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Regarding server queues


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If BW has something planned or has a strategy to remedy this problem, would it really kill them to let us in on it?


I mean, is it a matter of national security or something?


If the told us the plan, and it really seemed like it would fix the issue, I think we'd all relax and be patient. I can be patient knowing that the issue will be fixed and that the queue times will go away. The problem is that with the lack of information most of is are assuming that this will be the norm for this game.


I don't want to play a game that makes me wait to play it. It's a shame because the game really is fun to pay once you get in.

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Sunday night, 6:14PM PST. Queue time: ~50 min. Queued ahead of me: 738.


This is 5 days into pre-launch, and 2 days before official launch. Cutting things a bit close, aren't we Bioware? Why would I wait around 50 min to play anything? Why would I wait 10 min to play?


I could be eating Haagen-Daz and watching the Chargers. Hmmm... maybe I'll go back to Rift for awhile.



Sunday night, 7:14PM PST - same queue. Queue time: <55 min. Still queued ahead of me: 210. So much for estimated Q times :(


Played Rift for awhile... boring.


Go Chargers!

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Any word on WHEN something might be fixed here? I haven't been able to get logged in since Friday Evening because of RIDICULOUS Queue times and disconnects while WAITING in Queue lines. Something has to give. I will not pre-order a game again, especially with the promise of playing early, and then not being able to get in. I do realize this is a TOP MMO game, and a LOT of people are wanting to play, but this is just ridiculous.

Back to WOW for a while.


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This is the Star Wars franchise, you damn well knew this would be an issue that a lot of people would want to play this game, and you even empowered them with your buy the game know before launch and get in early to play, how could you not see server queue's being an issue, especially with WoW hitting its 7th year? Seriously, I would like to know what the talks and project plans looked like for capacity leading up to 12/20 and what they look like in the future. If you can't handle this growth, then please sell your franchise to Blizzard, people who know how to capacity plan or better yet, go hire some of their staff and fire these amateurs.
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i waited in Q twice for over 30 min then half wait though i get 1002 error and only on the server when my chars are which is dark reaper 1 hour ten min wait time. i made a toon on another server just to see if i had the same issue and i dont. So ive been waiting over and over again just to error out and i have 12Mb cable internet with no connectivity issues. it sux
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Any word on WHEN something might be fixed here? I haven't been able to get logged in since Friday Evening because of RIDICULOUS Queue times and disconnects while WAITING in Queue lines. Something has to give. I will not pre-order a game again, especially with the promise of playing early, and then not being able to get in. I do realize this is a TOP MMO game, and a LOT of people are wanting to play, but this is just ridiculous.

Back to WOW for a while.


Not Yet. Check their twitter and their site for updates. They do post them as they become available.

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So I've noticed tons of people using scripts to stay logged in (to prevent long ques).


My gripe is the fact that people like me who log off (so others can join... a.k.a not being a dick) get screwed when we want to log on and have a 2+ Hour Que KNOWING it's because half of the server population is AFKing for days at a time using Windows "AutoHotKey" Scripts.


Now I can only speak on behalf of "The Fatman" Server. But if you have a character on that server, you'll see tons of toons AFK'd in a wall occasionally from time to time to avoid the boot. I've seen well over 90+ toons in the same area AFKing...


Is there a way to report this? The only way to report is "report spam" which isn't relevant to the situation.



...Remember people, this is part of the reason WHY we're having long server wait times.


Does no one agree?

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I started over on another server, that was lighter, and now it's full. Seriously put more servers up or relocate some of the European ones, cuz every time i look at them they're standard to light....


That's because when it's peak time for you it's 6+ hours later for them. So yeah, they are past peak when you are in peak.


That said, these queues are killing the release for me. I don't even feel like playing because of these waits.

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Does no one agree?

This is a good point. Although, from the beginning we should have had the ability to transfer our characters. Not sure why that didn't occur to anyone.



572 to 186 an hour in the queue... Practice for Disney World woooo.

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The queue times remind of the Mitch Hedberg baked potato joke. Sometimes I'll be home and fixing up the house and I'm not sure if I'm going to have the energy to play later. But just in case, I load up the game. The reason I do that is because in 2 hours when I get in, I may want to play. I may have taken a nap and have energy to play. And if not, then I get out.

Like with how long a baked potato takes. You throw it in the oven in case you're hungry later. Just in case


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I understand the reasoning behind this waiting to make more servers available....and as excited as I am to play this game, I can honestly say I wont be picking it up. Ive barely been able to play early access and I sure as hell wont pay for a game I wont be able to play just because they "dont wanna open too many servers" DEal with it guys you ahve millions of dollars and you alienate your fan base for nothing. Looks like back to WoW for me. At least theyve managed to eliminate que times
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1 hour 10 min in the queue, to watch it get to zero and I received a 1005 error I believe it was? Had to close it, and relaunch. Back in a queue of 450+... at least another hour to wait.


Listen I understand the post about how there is art & science and all that BS.

Fact is open up new servers, and if need be later merge them if there are not enough people. Having to wait to play will drive people away faster.

Anything over a 5min queue wait is unacceptable to me.

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