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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Yah I waited two hours last night to finally get into the game and there were definate bug issues on DK. My companion was killed and after I rezzed her as I roamed around in the jungle she was still laying on the ground like I was dragging her corpse with me whereever I went even though her health was good. For those of you who were going to ask I am playing with a good connection and a machine that far exceeds the specs to play this game. I bought the Collectors Edition and I am hoping I didn't waste my money.
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And its not even release date yet.

You all are QQing about Ques now.



Just wait until the 20th rolls thru here. Its only going to get worse until all the one monthers are gone. So put on your big boy/girl pants and suck it up for a month.


Or not, Maybe the most people are not gonne redeem the code to play the first month.

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it's just so much easier to whine about the problem than actually solve it yourself, right? Roll onto a different server, setup a char there. Hey, you might just make some new friends... Or, judging by the attitude, not so much.


Neither SWG or LOTRO had any of the incoming masses that this did. Hell, LOTRO was good, for a while, but it just wasn't even close to this game.


As far as something needing to be done? They've already done at least one thing, which is to fix the cheating. This will (hopefully) force people to logoff, that is until they find another way around it.


This problem is partly EA/BW's fault, partly the fault of the people that don't want to accept that the game's not ready for them yet, and partly the fault of the people who insist on trying to defeat the logout system. There IS no easy fix for this, but they're working on it. Give them at least that much. In the mean time, follow their advice and roll to a different server temporarily. This way you get to play the game, AND it gives you a secondary character. Pretty much win/win.


So very patronising, you really need to be a bit less smug mate. I'm very pleased you're having a ball. Thousands of other players are not. Try understanding this instead of just sneering at everyone who disagrees with you.


Nobody should be obliged to this all their work away and roll again on another server that's likely to become just as bad as the others.

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FYI for anyone to angry to leave this thread.



Tonight at 12:01AM EST we are officially launching Star Wars: The Old Republic.


This is a huge moment for everyone - both the fans and those who created the game. Thanks for being part of the experience so far, and we look forward to running the best game service we can for years to come.


Tonight, we are bringing the servers down for maintenance as we prepare for launch, as previously mentioned. Both the game servers and SWTOR.com will be offline from 6PM CST (4PM PST/7PM EST/12AM GMT/1AM CET) to 11PM CST (8PM PST/12AM EST/5AM GMT/6AM CET).


As well as bringing the existing game servers back online, from 11PM CST onwards we'll be bringing up a large number of new servers, spread across all three of our server locations (US West Coast, US East Coast and Europe). As always, every server is available to anyone to play on - just select your preferred location (US / Europe) from the tab at the bottom of the server select screen.


Even with these additional servers we are expecting queues on the most popular servers, and these queues are likely to persist for a while yet. We are monitoring them closely and raising population caps where necessary, however this is a careful process that is ongoing. Our servers do not have unlimited populations and we want every server to have a healthy population during and after launch.


If you are joining the game for the first time during this launch period, or if you are looking for a lower population server to play on, now is the best time to create a character on a new server. We would strongly advise anyone joining the game to not attempt to create a new character on a server that is listed as 'Full', unless you are comfortable with the potential for queues to enter the server.


Finally, don't forget that after tonight's downtime, you are entering a 'grace period' in which you will need to enter your final product registration code (AKA 'game code') from your copy of the game (or your email from Origin), along with your preferred payment method, to activate your 30 days of game time. You can redeem your product registration code here.


As another reminder, we'll be taking down the game servers and SWTOR.com at the end of that 'grace period' at 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET), the early hours of December 22nd. When the servers come back up at that time, you will need a product registration code redeemed on your account to continue playing. To ensure you can continue to play, make sure you redeem your code as soon as possible.


We're getting ready for launch - we hope you are too. We look forward to seeing you online!

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I sure hope after tom I am not sitting in the Que for 4 hours. I am waiting now ONCE AGAIN on FATMAN at 432 atm. So when tom comes I can only imagine this will be a complete nightmare. Not good planning if you ask me, Star Wars??? Didn't you guys know how popular the franchise is??? I knew this was going to be a huge hit. Come on guys fix this que issue, expand the servers.
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While queues are ok....and yes I had queue times to log into WoW... the times to get into SWTOR are ridiculous to me. I'm an IT guy...I understand where they are coming from in maximizing the utilization of servers and that in time, things will settle.


What is extremely troublesome is getting DC'ed in an instance, while I'm actively controlling my character, only to be placed back in the queue. Seriously? Put a 5 minute connection time-out into effect! Not only was I screwed but so was my guild group.


Oh and to tell me to play a different server??

1. They put my guild on the server we are on.

2. They know how many copies were ordered pre-launch, it's not some mystical number here folks.

3. They deployed the access in waves, so they knew how many people they were unleashing into the systems...

4. Some servers have no queues and others are completely jammed up with multiple-hour queues???


Here's a phrase for you: Proper Previous Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance.


So far...not too impressed with the support folks, or with the DC'ed users going into the queue


Oh and to the folks saying to stop QQ'ing... Heck I don't care all that much yet. I'm not too deeply invested in this game. Read that as I'm not a subscribed member paying monthly fees. If they don't fix the DC re-connection issue, I won't be paying monthly fees, I won't be buying another copy so my wife can play, and she won't be paying monthly fees... I know another of my guild-mates in a similar circumstance... so how many other folks out there are in the same spot?

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Just wait until the 20th rolls thru here. Its only going to get worse until all the one monthers are gone. So put on your big boy/girl pants and suck it up for a month.

Actually, they've already said they're bringing in a large number of servers tonight, soooo, so much for it going to persist.


2. They know how many copies were ordered pre-launch, it's not some mystical number here folks.

Actually, it IS a mystical number

Just because I know how many preordered copies of the game there are does not mean I know when they're all going to play, at what time they're all going to play, who they're all going to play WITH. You see, it is VERY MUCH a mystical number. They had NO WAY of knowing what was going to happen when.



Even with the actions they've taken already (large amounts of new servers, killing off some of the anti-afk botters, etc), people still whine and complain. They've bent over backwards, and still people want to do nothing but cry. Imagine that.

Edited by TomWhiting
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Actually, they've already said they're bringing in a large number of servers tonight, soooo, so much for it going to persist.



Actually, it IS a mystical number

Just because I know how many preordered copies of the game there are does not mean I know when they're all going to play, at what time they're all going to play, who they're all going to play WITH. You see, it is VERY MUCH a mystical number. They had NO WAY of knowing what was going to happen when.



Even with the actions they've taken already (large amounts of new servers, killing off some of the anti-afk botters, etc), people still whine and complain. They've bent over backwards, and still people want to do nothing but cry. Imagine that.


Where have they said they were bringing on "LARGE AMOUNTS OF NEW SERVERS" not rumors a public announcment

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I hope i have seen my last 800-1000 que in this game. When i get off work and log in to a long que it ruins my enjoyment of the game. My toon is already level 30 i do not want to re-roll. If a week after launch i am sitting in a que i may find a better way to waste my money.
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Where have they said they were bringing on "LARGE AMOUNTS OF NEW SERVERS" not rumors a public announcment

Read this

As well as bringing the existing game servers back online, from 11PM CST onwards we'll be bringing up a large number of new servers, spread across all three of our server locations (US West Coast, US East Coast and Europe). As always, every server is open and available to anyone playing - just select your preferred location (US / Europe) from the tab at the bottom of the server select screen.


Unfortunately, this will not stop the queues, because people just insist on staying where they are instead of rerolling. They're looking into this, but, of course THIS isn't a simple solution


Even with these additional servers we are expecting queues on the most popular servers, and these queues are likely to persist for a while yet. We are monitoring them closely and raising population caps where necessary, however this is a careful process that is ongoing. Our servers do not have unlimited populations and we want every server to have a healthy population during and after launch.


SO, once again, your option of rerolling is going to be the BEST option. Take friends with you, take guildies with you, do it all over again, if you must, but that's your best option for now.

Edited by TomWhiting
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Rerolling should never be a consideration for avoiding que's. You act like it's acceptable to have to wait 40+ mins to log into a server, let alone, get booted shortly after and having to repeat the process.


If there is anything that will kill this game, it's the long waiting lines. Eventually, most people will get sick of it and quit.

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Eventually, most people will get sick of it and quit.

That works too. Either way, the queue will be reduced

The fact is that you've been warned for almost a week now that queues were to be expected, and you were told how to get around them. Well, you didn't listen then, you're not listening now. THAT isn't EA/Bioware's fault. They've done their part, you haven't done yours.


The game hasn't even launched yet, and people are whining about stupid, ridiculous garbage. They can't just "add more to the server", that causes problems. THAT is what causes server crashes, more than anything else.

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That works too. Either way, the queue will be reduced

The fact is that you've been warned for almost a week now that queues were to be expected, and you were told how to get around them. Well, you didn't listen then, you're not listening now. THAT isn't EA/Bioware's fault. They've done their part, you haven't done yours.


The game hasn't even launched yet, and people are whining about stupid, ridiculous garbage. They can't just "add more to the server", that causes problems. THAT is what causes server crashes, more than anything else.


Trollololol (that is all)

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Rerolling should never be a consideration for avoiding que's. You act like it's acceptable to have to wait 40+ mins to log into a server, let alone, get booted shortly after and having to repeat the process.


If there is anything that will kill this game, it's the long waiting lines. Eventually, most people will get sick of it and quit.


I hadn't seen that post but I agree rerolling is not an option. I have a bunch of friends on this server and I don't have the time to rerol a character after spending hours already. I have a full time job I don't have time to spend 16 hours just to get back to where I am. Plus waiting to get in blows when I have a set time to play. I have resorted to queing up from work via remote just so I don't have to wait.

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Wanna know what I am gonna QQ about? about all you jerks who get on here and are rude to all the people QQing!! Listen if you have a problem with people being angry frustrated or hurt because they wait long periods of time, get kicked off and have to re Q then maybe you just need to shut your mouth and sit on your hands because you poking at them is not helping anyone. I Andivari Escal Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic am here to defend them against your stupidity!! leave them be they do not need your idiotic comments being thrown at them Harbinger COME AT ME BRO!!
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That works too. Either way, the queue will be reduced

The fact is that you've been warned for almost a week now that queues were to be expected, and you were told how to get around them. Well, you didn't listen then, you're not listening now. THAT isn't EA/Bioware's fault. They've done their part, you haven't done yours.


The game hasn't even launched yet, and people are whining about stupid, ridiculous garbage. They can't just "add more to the server", that causes problems. THAT is what causes server crashes, more than anything else.



bad game design (too few ppl on servers) + bad guild deployment (they put the guilds in a few servers) + bad early launch (there were too few servers so they are all overpopulated).


let's hope this is a nightmare and tomorrow they will double the room in the servers.

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bad game design (too few ppl on servers) + bad guild deployment (they put the guilds in a few servers) + bad early launch (there were too few servers so they are all overpopulated).


let's hope this is a nightmare and tomorrow they will double the room in the servers.


Ahemen to that although the servers have been pretty laggy the last 2 days at least my server has (reported by all guild members and people posting in general during the time im talking about) Could have just been Taris though. It has so many trees and bits to load itd be amazing not to lag a bit when loadin it all up lol.

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Years in planning and they can not even handle the pre-game play? Common and add some servers to handle the huge demand of people trying to give you money. You only have one chance to make a first impression. QUEUE times are killing the game right now.
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Still too early to say what will happen. I hate Q's as much as anyone. The whole pre-planning of getting home, getting the kids gtg, wife non-aggro and then guestimate the time it takes to do all the aforementioned to login and be able to play when your free to do so. And if you DC throw stuff at the screen while you wait another 45 minutes to get back on. I'd complain, but, the game has only but a few hours to actually be "open". I'll give them a shot and see what they come up with.


Perhaps increase server populations, offer free-transfers for people and or guilds. Like someone mentioned before. I haven't put a payment on this other than the original purchase price, so I'm not overly invested. I'd like to be since I play MMO's for years, but I'll let them collect some data before passing judgement too soon.



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I play in "The Switsure" server and it is painful I must que up long-long time.


BUT, it is also big relief for me to know Bioware handle servers and its population with long term perspective. I mean, have you ever played MMO in a ghost town server? Low population alone can ruin a best game!


Go on Bioware. You are on the right path. :)

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