number of waiting players is much lower than 20%.


Good posts. People need to fully consider that things are being done this way for a reason.

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Good posts. People need to fully consider that things are being done this way for a reason.


And the number of people among the Forgotten 18% is continuing to drop as people are getting tired of sitting on dead servers with no information from BioWare on when that will change unsub. You can only string people along with "maybe tomorrow" for so long before they stop believing you and start wanting real information.

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In all fairness this is the first time since the transfers i've had to queue to get into ToFN and it was only 5 minutes thats pretty impressive considering they've merged every pvp server to it. Also don't forget there will be a few rerollers (like myself) that once pve servers get transferred to servers with pops.. they will proabably be on ToFN less since i'm mainly leveling my sage on there while waiting for my other char to be transferred wherever.

slighty annoying with my crap internet connection though when i dc at these times..

Edited by AngusFTW
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And it looks like negativity has been removed from the posts again.... :( People are upset, let them be upset.


Yeah...they are removing posts and closing threads. If BioWare would just off more information other than the stock "maybe SOMETIME next week" response and show they actually care about the Forgotten 18%, people might be a little less hostile.

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One other point ... people keep saying the last 20% of servers that are waiting.


It's *not* the last 20% of PLAYERS. This is the more important number. If these waiting servers are indeed low pop, then the number of waiting players is much lower than 20%.


Which just further would underline the absurdity in 'monitoring' the situation as the problems would stem from moving the majority of players and not by forcing a minority to still be on low population servers.


If Bioware wanted to monitor anything, they'd have to monitor the first transfers - not the last. Still looks like nothing more than a 'don't want to work weekends, but can't say so' excuse.


Either there's plenty of room for the remainder of players on the servers or there's not. Weekend log ins would not change that. Either they can fit all or they'll need to create new destinations servers regardless to avoid getting people to transfer from one low populated server to another.


Us not logging in this weekend is not going to change that. Bioware monitoring this weekend is not going to provide actual usable results. They'll need to monitor a week, two weeks or potentially more. Should the remaining players be ignored that long?

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One other point ... people keep saying the last 20% of servers that are waiting.


It's *not* the last 20% of PLAYERS. This is the more important number. If these waiting servers are indeed low pop, then the number of waiting players is much lower than 20%.


That might be true, but it's completely irrelevant, because even leaving just 5% of the population behind is still a wrong thing to do.

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Sorry by my english...


Why do administrators discovered the transfer of players to Tomb of freedom nadd? we have been busy and so strong on the weekends, but now have to wait in line for 20 min .. My internet turns off every 40 50minut .. almost impossible to play ...


Why were people overpopulate the already filled a server? Does not it take a 1-2 medium populated server and add to them but :mad:

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Sorry by my english...


Why do administrators discovered the transfer of players to Tomb of freedom nadd? we have been busy and so strong on the weekends, but now have to wait in line for 20 min .. My internet turns off every 40 50minut .. almost impossible to play ...


Why were people overpopulate the already filled a server? Does not it take a 1-2 medium populated server and add to them but :mad:


beacause the BW people cannot think

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The initial character transfer service is now available, allowing qualifying characters to be transferred at no charge from selected origin servers to selected destination servers. This character transfer service will be available as long as is required to help maintain population balance across the service and create a better overall gameplay experience. Select servers will be eligible for free character transfers based on the player populations of the origin and destination servers.


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From the original community manager post announcing server transfers as posted above:


"Allowing qualifying characters,"

"select servers"


From an email I received in response to a ticket I submitted:


"However, it is important to remember that the transfer process is being rolled out gradually, over time. We will be monitoring server populations, and make additional servers eligible for free character transfers as necessary."


These statements coupled with the repeated, "more transfers tomorrow" and "transfer next week" of the community manager posts through out the initial days of transfers leaves a lot of questions that I will once again ask.


Will all servers receive the opportunity to transfer to healthier pop servers?

If so, when will the remaining servers (Forgotten 18%) receive their opportunity to transfer?

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I am just writing to congratulate Bioware on their job with the server transfers. U proved us once more how flawed ur <System> is, u proved us that u roughly plan things, that u are doing most of u the staff with ur eyes folded blind and that u have no idea at all on how to run an mmo with success!


The char free transfers were truly great and they helped a host of ppl big time. But everything has its limits and u shouldnt put all in 1 big server-.- Thanks to that Tomb of Freedom Nad server is now full and has 15 min queues even around 7 o clock in the afternoon. I am scared to imagine what will happen if someone tries logging on around 11 in the night or if u keep bringng more ppl. U will prolly wind up having 3 servers full and rest 47 empty.


So ye like i mentioned above congratulations with that; good work indeed!!! Keep it up like this BW and when guild wars 2 comes out and gets 70% of ur subs dont wonder why!

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Then why does bioware use vague and veiled language instead of saying the remaining servers still waiting will receive transfers and when those transfer will occur?


They just cannae do it cap'ain!!


If they monitoring servers whose to say there's enough room for any of us left over... MWU HAHAHAHA... :eek:

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I think the break over the weekend was strictly so they could view the Ranked Warzones this weekend and not have to worry about throwing more people around on the real servers. "No sense doing both, let's just do one at a time and pick back up on Monday."
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Keep up all this whining and they may just say forget the rest of us. Everyone really just needs to chill out and step away from their keyboards for a few hours. Go clean something. Do some laundry. Some of you might need a shower too.


Relax guys the transfers will come. Let them analyze the data so they can get things done right. I know patience is a lot to ask from a bunch of people who need immediate stimulation but just give it a bit and everything will be okay.

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Keep up all this whining and they may just say forget the rest of us. Everyone really just needs to chill out and step away from their keyboards for a few hours. Go clean something. Do some laundry. Some of you might need a shower too.


Relax guys the transfers will come. Let them analyze the data so they can get things done right. I know patience is a lot to ask from a bunch of people who need immediate stimulation but just give it a bit and everything will be okay.


It's Sunday, I've already done everything over the weekend, and I am still irked by the situation. I shall voice my words regardless of opinions of them. Bioware will stop getting flack, when they do something that doesn't upset a large portion of players.

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