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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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is it just me or are the queues lot better last couple days?

From part of what's going around in this thread, sometime yesterday, they fixed the anti-AFK stuff, which is going to prevent people from just hanging out in the server all the time. That'll actually improve a lot of stuff.

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still bad for Swiftsure (the unofficial oceanic server). BW placed our guild on this server and even the option to transfer us all would be nice.


it sucks that people that work can't even play. i get home after work, queue for 4 hours, play for 30 minutes, then have to sleep. BW needs to give a better response as to what they're doing to remedy the situation besides "we're taking the issue seriously." definitely no point in paying the subscription (in my case) since I can't even play :( im one sad panda. $60 wasted

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I'd say saying to people oh well go fix it by re-rolling all the time you've invested into their characters and go fix it yourself isn't exactly helpful, nor indeed sensible.


Especially as there's no guarantee it won't happen again on the server they move to.


While you maybe willing to doesn't mean everyone is.

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From part of what's going around in this thread, sometime yesterday, they fixed the anti-AFK stuff, which is going to prevent people from just hanging out in the server all the time. That'll actually improve a lot of stuff.



Ehm, no.

They fixed ONE way to stay afk without getting booted. There's dozens. And make no mistake, people WILL use them, if the alternative is to get stuck in queue for 5 hours.


Doesn't matter what BW does to the code, people will always find a game, even if it's to connect a keyboard to a robotic hand....

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Especially as there's no guarantee it won't happen again on the server they move to.

And there's no guarantee that you'll be able to play with your friends, guildies either. You're not 'entitled' to do so.


Rolling to another server is a temporary option. While it's not what people WANT to hear, it's better than sitting around whining about the problem. Being impatient never got you anywhere good.

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Ehm, no.

They fixed ONE way to stay afk without getting booted. There's dozens. And make no mistake, people WILL use them, if the alternative is to get stuck in queue for 5 hours.


Doesn't matter what BW does to the code, people will always find a game, even if it's to connect a keyboard to a robotic hand....


Robot hand, that was my plan! But I figured I didn't have a robot hand..

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After being stuck at 900 in the queue fro an hour I restarted the game, to find I was at 1300... All the time listening to buddies on TS either in game, or being as upset as I was that they coudlnt get in game..About an hour ago, I tried to get back in again, was at 700 in the queue and I am now at 15.. The time in game isnt terrible. but after calling my wife at 3pm, for it to take until 20.20 to finally get in if ridiculous.
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I can't find any discussion about this problem in which people are getting stuck in the same queue position for hours - right now I'm queuing for Bloodworthy (4 hrs and running), and I've been at place 78 for just over an hour. Since I started at about 1500, I'm not really keen on restarting, but I would assume that it's stuck now. But I can't find any mention of this problem, and it's the third time it's happened to me now in two days. What's the deal?
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Ehm, no.

They fixed ONE way to stay afk without getting booted. There's dozens. And make no mistake, people WILL use them, if the alternative is to get stuck in queue for 5 hours.

Even if it's not, they'll find ways to abuse the system. This is nothing new, at all.

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you actually sit there and watch the queue timer for 5h? :confused:


True the queue times force me to do the chores etc. but this isn't the way I'm expecting to spend my free time.


Of course there is plenty of stuff to do in the free time other than playing a game, but in that case I don't see the point of paying a regular fee for the exact same game. Thats the only thing I wanted to say. That it is a pity that such a great game is in this stage unplayable for me and not valuable enough to spend any more money for it. HOWG

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It's a shame as (for me anyway) this release has been pain free. I've had no problems downloading the client, no problems with product registration, it's a good game, immersive gameplay, etc.


BUT as a punter I'm not prepared to spend an amount of time greater than 15 mins logging on in order to play the game. I just can't be bothered.


It's quite straightforward: no matter the quality of the game, if I can't play it when I want to I will not subscribe to it. So, BW have a couple of weeks to turn this round or they won't benefit from my subscription fees.

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Pff..these queues are draining my lust for the game.

They say it must be like this for a healthy population later..funny thing are its the current state that will drive people away.


I dont have a very stable connection and my guild got assigned to Freedon Nadd (4-5h queue),these things combined with the unforgiving queue system and wall of error messages, makes it virtually impossible for me to play.


Bioware u need to open up abit and start talking..Those auto generated standard "blah blah" posts are just not good enough.


Give us some info and I promise to get a new router,first thing in the new year.

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I totally agree with most of the comments here, any queue over 10 minutes (and I find that and extremely long time to wait) will have me looking for another MMO after the 30 day free period.


I just don't have the time to wait 30 minutes + to get into a game.

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I've already set up my computer so that I can use my phone to remote desktop in and start the game about 1-2hrs before I want to play so that I have minimal wait time....


I really hate queues, a lot. So I found a workaround for now :D


One of the best things they can do is say, "Hey, we're looking into it." They did that! The worst thing they can do is say "Hey, we're looking into it." and do nothing. However, I don't think Bioware is that kind of company at all. So I shall wait as my queue problem comes up in their queue.

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same for me. was evil. I queued this morning for 40mins. then some hours ago.. my internet down. due to power. then I got in a queue for 40mins, then guess what. yea. my internet went down at position 127. so now in the queue again. cross fingers that my net don't go down again. he-he. :confused:
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Instead of a queue they should have made population caps, if the server has the maximum allowable accounts on it then you can't create a character on it period. No queues.


what and then I cant play with my friends?

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Come on guys, how long has this game been in the making?????? How many people beta tested it??????? How many people had it preordered?????????

Queues........really?????? Its the 21st Cent man.

I hate comparing this game to WOW as it is so much better than WOW but did you not look into what they did regarding queues.

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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."[/indent]



It is never reasonable or manageable to have ANY queues in a game that you charge for - let alone the 1-2 hour ones that are going on now. Most people work for a living and have maybe 1-2 hours of spare time every day, we do not expect to queue for that time. Queueing is not what we pay (will pay) for.

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