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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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You take the population of 4 dead servers and combine them and then you don't have a dead server right?


Yeah, charming. And how that exactly helps the people who had to roll new characters on few populated servers available?

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They really, really needed to remove the artificial number of characters per account limit prior to starting this... My characters on the Kath Hound are now doomed to live on a dead server.
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Hang in there, sir. I image for every destination server there will be 3 servers feeding into it (depending on existing pop of the destination). Once all those free transfers are done they will offer you a paid for solution to move your Sentinel to Harbinger.



So what happens to those players that don't trans and are still on that dead server? As it sits now even if my server was on the list I wouldn't trans as I'd have to step down as the GL of my guild and it seems to it might be alittle difficult to move a guild of a 100+ characters in its entirety? Also when you trans it just moves 1 character rt? Be a lot of effort to move a whole account of alts to a new server.

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What I don't understand is why doesnt BW just pick a server for each server type (pvp, pve, rp) and then allow you to transfer to that like server. They should cut down to 100+ servers to just 10 or whatever. They can even have two of each with one west and easy server type.


I anticipate in a lot of the cases, that is exactly what they are going to do. They are phasing servers in slowly because of load (probably database load) and monitoring (make sure a server doesn't over-populate). They never said destination servers would have only one origin server, only that each origin server would have only one destination server.

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They just opened up more servers.. okay I guess 2 qualifies as more but in relative terms ... you have 123 servers....


90% of which are always LIGHT....


Tell me where I can find your monkey of a decision maker and I will be happy to feed him a rotten Banana as a reward


Edited by InfernaMortis
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Soooo... Umm..... we were like told.... ummm... that transfers where coming today??


umm..... sooo.... theres like 4 NA servers listed..... andddd.... wellll.... you see.... i kinda thought.... ummm.. welll... along with everyone else on my server.... ummmm... that we'd be able to... um... welll.... transfer today....


soooo.... im not really sure..... ummm... if we are going to be able too.... welll... you see.... ummmm transfer today.... soooo... could you.... you know..... maybe give us a projected time line.... that.... ummm... shows when servers are expected to be up for transfers..... sooo..... ummm..... you know.... ummm..... i can tell my guild when to expect to move.... since..... this game has zero support for.... what are those things called? ohh... guilds.


I'm pretty sure Bioware is not going to read that because i couldn't get passed the first sentence.

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They really, really needed to remove the artificial number of characters per account limit prior to starting this... My characters on the Kath Hound are now doomed to live on a dead server.


Just wait until they force that dead server to merge in the future. Then you'd be stuck with up to 8 lost characters if you already have characters at the destination of a future merge. We'll see even more forum flames then. ;)


I will be long gone by that time though. If they go F2P I could log back into the forums to watch.

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Yeah, charming. And how that exactly helps the people who had to roll new characters on few populated servers available?


Easy...once this populating merge phase is done, they will offer paid for transfers and you can move which ever characters you have on others servers to the one you prefer.

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If there DOES happen to be a later round of "FREE transfers" after this one to either consolidate characters or to allow a switch from a PvE to a PvP, PvP to PvE, etc., would accepting the INITIAL free transfer disqualify you for a later free transfer? I think people would want to know that before they accept a transfer if it doesn't solve the problem they have.
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Here are the character transfer FAQ's is anyone missed them. Although a lot of the answers seem to be pretty vague "not at this time", "available at a later date", etc. But you may find someo of the answers you are looking for.



well at least it answers my question... Ill be able later possibly to move my lev 50 from Kressh (or wherever he can move to) to Harbinger.. Ill just have to pay for it. Not really the answer I was looking for but its there:


From the Q and A:


I have characters on an origin server eligible for outgoing transfers, but my main character is on a server that cannot be selected as a destination server in the character transfer page. What can I do?


At this time, as part of the initial Character Transfer Service, you will only be able to transfer characters between selected servers. Future versions of the Character Transfer Service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee; this may allow characters to be transferred where you wish."

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Yeah, charming. And how that exactly helps the people who had to roll new characters on few populated servers available?


Allow player that have characters on different servers to pick one of he servers and merge their account to that one server... Done problem fix, have a nice.

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So what happens to those players that don't trans and are still on that dead server? As it sits now even if my server was on the list I wouldn't trans as I'd have to step down as the GL of my guild and it seems to it might be alittle difficult to move a guild of a 100+ characters in its entirety? Also when you trans it just moves 1 character rt? Be a lot of effort to move a whole account of alts to a new server.


I got the impression reading the FAQ, you could select multiple characters but not being on one of the transfer servers, I don't know for sure.


As for what happens, its called passive incentives :) As your 100+ characters move over and the population dies you will find more and more reason to move and less and less reason to stay and eventually move :)


You might be left with a few fringe cases that stay until they are forced to move, but give it a month and most everyone will have moved that could I predict.

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So what happens to those players that don't trans and are still on that dead server? As it sits now even if my server was on the list I wouldn't trans as I'd have to step down as the GL of my guild and it seems to it might be alittle difficult to move a guild of a 100+ characters in its entirety? Also when you trans it just moves 1 character rt? Be a lot of effort to move a whole account of alts to a new server.


My GUESS is that if you stay behind on a low pop server you'll end up being forced to move when they start retiring servers. Which I will add is a good thing IMHO as retiring servers cuts down costs and maintenance time that can be put toward new content and making the game more profitable. HOWEVER, this is pure speculation on my part and nothing BW has stated.

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My math. There is in fleet on most light servers 40 people (high estimate) for about 8 hours. Figure about 320 people is my estimate and another 320 for the rest for the day. That is about 1280 people a server. That is about 153,600 active players on the minor servers.


this is not a flame - I think that estimate is very high. Thendys Noori is lucky to see 15-20 on fleet during primetime and maybe 2 - 6 people outside of a 3 hr high time from 9-12 server time.


I would say active players are in the low hundred's on Thendys Noori.


Not a 'transferable' server as of yet - keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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If there DOES happen to be a later round of "FREE transfers" after this one to either consolidate characters or to allow a switch from a PvE to a PvP, PvP to PvE, etc., would accepting the INITIAL free transfer disqualify you for a later free transfer? I think people would want to know that before they accept a transfer if it doesn't solve the problem they have.


Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. Since the point of the free transfers is to enable bioware to encourage people to do what bioware wants them to do (move to a particular server), I doubt they will do a "nope you transferred before" thing since they would only be making it free if they wanted it to happen in the first place.

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I actually would be cautious of doing the server trans right now. Let their update scripts settle in before you QA their processes. Seems they like to throw code and see if it sticks. Would suck to lose inventory items, or have to restart a Speeder Quest .
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You know what makes this game horrible is the amount of bloody whiners and ignorant people who have no technical knowledge of what EA/BW has done here. I am so sick and tired of listening to all you people who think you know it all or are intitled to something your not.


My advice **** or ****.


On topic: I think a staggard approach is a good idea, I'm hoping to see some intelligent people move to the RP server I'm on, it would be really great.




Please enlighten us to what special game changing thing bioware has done "here"? I am not saying I don't enjoy the game. I think its fun and well done in many aspects, howerver, nothing technically speaking I have been like, game change. I don't think you'll find many credible reviews that stated the technicals of biowares game engine or platform are revolutionary.


I don't think character copies to a new server are all that ground breaking a technical accomplishment. I don't want to sound like I am hating on the game, because I am not.


I really think its got a good foundation. Just saying technically speaking this has no risk taking.

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well at least it answers my question... Ill be able later possibly to move my lev 50 from Kressh (or wherever he can move to) to Harbinger.. Ill just have to pay for it. Not really the answer I was looking for but its there:


From the Q and A:


I have characters on an origin server eligible for outgoing transfers, but my main character is on a server that cannot be selected as a destination server in the character transfer page. What can I do?


At this time, as part of the initial Character Transfer Service, you will only be able to transfer characters between selected servers. Future versions of the Character Transfer Service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee; this may allow characters to be transferred where you wish."


I'm really hopeful they will allow transfers for "character consolidation" without a fee as a gesture of good faith to the subscribers. Personally, I did it so i could enjoy the game while waiting and continued to pay my subscription, but now my "Legacy" is spread out to 2 servers (both of which are destination servers). I'll pay if I have to, but I'll be really disappointed

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