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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Why do they always do this. Instead of simply saying "Yes there will be more at some point today." they say things like this. This doesnt say anything about if there will be or not. Only they havent announced anything.


They have to leave some wiggle room in case there's a problem. If you looked at the patch notes from last night, they stopped doing transfers yesterday because they encountered a problem that they needed to fix before they continued. If all goes as planned, I expect they'll keep rolling it out the rest of the day, and throughout the week.

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They didn't specifically say your server, but they said every server would be a either a destination or origin excepting some of the Euro RP servers. And no I'm not sure what thread, sorry.


Np atleast i can still have hope now lol . Again thanks for the info

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I just read a comment that implied that people on an east coast server might have the option of transfering to a west coast server. Is this a possibility?


I do not want that since I'm in EU, the latency would be even worse if I had to transfer to the west coast.


Think its the other way around, with the West Coast RP-PVP servers will be consolidated into the East Coast one. And I think thats a special case for RP servers since its such a small player base it can't support a West and East coast server.

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Honestly, I think Sith Wyrm people also expected to be a destination server. As of today's population update, that server now looks grim.


I play on Sith Wyrm and my guess is we are not gonna be a destination server. I do know a number of people who think I am wrong, but I suspect there are really only going to be another couple of PVE East destination servers added to those already identified, if any at all. I hope we are a destination severs... I just doubt it.


Somebody like 500 posts earlier was saying he and lots of others on the server are all gonna quit if they were not a destination server. I don't really see the big deal.... sure it sucks if you lose your legacy name or character name, but its a small price to pay imo.

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A Message from Dreshdae Cantina:


"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Here !!! HERE!!! Dreshdae Cantina for a destination server lets see it happen Bioware.

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I'm shocked at how many servers are rolling into a single destination like Fatman. The population issue must have been extremely dire for some servers. I now feel the woe is me, we only have 27 Republics on at 9 pm was a better case for this game even though I was convinced we were one of the worst.


Very interested to see where my server lands now. I don't hear great things about the state of Fatman's community and I wonder what this will do to it. The fact that we haven't been moved yet also means all my names are almost definitely gone and well, that does matter to me. They really should have had some kind of a solution to the naming where players from moving servers could keep the name with some kind of visual icon to show they were from the other server. We didn't have the biggest community, but we actually had one where people knew each other. Those 6 months get tossed out now, without much care from BW. While I'm not the best PvPer in the world (nor the worst), I felt like I built some equity and was able to get MVP votes and people happy to have me on their PUGs.

Edited by Mercbenz
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How long of a window will transfers be available? Will they be limited by destination server capacity?


They have not said exactly but infered they would be open for a quite some time (like weeks at least) and we would be given ample notice before they closed it.

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How long of a window will transfers be available? Will they be limited by destination server capacity?


Yea i think so i believe they are watching population numbers, And changing destination servers as needed to accomidate population growths.


Meaning if they move servers a,b,c to server d then server d gets full they will change a,b,c, destination to server E and as it fills up so on and so forth.


I might be wrong but thts the way i understood the dev posts on it,

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Dxun Battle Circle EU hasn't been a destination server thus far. Things aren't looking good for us! Granted I only had 75 results for total players recently so that's maybe why!


im waiting for transfer or for more players. its no fun anymore to play and im done leveling alts

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I'm a bit concerned about EU/EN PVP servers - you guys have Fatman, we have Freedon Nadd (though not quite is full). So far 8 from 21 servers are going into Freedon Nadd...making it look like a) all go into one (all EU/EN pvp) which is silly to do in waves then...or b), there will be one more (but not two) destination servers...and honestly, even if they take the remaning 12(?) servers and join them, it still wont be impressive I think... Edited by Valhingen
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