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  1. Ahemen to that although the servers have been pretty laggy the last 2 days at least my server has (reported by all guild members and people posting in general during the time im talking about) Could have just been Taris though. It has so many trees and bits to load itd be amazing not to lag a bit when loadin it all up lol.
  2. Wanna know what I am gonna QQ about? about all you jerks who get on here and are rude to all the people QQing!! Listen if you have a problem with people being angry frustrated or hurt because they wait long periods of time, get kicked off and have to re Q then maybe you just need to shut your mouth and sit on your hands because you poking at them is not helping anyone. I Andivari Escal Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic am here to defend them against your stupidity!! leave them be they do not need your idiotic comments being thrown at them Harbinger COME AT ME BRO!!
  3. we were placed there with our guild dont be ignorant
  4. Lets get an official in here to tell us the ideas they are working on please. Id like information on your thought process. Some of us may even have input for you that could help expedite things a bit. Or if this a grand scheme maybe you should tell us if you have the max player limit down on purpose or something before launch to promote server balancing.
  5. I think we need to all be redistributed and harbinger server destroyed for making everyone wait so much.
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