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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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The planet populations show people aren't leveling new characters. If everyone is 50 and not leveling alts or new players joining the game the planet populations are not going to change much.


Yes but not even 50+ PvE has been popping prior to transfers. Long queues, no groups, etc.


Basically the supposition that Ebon Hawk was at a comfortable population is only true if you are talking only of RP.

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can you please treble the server list now.....


*snaps fingers* done.


A few days ago i was all for letting my sub run out in 10 days now i'm itching to play my toons from my old server again :/

Edited by Kabaal
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Ok question i see the eligable servers for transfer went up and do they not tell u what server u are transfering to or u have to pick outta the list aswell as long as it matchs your current server RP-PVP to RP-PVP or do they just throw u on a destination server of there choice
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As of now, the plan is still to maintain transfers between PvP to PvP, PvE to PvE, RP-PvP to RP-PvP, and RP-PvE to RP-PvE. The fact that only one RP-PvP server exists for each language in Europe does not change this, so you are right: for this initial phase, there won't be any free character transfers available for these three servers in order to maintain the servers' designations as RP-PvP. However, as we mentioned before, this is all part of our initial service. Future versions of the character transfer service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee.


Thank you very much for claryfing this.

I'm gonna look for another MMO now.

Edited by vandana_
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/walks up to Joveth, bowl in hand


"Please Sir, I'd like some more..."


Best reply to this thread yet :) This is how I feel. I can just see him saying "More?! You want MORE?!". lol

Edited by Leggomy
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Ok question i see the eligable servers for transfer went up and do they not tell u what server u are transfering to or u have to pick outta the list aswell as long as it matchs your current server RP-PVP to RP-PVP or do they just throw u on a destination server of there choice


If you go onto your account to the transfers it lists the destination. Theres no choice, these are targeted transfer to balance the population, not free for all so we can end up with the same problem again in a month.

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this is not very helpfull,all i can do is transfer my pve character on another pve character server,and my pvp one on another pvp this sux:mad:


Why would you roll on two different types of servers to begin with? It's not BW's fault that you did this.


On the plus side for you, it sounds like BW will open up paid transfers once this whole shebang is done, so you can transfer them to the same server then.

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So what happened to the idea of helping those who needed the most? I've been sitting here watching the first 3 lists come and go with none of the bottom 5 servers. I am still stuck on the second worst server where we had a whomping 13 people on Republic and 22 on Empire. So we going to have to sit here another day? week? what? Because if it's any longer I am sure us and the server below us will probably be non existent but hey we will see if you truly care about your 15 dollars a month here.
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why free charakter migration ? wouldn´t it be better to make forced migration and then close the low populated servers. still free ofc. to selected servers.


It's PR. Doing it this way avoids the negative press associated with server mergers, at least in theory.

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I don't know if they've answered this, but.....will they be allowing WEST to EAST server transfers?


No not with free transfers. The issue being you only get 1 server choice to go to. Most people I would think on the west coast do not want to transfer to an east coast server.

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So what happened to the idea of helping those who needed the most? I've been sitting here watching the first 3 lists come and go with none of the bottom 5 servers. I am still stuck on the second worst server where we had a whomping 13 people on Republic and 22 on Empire. So we going to have to sit here another day? week? what? Because if it's any longer I am sure us and the server below us will probably be non existent but hey we will see if you truly care about your 15 dollars a month here.


On the bright side, it seems that your server imbalance problems aren't so bad compared to lots of other servers.


Also, you'll get your turn eventually, just like the rest of us on dead servers.

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So what happened to the idea of helping those who needed the most? I've been sitting here watching the first 3 lists come and go with none of the bottom 5 servers. I am still stuck on the second worst server where we had a whomping 13 people on Republic and 22 on Empire. So we going to have to sit here another day? week? what? Because if it's any longer I am sure us and the server below us will probably be non existent but hey we will see if you truly care about your 15 dollars a month here.


If Joveth releases his Krakken, you might get to transfer within a few hours and not days.


Having never seen this Krakken, I cannot say, I do hear good things however, big things.


Just be patient and listen for the roar.

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No not with free transfers. The issue being you only get 1 server choice to go to. Most people I would think on the west coast do not want to transfer to an east coast server.



Le sigh. =/ Yeah, a lot of my friends/guildmates have decided to roll Fatman. I'm from Black Vulkars...so it's safe to assume Swiftsure/Bastion will probably be destination servers for us. :(

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HI all,


The thread was starting to get off topic again, so we've had to remove more posts that did not discuss the server transfers. Please make an extra effort to make sure your posts are on-topic.


Thank you!


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Just wanted to say that I am happy with the way things are going so far with the transfers. My mains are on the Corsair and i have a couple alts on Candorus Ordo and I've been talking to some of the new arrivals who are very happy. I'm more than content waiting my turn!
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If Joveth releases his Krakken, you might get to transfer within a few hours and not days.


Having never seen this Krakken, I cannot say, I do hear good things however, big things.


Just be patient and listen for the roar.


Isnt the Krakken a big ugly monster of death and destruction? This would imply bad things for us, tho. I'd rather him unleash the Holy Hosts of perfection and warm tingly feelings.

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So what happened to the idea of helping those who needed the most? I've been sitting here watching the first 3 lists come and go with none of the bottom 5 servers. I am still stuck on the second worst server where we had a whomping 13 people on Republic and 22 on Empire. So we going to have to sit here another day? week? what? Because if it's any longer I am sure us and the server below us will probably be non existent but hey we will see if you truly care about your 15 dollars a month here.


You don't really know what the bottom 5 servers are as BW doesnt release this info and TOR Status is not super accurate as they only have the light/standard/heavy/full metric to go by. And with the numbers you're giving, I don't think you're bottom five with the numbers I've heard from others.

Edited by mjmcooke
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