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Jedi Sentinel – A Primer


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First of all, thanks for this great guide. I really enjoyed reading it.


I know that you mentioned that with lvl 50 the Combat PVE spec will likely change but I still want to share some thoughts to the Build postet above in what i would change for the endgame. Maybe someone will find it usefull.


The first one is Swift Slash. Since you use Blade Rush instead of Slash it seems to me that these 2 points are completely wastet. Instead of Swift Slash you could go for Quick Recovery which helps with trash and some multiple Target fights.

Additionaly i would take the 2 Points from Fleetfooted in Jedi Crusader. In scenarios were you take damage and pop Rebuke this will give you free focus.

If you like to keep Fleetfooted you take the 2 points from Swift Slash in Jedi Crusader instead of Quick Recovery.

In fights where you need to kill adds like Bonetrasher i think the talent Temperance would come in handy. You could take the 2 Points from Debilitation into Temperance since i dont see the benefit from the immobilize effect in Ops/Hard modes.


This is the Tree im playing with in Ops/Hard Mode FP




Feel free to comment if i missed/overlooked something or just got something wrong^^

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First of all, thanks for this great guide. I really enjoyed reading it.


I know that you mentioned that with lvl 50 the Combat PVE spec will likely change but I still want to share some thoughts to the Build postet above in what i would change for the endgame. Maybe someone will find it usefull.


The first one is Swift Slash. Since you use Blade Rush instead of Slash it seems to me that these 2 points are completely wastet. Instead of Swift Slash you could go for Quick Recovery which helps with trash and some multiple Target fights.

Additionaly i would take the 2 Points from Fleetfooted in Jedi Crusader. In scenarios were you take damage and pop Rebuke this will give you free focus.

If you like to keep Fleetfooted you take the 2 points from Swift Slash in Jedi Crusader instead of Quick Recovery.

In fights where you need to kill adds like Bonetrasher i think the talent Temperance would come in handy. You could take the 2 Points from Debilitation into Temperance since i dont see the benefit from the immobilize effect in Ops/Hard modes.


This is the Tree im playing with in Ops/Hard Mode FP




Feel free to comment if i missed/overlooked something or just got something wrong^^


Yep this is on my list (getting to be a long list :cool:) of things to update. You are absolutely right on all accounts.


Admittedly, Combat is the tree I play the least. I don't have numbers to back this next statement up but it seems to be at the bottom for PvP and under Watchman for PvE. It's good to see people using it in end game content. Hopefully we'll get some numbers in the near future and we can see how things shake out.

Edited by Maefly
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Yep this is on my list (getting to be a long list :cool:) of things to update. You are absolutely right on all accounts.


Admittedly, Combat is the tree I play the least. I don't have numbers to back this next statement up but it seems to be at the bottom for PvP and under Watchman for PvE. It's good to see people using it in end game content. Hopefully we'll get some numbers in the near future and we can see how things shake out.


I'll be looking forward to those updates. I leveled with the combat tree and kept it when i hit 50. When dual spec arrives i certainly will try Watchman and hopefully we will have some numbers by then to compare the specs properly.

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Tested and confirmed. Blade Storm is definitely affected by the armour penetration afforded by Precision Slash. Consistently 2400 damage without, 2900 damage with.


Those numbers look like it might be from the 10% damage bonus to the next force spender after an Ataru strike. Did you check to make sure this buff wasn't on you?

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There is no question. force attacks deal kinetic damage.

Light sabres energy damage. (vibrosabres deal kinetic) So skills that use weapon damage deal energy for light sabres, and kinetic for vibro.


Armor mitigates kinetic and energy damage.



The separation is defense aka parry/deflect/resist. NOT ARMOR.

Force attacks have 100% hit rate, AND targets have 0% parry/deflect vs force attacks. And +skill defense, does nothing to defend vs force attacks. As force attacks are mitigated by the resist component of defense.

How exactly resist works.. dunno. there is a +/- levels factor. Try hitting a level 50 world boss at level 40 and you'll resist resist resist. Exact values however, we need a combat log.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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Posting in here too.


I got a reply on 100% uptime transcendence with focus spec.


Working as intended.



To repeat the effect. The +5 and +10 centering after transcendence talent in focus, is +5 and +10 PER APPLICATION. Meaning, alone, you get you +5/+10. With companion, you get +10/+20 centering. with 4 man group, you get +20/+30 centering.

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About Combat Spec:

I'm pretty sure that Armor Penetration affects Blade Storm damage(1.8k vs 2.5k damage on champion mob). So During Precision Slash buff it is highly recommended to have an active Combat Trance proc to make Blade Storm crit.

So as I see it, there's 3 ways how to spend Precision Slash with maximum damage:

-blade rush/blade storm + br + br

-blade storm + master strike


All that's assuming that norm GCD is 1.5 sec.


Also, if anybody have done maths over the secondary stats it would be nice to see the results. Imo, crit+surge stacking seems to be the best. Though Combat spec specializies on melee damage, Accuracy past 100% doesn't look good as we have ~40% Precision Slash buff uptime. Alacrity seems to be useless as we don't have channeling abilites except Force Stasis.

Maybe stacking Power+Surge can be competetive, as we got 100% on our most damaging ability, thus Crit's value is diminished.

Edited by Hasari
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As a combat spec, I wouldn't skimp on the accuracy. It applies to our offhand attacks and the more consistent we can make those, the more damage we'll be doing. It'll help with any skill that uses both blades to attack too.


For secondary stats, I've gone with crit to 30% and then power/surge. Power to increase all my damage but surge if I can't keep my crit rate up at the levels I require. Blade Storm gets plenty of buffs from combat trance and saber storm, but we have other attacks that I want to hurt as much as possible.

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First off, thank you very much for the guide.


I read this one quite a while ago, and haven't played my Sentinel for a few weeks as it's a character I only use when grouped with friends, and some of them haven't had comp access over the holidays ( :eek: ).


I'm sure this guide has been updated since then, so I'm trying to remember if I had this idea, or if it used to be in your guide.


The idea is that since Watchmen is suited to Juyo, and Combat is suited to Ataru, and you don't get Ataru until level 20, that even if you ultimately want to go Ataru, it's better to spend points in Watchmen until you hit 20, then reset your skill tree and go Combat.


Is this something that was previously in your guide, or did I think that up myself. LOL I can't remember.


Regardless of who came up with it, would this be a good idea, or would it be a case of it being so low level it wouldn't really matter?


Last question, as I will always be playing this character in a group of 4 (besides my class quests, which we tend to do individually, unless someone needs help), would I be better off going Watchman or Combat?


Or is it simply preference between Watchmen being single target focus, and Combat being multiple target focus?


I'm playing with a Jedi Guardian, Scoundrel, and Jedi Sage.



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Added some basic companion affection things and a summarized tips and tricks list. I have also corrected the combat rotation to reflect that Blade Storm does in fact benefit from Precision Slash.


Organizing the stat numbers I have been collecting and trying to put them into some form that doesn't go too heavy on the math.

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First off, thank you very much for the guide.


I read this one quite a while ago, and haven't played my Sentinel for a few weeks as it's a character I only use when grouped with friends, and some of them haven't had comp access over the holidays ( :eek: ).


I'm sure this guide has been updated since then, so I'm trying to remember if I had this idea, or if it used to be in your guide.


The idea is that since Watchmen is suited to Juyo, and Combat is suited to Ataru, and you don't get Ataru until level 20, that even if you ultimately want to go Ataru, it's better to spend points in Watchmen until you hit 20, then reset your skill tree and go Combat.


Is this something that was previously in your guide, or did I think that up myself. LOL I can't remember.


Regardless of who came up with it, would this be a good idea, or would it be a case of it being so low level it wouldn't really matter?


Last question, as I will always be playing this character in a group of 4 (besides my class quests, which we tend to do individually, unless someone needs help), would I be better off going Watchman or Combat?


Or is it simply preference between Watchmen being single target focus, and Combat being multiple target focus?


I'm playing with a Jedi Guardian, Scoundrel, and Jedi Sage.




Up to level 20 it really is preference. Since you don't get Overload Saber until 20 in the watchman tree it's not really much different.


If you're questing, either Watchman or Combat will do just fine. In fact, post level 45 I would actually recommend Focus since you can just mow down packs of Standards very fast.


If you're talking end game Watchman seems to be the leader but without any form of Combat Log, its really unknown if Watchman or Combat is better. Focus still has great AOE but suffers single target damage output and has no passive focus generation.

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honestly, its pretty close.


I tried to note if one tree favored one stat over another, and not really.

Only combat really needs crit more then the others. As it gets no +crit% bonus to bladerush/prec.


Ok. So i don't rly have to rebuild my whole gear when changing to watchman (from combat) if i have been stacking strength, crit and surge for the most? I don't have any power on it expect on some new saber i bought that im gonna use on 50.

Edited by alike
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Ok. So i don't rly have to rebuild my whole gear when changing to watchman (from combat) if i have been stacking strength, crit and surge for the most? I don't have any power on it expect on some new saber i bought that im gonna use on 50.


nope. and if you aren't even 50 yet. ignore power. As crit/surge will always be better.

The crit/surge diminishing return thing is t2-t3 levels of stacking. Esp if you are splitting between crit and surge, and not just going surge surge surge.

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nope. and if you aren't even 50 yet. ignore power. As crit/surge will always be better.

The crit/surge diminishing return thing is t2-t3 levels of stacking. Esp if you are splitting between crit and surge, and not just going surge surge surge.


Well, I am not far from 50. Only two and a half levels :) Thanks for the advices. I will check back if i got more questions :)

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Hi guys, im currently lvl 41 on my Sent. I do alot of pvp also. Should i switch from the combat tree to the focus tree now or after 45. In other words would combat tree or focus tree be better for end game? I already see that focus apears to be better for pvp.
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Hi Maefly (and other Sentinel experts!). This is a great read, thank you!


I just have a question: My Sentinel is going to be leveling in a group of four (primarily instances, pvp, heroic quests and class quests). I'll be playing with a Commando healer, Shadow tank, Gunslinger dps. I've read a few threads about how to play Sentinel, but the majority of the threads have, obviously, been about soloing.


Is there anything specific I should consider as a group member, as a Sentinel? Is there a spec/talent tree that is "better" for groups (helps kill adds fast, or good CC for tough groups, etc)?

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Hi Maefly (and other Sentinel experts!). This is a great read, thank you!


I just have a question: My Sentinel is going to be leveling in a group of four (primarily instances, pvp, heroic quests and class quests). I'll be playing with a Commando healer, Shadow tank, Gunslinger dps. I've read a few threads about how to play Sentinel, but the majority of the threads have, obviously, been about soloing.


Is there anything specific I should consider as a group member, as a Sentinel? Is there a spec/talent tree that is "better" for groups (helps kill adds fast, or good CC for tough groups, etc)?


Avoid combat for leveling. 99% of the "sentinels are unplayable" crowd went combat to level. it is in fact, remarkably weaker leveling then either of the other two.

Focus vs watchman sparks lively debates. Watchman crowd seem to insist it is the only viable build. Focus crowd saying, nah we are good too.

Watchman claim to fame does come early. Overload sabre, and its heals on normal burns and zen.

Focus has 3 peaks. first is zen at early levels. then 100%crit/damage sweeps for aoe king. (this blinds people to the real power of the tree.) finally force crush/trans. the hidden power. extremely powerful slow/damage. (Focus damage output basically doubles post 43) and 100% up time +50% party move speed transcendence.

Combat will likely prove to be the highest single target dps raid build. But lacks the utility the other two have.

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