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Why all the complaining? I just don't get it.


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I am completely baffled by the constant complaining in the forums, I just don't get it!

You paid for the game, you play the game and enjoy whatever content is there. That

should be enough for everyone. If YOU wanted the game created to YOUR individual

wants and needs, then by God YOU should have become a game designer. I play

for fun and only for fun, when the game stops being fun to me, I move on. Like all MMO's

this one will evolve and become better or worse depending on your point of view and what

you like/dislike, enjoy it now and quit trying to force changes that YOU want. The devs

try to make the game fun and enjoyable to a very large and diverse player base and of

course they cannot possibly please everyone and shouldn't even try. So, to all you whinners,

chronic complainers and just trolls out there, be still for awhile, enjoy whats there now

and let the devs work on the evolution of the game, Offer suggestions for improvement

in the future but don't be so crass as to threaten to quit if it doesn't happen right away,

thats childish and hopfully they just ignore it anyway.


I'm done now, I do so hope everyone gets on to enjoying the game as I do, don't sweat

the small stuff!



(1VB) Knight

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Here is a great truth of the world. Unhappy people complain and happy people rarely say how happy they are.


How many restaurant managers have ever been called out to tell them how nice the server was?


It's just how people are.




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Nice post OP. Couldn't agree more. Before this spirals in to the typical diatribe on rights, MMO "religion", and the pursuit of good gaming: I don't think you are in the minority OP. There is a silent majority out here enjoying the game. Edited by Rafaman
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I think the reason why the forums are nothing but QQ and complaints is because those posters are the ones not playing TOR as muc has those who enjoy the game.


Plus the forums are pretty much Mos Eisley :p


But I completely agree with you OP. :rak_03:

Edited by Eillack
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There are people out there who enjoy the game, myself included. and some of the people complaining may have valid points. but still, some of the arguments I have seen, especially in the pvp subforum (Dozen page Flamewar over potentially nerfing maurauder? seriously?) make me really question the rationality of most people on these forums.
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The best thing you can do on these forums is to just ignore all the QQing that goes on. I know that it's literally everywhere and it can sometimes drive me insane, but you learn the hard way that trying to make a valid argument over the internet can go no where fast.


If you just be the helpful person and answer questions that people have about an ability or rotation, you'll find yourself becoming sane again. Best thing you can do is just ignore anyone who's obviously complaining about every little detail and move on.

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It comes down to the fact that there is a loud minority of people who think they are entitled to have everything, their way, NOW and cannot be convinced by logic or hard proof that they are only entitled to what they are paying for as outlined in the EULA of the game.


Threatening to unsub doesn’t make your point more important to Bioware. Putting out a reasonable post that draws attention to an issue in a polite manner is more likely to get noticed and addressed. The loud minority do it so obnoxiously that their message is lost in the noise of the delivery and even if they had the solution coded right into their post I doubt the forum readers at Bioware would even get far enough into the message to notice.


Must suck going through life with the attitude these people illustrate in their posts.

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It comes down to the fact


I don't know who you are. i don't know what server you're on. You are one of the genuinely nicest and most reasonable people in this entire crazy online community. That's about like being the best surfer in Ohio, but whatever. Thank you for being a voice of reason around here.




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There are people who would complain even if they got everything they ever wanted. Its just part of their nature. There will always be whiners, criminals, pacifists, type A personalities, hippies, yuppies and vets killing puppies.


Most importantly, it's human nature that while a tiny subset of folks who like the game might be motivated to post, almost every single person with a complaint will be motivated to do so.


First career job, back in the 80's, warned us that happy people tell an average of three people; unhappy people tell an average of 15 people. At a 5 to 1 ratio, 80% customer satisfaction will SOUND like 50%. 20% unhappy make as much noise as 80% happy do. That was just word of mouth. Nowadays the internet allows unhappy folks the ability to shout at the entire world, while happy folks are too busy playing the game to care about the forums.


P.S. I love the game, but my usual group has been ambushed by real life, and I don't want to get out of synch. That means surfing the forums while I wait. :)

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Sadly MrGrizzly being polite and quietly explaining your issue gets you no where with BW and EA. They chose to launch a game that pre-loaded guilds on servers, in my case Vornskr with my guild Semi Serious Sith which is comprised of mainly Australians with some US players, we have gamed together for years playing WOW, Rift, COD and now SWTOR. So when BA finally opened up oceanic servers did they offer to let all of a guild move. No they chose to ignore the fact that guilds can have people from all regions who want to play together. So now I and my legacy is stuck on a dead server that BW placed me on with my guild, although my guild has now moved to Dalborra. So do you think BW gives two cents about breaking up a guild, and leaving some of us sitting on a dead server. I would say no, I have contacted them several times and they don't get it saying things like soon you will be able to switch servers. Do you think Dalborra is going to be a destination server for a west coast server. Of course not, so I will not just sit by and say wow what a great game, what great customer service, I love SWTOR. Instead I ask that before you complain about the "whiners" and claim that being polite and reasonable will get people somewhere I ask that you consider my situation. BW could fix my issue today if they wanted to, they have proven they can move toons from Vorn to Dalborra, they just choose not too and no doubt will gladly charge me to move my legacy in about 6 months or so. That's looking out for your gamers, encouraging Guild and a sense of community BW style.


It comes down to the fact that there is a loud minority of people who think they are entitled to have everything, their way, NOW and cannot be convinced by logic or hard proof that they are only entitled to what they are paying for as outlined in the EULA of the game.


Threatening to unsub doesn’t make your point more important to Bioware. Putting out a reasonable post that draws attention to an issue in a polite manner is more likely to get noticed and addressed. The loud minority do it so obnoxiously that their message is lost in the noise of the delivery and even if they had the solution coded right into their post I doubt the forum readers at Bioware would even get far enough into the message to notice.


Must suck going through life with the attitude these people illustrate in their posts.

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Sadly MrGrizzly being polite and quietly explaining your issue gets you no where with BW and EA...


This sounds like a genuine problem. BW/EA should have offered entire guilds the option to transfer to Oceanic servers instead of just individual players. I hope they eventually offer everyone one free server transfer (space permitting) to address that oversight.


I don't see nearly as many flaming posts on the General forum as I did a few months ago. SWTOR came out, what, 12/20 of last year? People who subscribed for 1 and 3 months and found the game wanting have left. Give it a couple more months, MrGrizzly. Once the 6 monther's subs expire, they will leave too. I think most flame posts come from people who hate the game but whose money has been sunk due to unfulfilled expectations of the game. Some of them feel trapped. They don't want to play the game but don't want to feel they are just donating the reminder of their subscription to BW/EA. So, they come to the forums to exercise the only remaining benefit of their purchase: posting their complaints. As long as they don't violate the EULA, there is really nothing to be done.


Just ignore them. Once everyone's initial subscription runs out, only a few complainer who resubscribe for the purpose of grieving others will remain. Then the remaining SWTOR can look for actions that will stop those posts and maybe ban the haters from the game.

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Hah I haven't thought about the 6 monthers, you might be right. As I don't like to read all the negativity all the time valid or not, now I have something to look forward to... I'm gessing I'll pay for six months myself if the community sorts itself out ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think part of the complaining has to do with peoples expectations and 'their monies worth'. SWTOR is still a 'basic' game, yet people look at other MMO's like WoW and expect every other MMO from this point forward to be as big, as polished, and have as many spiffy bells and whistles. In short, people expected this to be World of Star Warscraft.


Now that's not to say expectations are bad. People immediately started asking for and LFG tool, and BioWare is working on one. People started to ask about server transfers, and BioWare implemented them. Granted, it took time, but thats due more to wanting to get it right, than to hurry a flawed modification into use. Blizzard did something similar with their Burning Crusade expansion. I remember that for the first few months after TBC dropped, Blizzard was releasing weekly patches...and then patching and hotfixing for the next few days. Let me tell you, the vitriol over that fiasco was THICK.


The worst complaints come from the people who think their $15 a month entitles them to have their ideas and opinions moved to the top of the list. Or their ideas for the game must be put into use now because NERD RAGE!!!

Some people would complain if their ice cream was cold...


As a great geek said, once upon a time. "You can satisfy some of the people all of the time, or all of the people some of the time. Those you can't satisfy will troll the message boards."

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Greetings everyone!


We can understand the community can be frustrating at times, but we ask that threads focus more on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ than criticizing the community. Threads like this, even made with the best of intentions, can often incite flames which we wish to avoid. We are going to go ahead and close this thread.


Thank you for your understanding!

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